China. People´s Daily Dec 27

2001-12-26 Thread sipila


China to Properly Increase National Defense Budget Next Year.

Among the four major measures of active fiscal policy China to take next
year one is to properly lift national defense budget, says authoritative
sources, according to Hong Kong based Wen Wei Po December 26.

Continue pursuing proactivefiscal policy
Among the four major measures of active fiscal policy China to take next
year one is to properly lift national defense budget, says authoritative
sources, according to Hong Kong   based Wen Wei Po December 26.

China will continue to stick to active fiscal policy to further expand
domestic demands, says a report completed lately by authoritative
departments. The measures mainly include:

First, treasury bonds to be issued continuously to a ensure stable growth of
treasury bonds investment.

Secondly, taxes and fees to be cut for further reducing the expense burden
of peasants, enterprises and consumers.

Thirdly, policies are still to be adopted for increasing incomes of urban
and rural residents. Salary for employees in governmental departments will
be lifted at proper time and the standards spelt out to guarantee basic
livelihood of vulnerable groups also to be lifted.

Fourthly, more funds will be put into basic education and budget of national
defense would be expanded properly.

Rise of military budget normal
China's military budget has been on a rise in recent years. It was 93.47 bn
yuan in 1998, 107.67 bn yuan in 1999, 121.29 bn yuan in 2000 and 141.004 bn
yuan in 2001. 

Expert say the budget increase is quite normal since in recent years,
following central authority's instruction, the military troops have stopped
running business and there must be increased funds to guarantee normal
operations of military undertakings.

The increased budget will also be used to settle retired officers, improve
living standard of military staff, such as, by paying for salary and
allowance alongside with the growth of incomes for urban and rural

Three killed in violence on Israel-Jordan border .

Two Arab gunmen and an Israeli soldier were killed on Tuesday in some of the
bloodiest violence in years on the usually quiet Israel-Jordan border, the
Israeli army said. 

Two Arab gunmen and an Israeli soldier were killed on Tuesday in some of the
bloodiest violence in years on the usually quiet Israel-Jordan  border, the
Israeli army said. 

The fighting, during an ambush of an Israeli patrol and a search for the
attackers at the River Jordan, underlined the absence of peace in the Holy
Land, where Christmas was marked in a sombre mood after 15 months of
Israeli-Palestinian bloodshed.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the assault amid
simmering Palestinian anger over Israel's ban on President Yasser Arafat's
annual Christmas pilgrimage to Bethlehem.

Describing the shooting attack about 15 km (nine miles) north of the West
Bank, an Israeli army officer said the commander of the patrol and a tracker
were shot and wounded in the initial gunfire near the border fence in a
farming area. 

A soldier was killed and two others were wounded in an ensuing battle, the
army said, adding that the bodies of two "armed terrorists" were later found
just inside Israel.

Security sources first reported that Israeli forces had entered Jordan in
pursuit of the gunmen but later said troops crossed the frontier fence --
short of the actual border -- without leaving Israeli territory.

Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty in 1994.

While ambulances rushed in to evacuate the wounded, an Israeli helicopter
gunship poured machinegun fire into a grove of trees where the gunmen were
believed to have fled.

ordanian Minister of State Saleh Qallab denied reports Israeli forces had
crossed the border and said there was no proof the infiltrators had come
from Jordan. 

The raid was one of the most serious incidents of bloodshed along the
frontier in years. 

The bloodiest attack since the 1994 peace treaty occurred in 1997 when a
Jordanian soldier killed seven Israeli schoolgirls at the border.

In 1996, Palestinian gunmen who infiltrated from Jordan killed three Israeli
soldiers in the West Bank.

Israeli Troops Raid Palestinian Village, Arrest 18.

Israeli troops swept into a West Bank village on Wednesday and seized 18
activists from Palestinian President Yasser Arafat's Fatah organization,
Palestinian security sources said.

Israeli troops swept into a West Bank village on Wednesday and seized 18
activists from Palestinian President Yasser Arafat's Fatah organization,
Palestinian security sources said.

About 300 soldiers entered the Palestinian village of Azzoun, southwest of
the city of Nablus, before dawn and arrested the men, three of whom were
also members of the Palestinian general intelligence service, the sources

The Israeli army declined comment. Israel has accused some members of
Fatah's military wing and Palestinian security services of involvement in

China. People´s Daily Dec 27

2000-12-27 Thread heikki sipilä


 Thursday, December 28, 2000, updated at 09:12(GMT+8)

   Mideast Summit Cancelled -- Egyptian Source

   Thursday"s planned summit between Israeli Prime
   Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian President Yasser
   Arafat in the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sharm
   el-Sheikh has been cancelled, an Egyptian government
   source said. "The meeeting will now just be between
   Arafat and (Egyptian President Hosni) Mubarak and it
   will be in Cairo," he told Reuters. He declined to
   give further details.

   The meeting had been intended to discuss U.S. peace
   proposals for resolving issues at the heart of the
   conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, such as
   Jerusalem, Jewish settlements and Palestinian

   Thursday, December 28, 2000, updated at 08:10(GMT+8)

   Preferential Policies on West Development Adopted

   China is set to adopt more preferential policies for
   the development of its western region in the next
   decade, according to a circular released Wednesday,
   December 27, by the State Council.

   The incentives cover increased government input,
   fiscal support, tax cuts and policies to attract

   The beneficiaries will be the 12 provinces,
   municipalities and autonomous regions of Chongqing,
   Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet, Shaanxi, Gansu,
   Ningxia, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and
   Guangxi, says the circular.

   In the next five to ten years, China will step up
   infrastructure construction, improve environmental
   protection, readjust the industrial structure and
   develop tourism in the western areas, it says.

   The government will allocate more fund to the region,
   give priority to construction of infrastructure
   projects in water conservancy, transport and energy
   sectors there.

   According to the circular, work will be done to
   create a better environment to attract investment,
   both domestic and overseas, to push forward the
   reform of state-owned enterprises in the western
   areas and promote the development of the private

   The government will cut the rate of enterprise income
   tax to 15 percent for both domestic and
   overseas-funded companies engaged in industries
   encouraged by the state for a certain period of time.
   Preferential tax rates will also be available for
   projects concerning transport, electricity, water
   control, postal, broadcasting and TV services, as
   well as environmental protection.

   The country will also give investors incentive
   policies toward the use of land and mineral resources
   in the region, says the circular.

   More sectors will be opened to foreign investors and
   measures including BOT and TOT will be introduced to
   expand the source of foreign capital.

   To expand foreign trade in the western areas, more
   industrial enterprises will be given import and
   export autonomy, and more preferential policies will
   be provided to encourage border trade, according to
   the circular.

   The government will encourage the economically
   developed eastern coastal areas to give more support
   to the west.

   Measures will be taken to attract more talented
   professionals to work in the western region and boost
   the development of education, science and technology

   The new polices will be effective as of January 1,
   2001 and through the next ten years.

   Thursday, December 28, 2000, updated at 11:15(GMT+8)

   China Has Built up a Complete Ocean Supervision

China. People´s Daily Dec 27

2000-12-26 Thread heikki sipilä


   Wednesday, December 27, 2000, updated at 09:33(GMT+8)

   Jiang on Anti-corruption Campaign
   Jiang Zemin, general secretary of the Communist Party
   of China (CPC) Central Committee, Tuesday called on
   governments at all levels to continue to fight
   against corruption with a firm hand in the new era to
   safeguard the achievements of reform and development.

   Jiang, also Chinese president and chairman of the
   Central Military Commission, made the remarks while
   addressing the CPC Central Commission for Discipline
   Inspection's fifth plenary session.

   Wei Jianxing, member of the Standing Committee of the
   Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and
   secretary of the CPC Central Commission for
   Discipline Inspection, presided over the session.

   The session was also attended by other senior Chinese
   Party leaders Li Peng, Zhu Rongji, Li Ruihuan, Hu
   Jintao and Li Lanqing.

   Jiang reviewed the country's efforts to fight
   corruption during the past years, saying that
   important experience has been obtained. He urged all
   Party members to bear the awareness of the importance
   of the anti-corruption campaign and persevere to
   carry through the drive.

   He also noted that the endeavor to fight corruption
   and build a clean government is a long-lasting and
   arduous task, which should be carried out in the
   whole process of reform and opening up.

   He stressed that three major jobs in the drive should
   be done well, namely, educating officials of
   self-discipline, investigating major cases and
   correcting the malpractice in various departments and
   sectors. Problems which the masses complain about the
   most should be dealt with in time, Jiang reiterated.

   Jiang also reviewed the nearly 80 years of the CPC's
   history. In the first 28 years, the Party led the
   people to fight for the founding of New China. In the
   latest more than 50 years, the CPC has played the
   role of a ruling party, leading the people for
   socialist construction.

   Jiang emphasized that the shift of the position and
   responsibility of the Party and those of Party
   members have brought up a new task for Party

   Jiang warned that it is more difficult for the party
   in power to improve Party building and management,
   and this has been proved by both history and

   He urged Party members to guard against the negative
   effect of the shift in position and always adhere to
   the Party's tenet to maintain the Party's vigor.

   Jiang noted that the prominent problem for a party in
   power is how to ensure that Party members and
   officials have a correct understanding of interests.

   He said that a qualified Party member should serve
   the people heart and soul, and never act against the
   will and benefit of the masses.

   The Party's anti-corruption drive represents the will
   of the broad masses. Party committees at all levels
   should actively seek effective ways and methods to
   supervise officials and educate them in an effort to
   prevent the occurrence of corruption from the source,
   he said.

   Jiang also called for more stringent enforcement of
   laws and regulations, pointing out that
   anti-corruption should be considered during the
   promulgation of major reform policies, laws and
   regulations, and the socialist democratic political
   system and legal system should be strengthened.


   Tuesday, December 26, 2000, updated at