>From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: NATO Forces Kill Civilians In Kosovo [STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
>14:18 2000-12-19
>A serious incident took place on Saturday night in
>Leposavic, northern Kosovo, between Serb civilians and
>Belgian forces from the NATO Kfor peacekeeping force.
>The incident was provoked by the imprisonment of a
>Serb by Kfor forces. The NATO barracks were surrounded
>by a furious group of Serb civilians, who have accused
>NATO of favouring the Albanians and discriminating
>against the Serbs. In the middle of the disturbance,
>Belgian soldiers in the NATO force opened fire,
>killing one civilian (Milan Jokovic, 20 years old)
>outright and seriously wounding another (Mladen
>Obradovic, 19), while a third civilian (Trifun
>Milenkovic, 42) died of a heart attack.
>Meanwhile in southern Serbia, the Albanian terrorist
>group U«PMB continues to launch attacks on Serbian
>targets from their strongholds deep within Kosovo.
>NATO has proved useless in controlling the Albanians
>and the case was taken to the United Nations
>Organization, which has decided to launch a series of
>ìdebatesî on the issue.
>The Yugoslav and Serbian authorities have decided to
>launch a massive operation against these terrorists,
>in case the UNO does not manage to react. Judging from
>past experience, it would seem better to launch this
>operation now, because waiting for the United Nations
>Organization to perform, when unauthorized to do so by
>NATO, is a lost cause.
>The situation in the Balkans can be blamed fair and
>square on NATO. In a gross error of judgement, a very
>serious miscalculation of the situation was made when
>it was decided to enter Kosovo, sovereign territory of
>the state of Yugoslavia, freeing the Albanian eagle to
>fly all over the Balkans, something which 500 years of
>history had been trying to prevent.
>The incidents of last weekend were certainly not
>premeditated murder by NATO troops, but rather acts by
>frightened young soldiers, out of their element and
>too deeply involved in conflicts and cultures which
>have nothing to do with them. Nobody expects NATO to
>understand the Balkans, but nobody asked them to
>What is totally unacceptable is that civilians have to
>pay the price of death for demonstrating against the
>terrorists who are destroying their country and
>stealing their livelihoods.
>Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey
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