> Athens, December 21, 2000
> Press release of KNE
> Solidarity with the Turkish people
> KNE denounces in the most vehement way the murderous
> attack of the Turkish
> repression forces that led in the assassination of
> lots of political
> prisoners. It denounces the more general
> authoritarian and anti-democratic
> decline of the Turkish regime, which receives the
> all-sided support of the
> American and European imperialists.
> These developments constitute the natural evolution
> of the "European
> course" of
> Turkey, that was recently reconfirmed once more, in
> a period that the
> construction of
> the European Union becomes more reactionary day by
> day.
> The German - inspired origin of the so-called "white
> cells", does not leave
> the smallest doubt on this very fact.
> The Government of PASOK, the same government that
> handed over Ochalan and
> opened the way to NATO in the Balkans, bears serious
> responsibilities
> because it supported this "European course" on the
> name of the false
> "Greek- Turkish rapprochement".
> KNE calls upon the youth and its mass structures to
> express their
> solidarity with the struggle of the Turkish people
> and youth ; to demand
> the freeing of all political prisoners, the
> restoration of the democratic
> rights and freedoms. To further strengthen the
> solidarity and common
> struggle with the Turkish youth and people against
> the "new order".
> KNE invites the youth to participate massively in
> the demonstration that is
> going
> to be held on Friday, December 22 in Athens
> Athens, December 20, 2000
> The press bureau of the CC of KNE
> Communist Youth of Greece
> 11, Kotopouli str - Athens 10432
> tel: +301-5282523 / fax: +301-5241526


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