>From: Press Agency Ozgurluk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Subject: "[Ozgurluk.Org]" Turkish press gets coup jitters

>Saturday, 23 December, 2000, 11:03 GMT
>Turkish press gets coup jitters
>Police used water cannon to break up leftist protests The Turkish
>Government's decision to use force to end the stand-off with striking
>inmates in the country's prisons has caused increasing unease in parts of
>the press.
>A number of left-leaning papers expressed concerns about the government's
>handling of the prison crisis, with at least one commentator suggesting
>that the ground was being prepared for a military coup.
>"Turkey is falling apart at the seams," a columnist wrote in the centrist
>mass-circulation Milliyet.  "In the wake of the incidents over the amnesty
>bill, F-type prisons, and the hunger strikes, there is growing doubt about
>the strength of the government."
>Writing in the liberal mass circulation Sabah, Cetin Altan said recent
>events were familiar.
>"Casting an oblique glance around us, we too are coming to the conclusion
>that the ground is being prepared for the introduction of a military
>diktat," he wrote.
>"It is always the same:  first comes utter chaos and then a military
>diktat.  Today's developments instill such a fear in our minds, whether we
>like it or not."
>Global impact
>Mr Altan said the Turkish state had been slow in coming to grips with the
>impact of globalisation.
>"After the transition to a military diktat, a schism could be created in
>the country and after a bloody shock wave similar to a civil war, Nato and
>US forces could intervene to pacify the country.  Then it would be easier
>for the country to change the status quo," he wrote.
>"The new cadres to come to power would speedily solve the Cyprus and the
>Aegean problems, as well as the problem of the southeast, that is, the
>Kurdish problem."
>"We should not have let the 20th century pass us by with such a shameful
>fiasco," Mr Altan concluded.
>No conspiracy
>A columnist in the mass-circulation left-wing Cumhuriyet appeared to agree.
>Ilhan Selcuk said that in times of grave national events Turks always say
>that 'Our country is experiencing the biggest crisis of the history of the
>Turkish Republic'.
>"When you start hearing this said over and over again, it is not a prophecy
>that something will happen...  Turkey is experiencing a crisis as big as
>any in the past," Selcuk wrote.
>"The hidden forces of the state swing into action...  the urge to live
>takes over.  Are we at that point again?"
>But writing in Milliyet, Hasan Cemal took a less apocalyptic view.
>"Is it a conspiracy?  ...  Please don't bother with conspiracy theories.
>We should well know that the cure for such poison is the transparency of a
>democratic regime and a government clearly under the rule of law," he
>A number of papers pointed to what they saw as confusion in leading
>government circles over the events leading up to the decision to launch
>theown, as well as to discrepancies in the official casualty toll.
>"For instance, Internal Affairs Minister Sadettin Tantan denied anyone was
>on a hunger strike while Justice Minister Hikmet Sami Turk said the
>protests had reached a critical point and the operation was unavoidable,"
>Melik Asik wrote in Milliyet.
>Radikal newspaper reported that, according to Eren Keskin, the chairman of
>the Istanbul Human Rights Organisation, 54 prisoners had apparently "gone
>missing" during the course of the operations.
>"We asked the chief prosecutor where these people were.  He said he did not
>know," the paper quoted Mr Keskin as saying.
>Press Agency Ozgurluk
>In Support of the Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Struggle in Turkey
>DHKC: http://www.ozgurluk.org/dhkc


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