>subject: World 'progress' under US brutality. Cuba
>  (My Xmas present to 'christian' Washington -JC)
>   At last, we know that the US is NOT a democracy. Its Black/poor
>population lives in fear or in jail mainly for smoking marijuana but
>either way they are abused and deliberately forced away from the
>polling stations and from those jobs that robots can do
>   My earliest teenage memories of US music came from the African
>wonderfully talented Louis Armstrong, Bessie Smith, Billie Halliday,
>Ellington, Count Basie blues and Dixieland jazz. Now we have re-made
>videos of them from the 1920's, in which the scene shows their
>brothers-sisters and the KKK white-slave cotton bosses and the
>popularity of this music. Now we know how and why US presidents are
>unable to show any concern for black labor, its education and health
>care. The KKK is still powerful, as are extreme-right, mafia-
>corrupted politicians.The blacks can eat in jail or the Marine corps.
> It is possible that US hospitals/doctors can charge up to $50,000
>for an operation, just because the surgeon is 'very talented' and
>rarely makes a mistake. Did you know that in Cuba no-one pays for
>health and education, the 118 specialist professors can do the same
>operations and teach at one of 21 Medical Universities on the island.
>Next years's budget for educational and health programs, retirement
>benefits and social assistance will cost $6billion (Six!). The
>hospitals and schools maintenance is included in 'social assistance.
>  But here there are no trillionaires, billionaires, or even
>moderately rich people like millionaires.And there is no advertising,
>no corrupted greedy politicians, no starvation, no waste -the sugar
>cane produces sugar, paper -but also 52 other value-added assets. On
>the other hand, the intelligence-limited USA, when thinking of Cuba,
>can only think of murder and deliberate withholding of a few food
>products, and special medical drugs.  Is that envy on a huge scale?
>  Perhaps, if it were a sign of remorse, all US corporation CEO's
>based at home or in foreign lands should jump out the top windows, as
>they did in 1929, but weighed down this time by all their fortunes
>melted into gold to make sure they stay down?
>   Shakur says "the whole cultural imperialism that is going on today
>where people whether they're in Senegal, South Africa, Indonesia, are
>looking at this USA vision of the world that is totally distorted,
>totally unreal, that really diminishes and minimalises the cultural
>values and wisdom of people all over the world, and sells this kind
>of McDonald-ized vision of the world that everybody is supposed to
>aspire to.
>   British PM, Tony Blair dropped a bombshell in Warsaw by announcing
>that Europe should have its own Rapid Reaction Force (RRF). The great
>lover of American brutality and its nuclear umbrella that protects
>Europe (from what?)-Thatcher the Iron Lady -was aghast at his plans
>to allot 12,500 British troops for that force.
>"We are in a new era. Today we have to deal with those problems we
>inherited from that time -the boom and bust economics, the social
>division, the chronic under-investment in our public services. A
>sensible, modern attitude to Europe is what we need." On BBC radio he
>is quoted as clarifying words "more money for social justice
>-education and better health for the people.  This of course is what
>Fidel Castro's people are trying in vain to help all nations to
>understand, that people cared for and educated do not need armaments.
>The Americans are furious of course. The US Pentagon, CIA,
>corporations and politicians have laid out plans for all the 200 or
>so foreign nations. Peace, protection of the environment, the air,
>the rivers, forests, birds, insects and seas have no place in their
>sordid, greed-drunken, criminal terrorist thoughts and actions.
>  It seems to me that Europe has begun to realise what a dreadful
>waste of resources and people NATO and the other US-led, probably-
>corrupted leaders, brought to Europe via the Balkans. Albania and
>Bulgaria had socialist leaders until the money bags arrived. Some EU
>leaders have been found out with up to $500 million in private banks
>-goodness knows how much they have in Swiss banks and Caymen islands.
>German and Turkey presidents have a lot to answer for, but so has
>Israel, Chile, Peru, Kazakstan, Argentina, Guatemala, Panama, El
>Salvador and many others.
>Turkey will be admitted to NATO because the US needs them there, not
>so much for their good looks, but because the Kurdish section in
>Turkey will have to be totally genocided in case they start to bomb
>the chosen US oil pipeline passing through Moslem Turkey from Central
>Asia, Caspian area. The US allows them to have NO human rights.
>Germany's Minister Fischer should have known better about US General
>Savimbi's situation in Angola, not to have promised German loans as
>soon as Angola stops the war. Then, with no knowledge of Africa and
>its recent history, he goes off to Rwanda-Burundi area with the same
>promises. Mr Fischer, the US terrorists in this area are the Tutsis.
>These have defeated Kabila's Democratic Congo forces, making the US
>boss of a large Tutsi army. At no time or place will the US consider
>using US, or IMF and World Bank funds to educate the peoples.
>  Cuba has proved that if you do educate and care for people, the
>need for Pentagons, WTOs, NATOs and Criminal Corporations disappear.
>These buy local businesses, down-size the workforces by 50-60%, as
>well as installing US gun-crazy, McDonald, Disney-land, US christian
>This thing, the USA, does not even have a Voting system that works.
>Ancient computers in doubtful states, with the aid of secret men who
>churn out figures for the Electoral College, who shuffle the votes
>around to make sure candidates without up to $1billion for
>advertising, which is a tax deduction for the media corporations,
>keeps out unwanted citizens - like Blacks, Nader and any socialist
>candidate proposed by Workers World. Donors dollars to aid
>politicians is also a Tax deduction. One wonders how the poor keep
>A bogus Court was set up in the Hague by the US to kill Serbs for
>killing thousands of US allies. There had to be bodies and bones as
>evidence. US planes could 'see' the mounds of earth where they were,
>but only normal cemetaries were found, containing the bodies of
>civilians killed by US bombs. Better results would excite Washington
>if it digs up the ground in Vietnam and Latin America. Each of 37
>countries in Latin America has suffered between 1-2 million death-
>squad indigenous deaths spread over 200 years by US Generals or CIA-
>appointed local generals. Murder is a major crime, no matter who
>kills and who appoints or pays the assassins. " JC


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