
                       Tuesday, December 26, 2000, updated at 13:21(GMT+8)

                       China to Build 18,000 km West Region Rail Network in
                       5 Years

                       During the "10th Five-year Plan" period, China will
                       invest nearly 100 billion yuan in railway
                       construction in China's west regions and the railway
                       network in these areas will be extended from the
                       current 16,000 km to 18,000 km by 2005, said Sun
                       Yongfu, vice-minister of Railways, at the National
                       Railway Working Conference concluded in Beijing on
                       December 24.

                       Sun pointed out that since the "Eighth Five-year
                       Plan", though rapid development has been made to the
                       railway construction in the west region, the railway
                       network in these areas is still small, technological
                       level is low, the number of lines connected to the
                       eastern regions and to other parts of the world is

                       During the "10th Five-year Plan" period, China will
                       invest about 100 billion yuan in the construction of
                       28 railways in the west area, accounting for 40
                       percent of the total investment in large and
                       medium-sized capital construction projects
                       nationwide. A total of 2,600-km-long new railways
                       including 1,300-km-long double-track railways and
                       500-km-long electrified railways will be hopefully
                       completed by 2005 and the railway network in China's
                       west will be expanded to 18,000 km.

                       It's reported that the Ministry of Railways will
                       focus on the following points during the "10th
                       Five-year Plan" period, first, the construction of
                       passageways linking the west with the east of China,
                       including the double-track railways of Baoji-Lanzhou
                       and Zhuzhou-Liupanshui, the Nanjing-Xi'an Railway and
                       the Suining-Chongqing-Huaihua Railway; second, the
                       construction of railway lines in the west region
                       including Neijiang-Kunming Railway, the Shenmu-Yan'an
                       Railway and the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. In addition,
                       the reconstruction to existing railways will also be

                       By PD Online Staff Deng Gang

                       Monday, December 25, 2000, updated at 20:18(GMT+8)

                       China, Viet Nam Sign Joint Statement for Future

                       China and Viet Nam issued a joint statement in
                       Beijing Monday, December 25. The following is the
                       full text of the statement:

                       Joint Statement on All-round Cooperation in the New
                       Century Between the People's Republic of China and
                       the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam

                       The People's Republic of China and the Socialist
                       Republic of Viet Nam (hereafter referred to as the
                       "two sides") are socialist neighbors with
                       long-standing traditional friendly relations. since
                       the establishment of diplomatic ties 50 years ago,
                       the relations between China and Viet Nam have
                       continued to grow and develop.

                       Since the normalization of relations in 1991 and on
                       the basis of the principles enshrined in the Joint
                       Communiques and Joint Statement issued during the
                       meetings of high-level leaders in 1991, 1992, 1994,
                       1995 and 1999 respectively, the traditional friendly
                       relations of mutual trust, equality and mutual
                       benefit between the two counties have developed
                       rapidly in all fields and there have been frequent
                       exchanges between departments at all levels.

                       In February 1999, the General Secretaries of the two
                       Parties set the principle guiding the development of
                       this bilateral relationship in the 21st century,
                       namely, "long-term stability, orientation towards the
                       future, good-neighborliness and friendship and
                       all-round cooperation." This is in the fundamental
                       interests of the two peoples and will serve regional
                       and world peace, stability and development.

                       The two sides reiterate that they will continue to
                       promote the all-round development of their
                       state-to-state relationship in compliance with the
                       purposes and principles of the UN Charter, the Five
                       Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and the
                       universally acknowledged norms governing
                       international relations. The Communist Party of China
                       and the Communist Party of Viet Nam will continue to
                       develop their friendly relations and cooperation on
                       the basis of independence, complete equality, mutual
                       respect and non-interference in each other's internal

                       In order to implement the guiding principle
                       effectively and bring China-Viet Nam relations to a
                       new stage of development in the 21st century, the two
                       sides agree to boost and expand cooperation in the
                       following areas:

                       I. To maintain frequent high-level meetings so as to
                       give a fresh impetus to the development of the
                       bilateral relations; to further enhance the friendly
                       contacts and multi-form exchanges and cooperation
                       between departments, people's organizations and
                       various localities of the two countries.

                       II. To step up the promotion of and education in the
                       tradition of friendship among the young people of the
                       two countries; to carry out friendly exchanges and
                       contacts between the youth, with a view to
                       contributing to deeper friendship and mutual trust
                       between the two peoples and ensuring that there will
                       be qualified successors to carry on the cause of
                       friendship, mutual trust and cooperation between the
                       two peoples and that the cause will develop in depth.

                       III. To continue to strengthen and expand bilateral
                       cooperation in such areas as the economy and trade
                       and science and technology in accordance with the
                       principles of equality and mutual benefit, stress on
                       results, sharing each other's strengths, multi-forms
                       and common development. To this end, the two sides
                       agree to work together in the following aspects.

                       1. to give full play to the role of the
                       Inter-governmental Commission on Economic Cooperation
                       and Trade in strengthening the economic relations,
                       trade and investment cooperation between the two
                       countries. to adopt such forms as giving further play
                       to the role of big companies as the main channel,
                       increasing bulk commodities trade, encouraging and
                       supporting the enterprises of the two countries in
                       cooperation on major projects in order to expand the
                       bilateral economic relations, trade and investment.
                       To foster a sound market environment and constantly
                       tap the potentials to ensure sustained and steady
                       increase in two-way trade. To maintain stable
                       investment policies and create favorable conditions
                       of mutual investment by the enterprises of the two
                       countries; and to actively implement the Border Trade
                       Agreement, strengthen coordination and management and
                       standardize border trade.

                       2. To give play to the role of macro guidance and
                       coordination of the Inter-governmental Commission on
                       Science and Technology Cooperation to facilitate
                       exchanges and cooperation in the areas of science and
                       technology. To guide and encourage the relevant
                       governmental departments, institutions of scientific
                       research, universities and colleges, and enterprises
                       in the science and technology sector to carry out
                       extensive scientific-technological cooperation in the
                       fields of information, biology and agriculture,
                       meteorology, oceanology, environmental protection,
                       peaceful use of nuclear power and other areas of
                       shared interest.

                       3. To make efforts to facilitate mutually beneficial
                       cooperation in agriculture, forestry and fishing, and
                       encourage the relevant enterprises and departments to
                       strengthen exchanges and cooperation in such fields
                       as the crops, domestic animals and poultry of fine
                       breeds, processing of agriculture and forestry
                       products, agricultural machine-building, offshore
                       fishing, and aquatic culture and give them support in
                       such work.

                       4. To step up exchanges and cooperation in the fiscal
                       and financial fields and in the macro control of the

                       5. To enhance cooperation in communication and
                       transportation, jointly develop international railway
                       passenger-cargo through transport between the two
                       countries and extend international railway transport
                       connection to third countries, with a view to
                       promoting people-to-people and commodity exchanges.

                       6. To encourage greater exchanges and cooperation
                       between telecommunications agencies of the two
                       countries in the modernization of telecom networks,
                       applied new technology and opening up new services,

                       7. To expand cooperation in tourism and encourage
                       tourism agencies of the two countries to share
                       experience and boost cooperation in management,
                       promotion, marketing and personnel training, and
                       provide facilities for citizens of the two countries
                       and third countries in traveling in the two

                       8. To intensify information sharing and cooperation
                       in environmental protection, prevention and relief of
                       disasters, meteorology and hydrology and work
                       together in the development of the Mekong River area.

                       9. To broaden cooperation and share experience in the
                       planning, construction, management and development of
                       cities and personnel training.

                       IV. To continue to strengthen bilateral cooperation
                       and coordination at the UN, ARF, East Asia
                       Cooperation, APEC, ASEM and other international and
                       regional multilateral fronts and promote the
                       solidarity and cooperation of the developing
                       countries. To continue to work for the establishment
                       of a just and rational new international political
                       and economic order and make new contributions to the
                       maintenance of peace, stability and development in
                       the region and the world at large.

                       The two sides appreciate the positive role played by
                       ASEAN for regional stability and development and
                       reiterate that they will continue to work for the
                       strengthening of the partnership of mutual trust and
                       good neighborliness between China and ASEAN countries
                       and make positive efforts for the sustained stability
                       and prosperity of Asia, and East Asia in particular.

                       To continue to consolidate the annual consultation
                       mechanism between senior foreign affairs officials of
                       the two countries to exchange views on bilateral
                       relations and regional and international issues of
                       common interest.

                       V. To carry out multi-level military exchanges in
                       various fields to enhance mutual understanding and
                       mutual trust, build closer relations between the
                       national defense organs and the armed forces between
                       the two countries, and expand exchange and
                       cooperation in the security field.

                       VI. To enhance exchanges and cooperation between the
                       cultural, sports and media circles of the two
                       countries, such as encouraging more exchanges of
                       visits and experiences and personnel training.

                       VII. To expand cooperation in education, including
                       exchanges of students and teachers, encouraging and
                       supporting closer direct cooperation between
                       universities, educational departments and research
                       institutes of the two sides.

                       VIII. To strengthen cooperation in preventing and
                       combating organized transnational crimes and the
                       exchanges and cooperation between the courts,
                       procuratorates, public security authorities, judicial
                       and administrative organs of the two sides. To
                       enhance exchange of experience between the discipline
                       inspection and supervisory authorities of the two
                       countries in combating corruption and promoting clean

                       IX. The two sides agree that the Land Boundary Treaty
                       Between the People's Republic of China and the
                       Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, the Agreement Between
                       the People's Republic of China and the Socialist
                       Republic of Viet Nam on the Delimitation of the Beibu
                       Bay Territorial Sea, the Exclusive Economic Zone and
                       Continental Shelves and the Agreement Between the
                       Government of the People's Republic of China and the
                       Government of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam on
                       Fishing Cooperation in the Beibu Bay that the two
                       sides have signed are of profound historic
                       significance. The signing of these documents will
                       help bring about further development of the relations
                       of good neighborliness and friendship and all-round
                       cooperation between the two countries in the 21st
                       century. The two sides undertake to implement in real
                       earnest these agreements and cooperate with each
                       other effectively in building the border between them
                       into a peaceful, friendly and permanently stable one.

                       The two sides agree to maintain the existing
                       negotiation mechanism on the marine issue and to
                       persist in seeking a fundamental and everlasting
                       solution acceptable to both sides through peaceful
                       negotiations. Pending the solution, the two sides
                       will, in a spirit of tackling easier issues before
                       difficult ones, actively explore the possibilities
                       and measures for conducting marine cooperation in
                       ocean environment protection, meteorology, hydrology,
                       disaster prevention and alleviation. At the same
                       time, they will not take actions to complicate or
                       aggravate disputes. Nor will they resort to force or
                       threat of force. They will consult each other in time
                       in case of disputes and adopt a cool and constructive
                       attitude to handle them properly. They will not allow
                       disputes to impede the normal development of their

                       X. The two sides reaffirm their consensus reached in
                       the China- Vietnam Joint Communiques signed on 10
                       November 1991, 22 November 1994 and 2 December 1995
                       respectively and the China-Vietnam Joint Statement
                       signed on 27 February 1999 that Viet Nam restates its
                       one-China policy and that Viet Nam recognizes that
                       there is but one China in the world, that the
                       Government of the People's Republic of China is the
                       sole legal government representing the whole of China
                       and that Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese
                       territory. Viet Nam will continue to uphold the
                       one-China policy and will conduct only unofficial
                       economic exchanges and trade with Taiwan and will
                       never develop any official relationship with Taiwan.
                       China understands and appreciates the above position
                       of Viet Nam, and it reiterates that the Taiwan
                       question is entirely an internal affair of China and
                       that China is firmly opposed to the establishment of
                       any official relations in any form or any exchanges
                       of an official nature with Taiwan by countries having
                       diplomatic relations with China.

                       Done in duplicate in Beijing on 25 December 2000 in
                       the Chinese and Vietnamese languages, both texts
                       being equally authentic.

                       (Signed) Tang Jiaxuan (Signed) Nguyen Dy Nien
                       Minister of Foreign Affairs Minister of Foreign


                       Monday, December 25, 2000, updated at 19:03(GMT+8)

                       Follow-up Committee for China-African Cooperation
                       Forum Established

                       China established Monday a follow-up action committee
                       for the China-African Cooperation Forum to implement
                       decisions made at a ministerial-level meeting between
                       Chinese and African governments last October.

                       Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan and Minister of
                       Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC) Shi
                       Guangsheng as the two honorary chairmen, the
                       follow-up action committee is co-chaired by
                       Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Ji Peiding and
                       MOFTEC Vice-Minister Sun Guangxiang.

                       Members of the committee include officials from 19
                       government departments relevant with African
                       cooperation affairs. The committee is in charge of
                       the coordination among relevant departments to
                       implement the decisions made at the forum as well as
                       liaison work with African nations.

                       Monday, December 25, 2000, updated at 15:46(GMT+8)

                       China Lowers Telecom Fees

                       China announced a major plan to significantly lower
                       telecom fees and costs Monday, December 25.

                       The State Development Planning Commission, the
                       Ministry of Information Industry (MII) and the
                       Ministry of Finance jointly issued the readjustment
                       plan this morning.

                       The readjustment covers all telecom businesses except
                       mobile phones services.

                       Telecom charges, apart from local phone calls, are
                       lowered by a big margin.

                       Charges for international phone calls, leased
                       circuits and Internet surfing are cut by more than 50

                       Charges for domestic long-distance calls are changed
                       to 0.07 yuan per six seconds from previous pricing
                       standard which charges differently according to
                       different distances based on calculation by minute.

                       International phone calls are also lowered to 0.80
                       yuan per six seconds and calls to the Hong Kong,
                       Macao and Taiwan districts are unified to 0.20 yuan
                       per six seconds.

                       The telephone fees in rural areas will be lowered by
                       a large margin.

                       Other readjustment items include charges for linking
                       to Internet, IP telephone, and paging.

                       An official with the MII said that the new pricing
                       standard will be applied as of January 1, 2001. But
                       he added that the deadline is the March 1, 2001,
                       considering the complexity of the readjustment.

                       China's telecommunications industry posted a hefty
                       growth rate of more than 30 percent in 1999, much
                       higher than the country's national growth rate.

                       However, telecom charges remained high due to the
                       virtual long- term monopoly of the sector.

                       Thanks to the expansion of the telecom network and
                       the introduction of new technologies, telecom
                       authorities have readjusted charges on several

                       In December, 1996, for example, phone installation
                       fees and international long-distance call charges
                       were reduced, and the charges for domestic
                       long-distance calls were further simplified.

                       However, it is acknowledged that current telephone
                       charges are still high compared with developed

                       For example, a phone call from Beijing to New York
                       costs 18.4 yuan (2.2 U.S. dollars) per minute, about
                       3 times the charge to make the same call from New
                       York to Beijing.

                       Other aspects such as high charges for telecom lines
                       rental and long distantance calls to Hong Kong and
                       Taiwan, and low costs for inner city calls still
                       stand in the way of further expansion of the telecom

                       MII and other relevant departments said earlier this
                       year that they will speed up reforms on the data
                       telecom fees and draw up a more scientific payment


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