Korean Central News Agency Dec 15

2001-12-16 Thread sipila

December.15.2001 Juche 90



Japan's anti-DPRK smear campaign assailed

U.S. permanent military presence rejected

KCNA on Japan's anti-DPRK campaign

Japanese authorities accused of suppression of Chongryon

Blasphemy against Tangun under fire

Taean work system, unique form of economic management

Implementation of inter-Korean joint declaration called for

U.S. perilous intention under fire

U.S. anti-DPRK hostile policy blasted

Greetings to emir of Bahrain

Japanese militarists warned not to act rashly

Japan's anti-DPRK smear campaign assailed
     Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the central committee
of the Union of Agricultural Workers of Korea (UAWK) yesterday issued a
statement denouncing Japan for resuming the malignant smear campaign against
the DPRK over the issue of "suspected kidnapping." The statement said:
    The noisy fuss about "suspected kidnapping" kicked off under the
behind-the-scene manipulation of the Japanese authorities is aimed at
keeping the DPRK on the list of "terrorist state, sponsor of terrorism" in a
bid to cripple the dignity and authority of the DPRK and isolate and stifle
    The central committee of the UAWK on behalf of all the agricultural
workers bitterly condemns the Japanese reactionaries' anti-DPRK moves as a
grave challenge to the Korean people and a mockery of the desire of
humankind in the new century in which independence has become the trend of
the times. 
    The agricultural workers and all other people of Korea are following
Japan's moves for militarist expansion with a high degree of vigilance.
    The Korean and other peoples of Asia who suffered a lot at the hands of
the Japanese imperialists in the past will surely force the Japanese
authorities to honestly apologize and compensate for it and consistently
carry on the anti-Japanese struggle till Japan has fully liquidated its
past. The Japanese authorities should stop pursuing their hostile policy
toward the DPRK while making a noisy fuss about the non-existent issue of
"suspected kidnapping" in a bid to slander the DPRK, far from drawing a
lesson from their crime-woven past, and discontinue their moves to become a
military power. If not, they will meet a more miserable end than that Japan
suffered in the past.

U.S. permanent military presence rejected
    Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- The Alliance for Social Democracy in
South Korea reportedly released a statement on December 13 denouncing the
"Ministry of National Defence" for wearing an air of innocence after
consenting to a program of building apartment houses in the U.S. military
base in Ryongsan. The "ministry" has deceived the people, wearing an air of
innocence after consenting to the program on the plea of "raising the morale
and well-being of the GIs," a mean act devoid of national self-respect, the
statement says, and goes on:
    The Ryongsan base where there is the command of the U.S. forces is a
disgraceful place where historically foreign troops have been stationed. The
U.S. has not honored a "promise" concerning the return of the base. That
reveals its sinister intention.
    The U.S. proposed to build apartment houses, which is an objective
ground for the permanent presence, looking down upon the South Koreans, and
the South Korean authorities consented to the proposal because of their
flunkeyist policy and outlook on history.
    The "ministry's" approval of the program is a treachery.
    All the people should turn out in a struggle to eliminate the pro-U.S.
flunkeyist forces and foil the plot to seek the U.S. permanent military
    It is necessary to abrogate the "ROK-U.S. mutual defence treaty" little
short of a slavery document, in order to force the U.S. forces out of South
Korea and establish sovereignty.

KCNA on Japan's anti-DPRK campaign
    Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- The police office of Japan in its 2001
document titled "review and prospect of public security" called for closely
following the moves of North Korea, as part of its anti-DPRK campaign. This
campaign launched by Japan after legally paving the way for its
"self-defense forces" overseas military operations under the pretext of the
U.S. "anti-terror war" is aimed to openly step up preparations for
reinvasion of the Asia-Pacific region, the war to seize Korea, in
particular, and deliberately create an unstable situation in and outside
Japan under the pretext of "threat" from the DPRK.
    Moreover, the Japanese paper Sankei Shimbun, a typical reptile newspaper
of the ultra-right conservative forces of Japan, while carrying the content
of the document, asserted that the DPRK has not allayed the international

Korean Central News Agency Dec 15

2000-12-15 Thread heikki sipilä

TODAY'S NEWS (December.15.2000 Juche 89)


   * Remark of director general of Japan Defence Agency

   * South side's delegation feted

   * Photo exhibition and film show held

   * Review of six months after adoption of June 15 inter-Korean joint

   * Concert wins acclaim

   * DPRK praised by British political figure

   * Improper attitude of U.S. denounced

   * U.S. anti-personnel mines massively laid

 For Spanish-speaking people

   * balance de 6 meses posteriores a la publicacion de la declaracion
 conjunta norte-sur

   * acto conjunto de participantes en gran simposio de obreros de norte y
 sur de corea

Remark of director general of Japan Defence Agency

Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- Director general of the Japan Defence
Agency Saito at a press
interview underscored the "need to increase Japan's military capability,"
asserting that "North Korea is
maintaining and strengthening its military muscle."
In this regard Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary observes:
Saito's utterance reflects evil practices of the Japanese reactionaries
to justify their wrongdoings by
faulting others.
It is the Japanese reactionaries who justify their militarist moves by
hurling mud at others, the
commentary notes, and goes on:
Their call for "increased military capability" under the pretext of
"threat from North Korea" is just like a
thief crying "stop the thief."
The threat of war and destruction is coming not from the DPRK but from
Japan to the Korean peninsula.
The enactment of the law related to a war which restores the right of
belligerency and the right to
participate in a war, expansion of armaments, deployment of "Self-Defence
Forces" in the western area and
frequent military exercises staged under the simulated conditions of an
"emergency on the Korean peninsula"
and so on clearly indicate what Japan seeks in its moves.
What the Japanese reactionaries are now doing only adds to the crimes
committed in the past.
The Korean people will bear this in mind and surely force them to pay
for them.

South side's delegation feted

Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- Senior councilor of the DPRK cabinet
Jon Kum Jin, head of the
north side's delegation to the north-south ministerial talks, hosted a
reception at Pyongyang Koryo Hotel
yesterday for the south side's delegation to the fourth round of the talks.
Invited to the reception were members of the south side's delegation
headed by Unification Minister Pak
Jae Gyu.
Present there were Jang Jae On, chairman of the central committee of
the DPRK Red Cross Society,
Song Sok Hwan, vice-Minister of Culture, Kim Jong Ung, vice-Minister of
Public Health, Choe Yun Sik,
vice-chairman of the Pyongyang City People's Committee, officials concerned
and members of the north
side's delegation.
Speeches were made at the reception.

Photo exhibition and film show held

Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- The DPRK Ministry of Foreign Trade
arranged a photo exhibition
and film show on December 14 to mark the 9th anniversary of the great
leader Kim Jong Il's election as
Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army and the 83rd birth
anniversary of the great communist
revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk.
Invited there were economic and trade officials of various embassies in
The participants looked round photos showing the energetic external
activities conducted by Kim Jong Il
to bring about a turning phase of the struggle for the country's
reunification and the final victory of the
Korean revolution.
Also on display were photos on the Korean people's proud achievements
made in the efforts to glorify
the 55th anniversary of the Worker's Party of Korea as a grand festival of
The participants watched a documentary film on the on-site guidance
given by Kim Jong Il to
revolutionary battle sites in the area of Mt. Paektu.

Review of six months after adoption of June 15 inter-Korean joint

Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- Six months after the historic
Pyongyang meeting and the
publication of the north-south joint declaration evidently show who, in
Korea, truly hopes for reconciliation,
unity, peace and reunification and has been faithful to the joint
declaration and who has been seeking to bring
the inter-Korean relations back to confrontation, going against the
This is stressed in an article titled "Nothing can stop nation's
advance towards 21st century, century of
independence and reunification" published six months after the adoption of
the declaration.
The article says:
In the past six months the North Korea has made all its possible
efforts with sincerity to smoothly
implement the agreed points clarified in the inter-Korean joint
declaration. But, some political quarters of the
south have engaged themselves in the moves to put the brake on its
Citing facts to fully disclose such franti