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>Subject: Granma: Political dialogue with Putin

>subject: Granma: Political dialogue with Putin.
>ONLINE EDITION -  December 18, 2000
>   Political dialogue paves way for economic cooperation
>¥ Wreath for national hero Jose Mart'i
>¥ Tour of Biotechnology Center ¥ Rest in Varadero
>           BY MIREYA CASTANEDA (Granma International staff writer)
>Putin, president of the Russian Federation, affirmed that one of the
>results of his official visit to Cuba is the reactivation of
>political dialogue which is paving the way for economic cooperation.
> The Russian head of state gave an anxiously awaited press 10th
>conference in just a half an hour, due to the pressures of a Ibero-
>American tight agenda; immediately afterwards he was to leave for a
>tour of the Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Center.
> Putin arrived at the press conference in a room at the Palace of
>(available only the Revolution, after placing a wreath at the Jose
>Marti monument and touring the memorial dedicated to the life of the
>Cuban national hero.
>    The dialogue began with the almost obligatory question as to
>Putin's general appraisal of the results of his official visit at
>the invitation of President Fidel Castro.
>The Russian leader said that although he had previously spoken on
>that aspect, he could offer further details.
>"Unfortunately, in recent years relations with Cuba have been
>characterized by political and economic stagnation," he stated
>directly, "but I would say that this visit is the first step in
>activating bilateral dialogue in both spheres, as well as to
>facilitate Russia's relations with Latin America, where many
>countries wish to see a more active position on our part," he
>observed, in reference to the current unipolar world.
>"I would like to note that there are no problems between Russia and
>Cuba in the political sphere; on the contrary, they are close in
>terms of international solutions," Putin emphasized.
>In the context of economic relations, the Russian president spoke of
>the need to appreciate the legacy of some years back, in a clear
>reference to the Soviet stage, commenting that there are still many
>problems dating from that period to be solved.
>He noted that an analysis was needed of what to do with
>unfinished projects in which millions of dollars have been invested,
>giving the example of the Juraguay nuclear energy plant, where
>"Russia has invested $30 million USD just for its conservation. We
>have to discuss whether our investment will be for maintenance or to
>make it fully operational," he commented.
>Continuing on the economic theme, the Russian president stated that
>they are disposed to assess new possibilities like
>Asked about the Cuban debt with Russia, Putin responded that the
>issue is in the hands of experts and, while it has not been
>resolved as yet, this will take place in a spirit of friendship.
>He added that there is a willingness to offer Cuba the most
>beneficial payment plan within international norms.
>The previous afternoon the Russian leader, accompanied by
>President Fidel Castro, visited the Electronics Operations
>Center. Also taking part in the tour were Marshal Igor Sergeev,
>who is Russian defense minister, and General of the Army Ra¦l
>The base has been functioning for some time now and does so in
>line with international standards, Putin noted, going on to say
>that it is an information center servicing Russia's defense
>system and, to an extent, Cuba's as well, and as it is
>functioning well, both countries have agreed to maintain it.
>A Canadian journalist had two questions for Putin, the first on
>what she perceived as a Russian-Cuban alliance against the United
>States and another on his imminent visit to Canada.
>"I regret that your analysis is misdirected," Putin
>replied incisively, "because Russia and Cuba have no alliance
>whatsoever against any third country."
>In relation to the United States, he explained that known
>discrepancies do exist, reiterating as examples attempts to
>change the anti-ballistic missile defense treaty, matters related
>to international security, that Russia and Cuba do not consider
>the concept of humanitarian intervention as correct, and the need
>to take into account the issue of poor countries, so as to attain
>a balance in the current world.
>In response to the second question, Putin said that Canada is a
>neighboring country in the northern hemisphere with which Russia
>shares problems and maintains a positive dialogue, although trade
>relations are as yet insufficient.
>A large group of Russian journalists accompanied the official
>delegation that traveled with President Putin, and they made use
>of the press conference to discuss national issues, among them
>the new budget ("passing it is a positive sign, the important
>thing is to fulfill it"), the restructuring of the energy system ("I
>start from the belief that it has to be done, but with care"),
>averting capital flight ("not by coercive measures, but by
>encouraging investment"), and relations with the United States
>after the sentencing of U.S. spy Edmond Pope ("counterintelligence
>services should not affect interstate relations, above all between
>Russia and the United States").
>At the conclusion of a press conference almost at the end of his
>official visit-he was to have a brief rest at the Varadero beach
>resort-the president of the Russian Federation reiterated his
>satisfaction at the reactivated political and economic dialogue
>with Cuba.



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