From: Press Agency Ozgurluk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


>Sezer under pressure from all sides
>SEZER'S CHOICES:  President Ahmet Necdet Sezer has three different choices.
>Sezer may approve the bill.  He may take the public outcry into
>consideration and send the bill back to Parliament.  Or he may approve the
>bill but at the same time he might apply to the Constitutional Court for
>its cancellation  THE UNHAPPY MENTOR:  'This is not the amnesty that I
>asked for, my amnesty draft was aimed at saving the inmates from their
>fate,' Rahsan Ecevit who was the mentor of the amnesty bill says.  She also
>adds that the recent bill is not an amnesty but a conditional release when
>responding to reaction on the Reprieve Bill
>Ankara - TDN Parliamentary Bureau
>President Ahmet Necdet Sezer is under pressure from politicians, victims'
>families and ambitious inmates to make the final move on the infamous
>Reprieve Bill.
>The bill had caused a number of controversies between political parties and
>even between the coalition partners.  Rahsan Ecevit, the mentor of the bill
>on Monday said that, "This is not the amnesty that I asked for, my amnesty
>draft was aimed at saving the inmates from their fate."
>The countdown for the Reprieve Bill, which was passed in Parliament last
>week and sent to Sezer for approval, has begun.  The coalition partners --
>the Democratic Left Party (DSP), the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) and
>the Motherland Party (ANAP) -- and inmates families are waiting for the
>president to approve the bill amidst a huge public outcry urging the
>president to veto the bill.
>Sezer, former chief judge of the Constitutional Court appears to be
>applying to cancel the amnesty bills.  It is expected that Sezer will make
>his decision based on the fact that the bill may be sent to the
>Constitutional Court.
>The bill will cover 35,000  inmates' conditional release in the short term
>and will gradually free many other inmates.  However, the government's
>pledge to release inmates before the Bayram holiday would only be possible
>if Sezer approves the Reprieve Bill.
>The Parliament passed the bill on Dec.  8, and sent it to the Cankaya
>Palace immediately for the president's approval.  According to the Turkish
>Constitution, the president has to make the decision within 15 days.  Sezer
>has 12 more days in which to make his final decision.
>Sezer has three choices:
>Sezer may approve the bill.  After it is published in the Official Gazette,
>the bill will be official.  In this case, government will fulfill its
>promise to release tens of thousands of inmates before the feast of
>Ramadan.  This decision will comfort coalition partners as well as inmates
>who are expecting the reprieve.  Sezer may take the public outcry into
>consideration and send the bill back to Parliament.  According to rumors in
>political circles, coalition partners who had hardly reached a
>reconciliation on the final wording of the reprieve bill, will have no say
>if Sezer vetoes the bill.  Sezer may approve the bill but at the same
>timeht apply to the Constitutional Court for its cancellation.  In this
>case, Sezer's possible move will pose a temporary relief for those who are
>supporting the amnesty.  The court may either amend some articles of the
>bill or broaden its scope.  It might also allocate some extra time to
>Parliament so that another amnesty bill can be prepared.
>Fasting inmates adamant, three in critical condition
>The justice minister's statement was expected to persuade the inmates to
>quit the death fast, but inmates decide to continue the fast.  According to
>TAYAD, the death fast will be reinforced by other inmates  Ecevit says
>demands of prisoners were unacceptable and urges them to end their 'death
>Ankara/Izmir - Turkish Daily News
>Although, it was expected that Justice Minister Hikmet Sami Turk's
>announcements over the weekend that the implementation of F-type prisons
>would be postponed to end the massive death fasts, the inmates are still
>determined to continue their protests.
>On the 54th day of the death fast, three death fasters, Sevgi Erdogan in
>Usak Prison, Cem Yildiz and Zeynep Arikan in Umraniye have lost
>consciousness, and other inmates on the death fast are close to losing
>consciousness, the Association for Inmates' Families' Solidarity (TAYAD)
>Although, death fasters are already in the critical stage, the 203 inmates
>on the death fast have decided to continue the fast until their demands are
>accepted by the authorities.  They are demanding the cancellation of the
>new cell-based F-type prisons, annulment of the State Security Courts (DGM)
>and the formation of a commission made up of doctors, lawyers, prisoners'
>relatives and representatives of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to
>inspect the prisons.
>But, officials are also being firm to not give further concessions to the
>death fasters.  Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit said on Monday that demands
>made by scores of hunger-striking prisoners whose health is failing were
>unacceptable and urged them to end their 'death fast.'
>Death fasters have been refusing food, some of them for more than 50  days,
>demanding that Turkey abandon plans to move prisoners from large
>dormitories to smaller cells in newly built jails.
>But the hunger strikers want the plans to be completely scrapped and have
>continued their fast.  Reports from inside the jails say that many of them
>are very weak.
>Ecevit said Turkey would not grant the strikers' demands, which also
>include the scrapping of the DMG that try people accused of political or
>"terrorist" crimes.
>"Those who are organizing this [protest] are trying to impose things on the
>state.  This is unacceptable," Ecevit told reporters.  "I'm calling on
>mothers and fathers.  These death fasts should come to an end now."
>Prison governors and groups of intellectuals have tried to negotiate with
>the fasting inmates but with little success.
>TAYAD's Sultan Yildiz told the Turkish Daily News that the demand of
>inmates on the death fast were quite clear.  For that reason, Justice
>Minister Turk's statement does not mean anything.  These inmates have
>decided to go on the death fast until their demands are accepted by the
>authorities.  "Justice Minister Turk has made the statement that they would
>postpone the implementation of the F-type prison in order to ease public
>opinion," said Yildiz.  "However, it has no relation with the inmates'
>demands.  For that reason, the death fast of these inmates will continue."
>Over the weekend the justice minister said that the introduction of the new
>prisons would bdeath fast:  23 inmates in Umraniye, six  inmates in Bursa,
>six  inmates in Cankiri and three inmates in Aydin Prison.
>A total 26 inmates have completed the 40th day of the death fast:  eight
>inmates in Canakkale, eight inmates in Bartin, eight inmates in Malatya,
>and two inmates in Gebze Prison.
>A total of 40  inmates have completed the 37th day of the death fast:  18
>inmates in Bayrampasa, three inmates in Buca, three inmates in Usak, 11
>inmates in Ceyhan, three inmates in Nigde and two inmates in Kurkculer
>Eleven Turkish prisoners starved to death in 1996 in a protest against
>prison transfers.
>Turkey says the transfer of inmates to smaller cells would break up the
>influence of organized crime and rcal leftist groups over prisoners in
>large dormitories.
>Authorities say the step is needed to reassert some control over a prison
>system that regularly descends into violence.
>Prisoners say being isolated in cells would make them vulnerable to
>assaults from prison authorities.   --
>Press Agency Ozgurluk
>In Support of the Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Struggle in Turkey
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>Press Agency Ozgurluk
>In Support of the Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Struggle in Turkey


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