>        WW News Service Digest #202
> 1) Gloria La Riva: Explain the causes of capitalist crisis
>    by "WW" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 2) Tere Gutierrez: Victory to Colombian guerrillas
>    by "WW" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 3) Monica Moorehead: Put fight against racism front and center
>    by "WW" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 4) Fred Goldstein: Election morass shows need for Marxism
>    by "WW" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 5) Imani Henry: Communist program fights all oppressions
>    by "WW" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 6) Elijah Crane: Learning how to make a revolution
>    by "WW" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Via Workers World News Service
>Reprinted from the Dec. 14, 2000
>issue of Workers World newspaper
>[Excerpts from a talk by Gloria La Riva at the Workers World
>Party Conference Dec. 2-3]
>We live in the richest society that has ever existed. The
>wealth of the United States far surpasses that of any
>earlier empire. And inside this richest society in history,
>25 percent of all children--50 percent of all African
>American children--live in poverty. Millions go to sleep
>without their most basic needs met.
>Here we are in the pinnacle of capitalism, and millions are
>hungry and homeless. Almost 50 million have no health care
>at all and an equal number have health coverage that's so
>bad that for all practical purposes they have none.
>And this is in the big boom, the most prolonged capitalist
>boom ever, as the financial experts never tire of boasting.
>Unemployment, they say, is 4 percent. Forget about the 2
>million people in prison who aren't counted, not to mention
>others who aren't counted at all.
>Twenty-five percent of all the world's prisoners are in the
>United States, which has just 4 percent of the world's
>population. Leaving aside the brutal military interventions
>all over the world, from looking at the domestic scene in
>the best of times we can say with certainty that capitalism
>is a doomed system.
>The "best of times" has left 40 percent of the 11 million
>people in Los Angeles County living in poverty. The boom is
>looking more than a little frayed.
>A TV station in San Jose, in the heart of Silicon Valley, is
>running an ad for a news series. It shows a young man riding
>a city bus. The voice-over says, "A month ago you were a 28-
>year-old millionaire. Today you're just a 28-year-old.
>Inside the dot-com bust."
>In San Francisco, the landlords and developers are jacking
>up the rents sky-high. The lowest rent for a newly vacated
>apartment is $2,000 a month and rising. That's in the poor
>areas. A new study of the Bay Area shows that a person needs
>a $28-an-hour job to live comfortably there. The minimum
>wage in California is one-fifth of that.
>What will a downturn, even a relatively mild one, mean under
>these circumstances? How will workers understand and
>interpret what is happening?
>This is where the Party comes in. As Lenin explained, we
>don't control the tempo of economic development or of
>spontaneous mass movements. But we do have a critical role.
>And that is to explain the root causes of unemployment, war,
>racism, sexism, lesbian, gay, bi and trans oppression, and
>environmental destruction.
>We have to explain how to organize a mass movement, a
>revolutionary movement, that not only fights back and
>resists, but fights to overturn this system.
>There is a growing movement that is rightly denouncing these
>crimes of capitalism and even naming the illness: capitalist
>greed. But what they propose as a solution is a milder form
>of capitalism.
>It's not so much because they like capitalism, but because
>they don't believe capitalism can ever be eliminated. If you
>talk to many of these activists, they aren't against
>socialism. But to them it seems like a dream, an
>The truth, which we proclaim here today as we have
>throughout our Party's existence, is this: Socialism is the
>only alternative for humanity.
>With all the laws against monopolies that were passed in the
>United States at the turn of the last century, during the
>rise of imperialism and industrial capital, was the furious
>pace of monopolization of oil, auto, steel, the military,
>the banks, slowed down at all?
>There are all kinds of laws against monopoly practices, but
>there are now 457 billionaires.
>We are so involved in the movement that we sometimes forget
>that the average person knows nothing about socialism
>because they've never been exposed to it except in the most
>minimal way in school. The average person doesn't know that
>any socialist parties exist in the United States.
>Most people don't even know the profound history of
>struggles of workers and oppressed peoples in the United
>States, or the potential and necessity of struggle today.
>The question is not whether workers are open to Marxism. Our
>biggest concern should be that they haven't been exposed to
>Marxist ideas. And yet they instinctively understand their
>relationship to the bosses, to the government. They view the
>authorities they live under with mistrust and cynicism.
>Once most workers learn or get involved in the struggle, it
>opens their eyes to the truth.
>Today the possibilities are endless. We have a duty to
>organize and reach out and meet people across the country.
>It's the only way that Marxism and our Party will get a
>hearing and grow.
>- END -
>(Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to
>copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
>changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
>Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] For subscription info send message to:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://www.workers.org)
>Message-ID: <010001c063d1$8d7d7ce0$0a00a8c0@linux>
>Subject: [WW]  Tere Gutierrez: Victory to Colombian guerrillas
>Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 19:22:02 -0500
>Content-Type: text/plain;
>        charset="Windows-1252"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Via Workers World News Service
>Reprinted from the Dec. 14, 2000
>issue of Workers World newspaper
>[Excerpts from a talk by Teresa Gutierrez at the Workers
>World Party Conference Dec. 2-3]
>The exploitation, domination and intervention of U.S.
>imperialism against the people of Latin America and the
>Caribbean are becoming more critical every day. Is it any
>wonder therefore that Latin America is a hotbed of
>resistance today? There are many countries in the region
>that are heroically carrying out important and significant
>struggles against imperialist policies.
>Puerto Rico--Vieques--is one of those. The Cuban Revolution,
>after 40 years of a cruel economic blockade, continues to
>remain a steadfast beacon of resistance. It continues to be
>an inspiration to all of us who yearn to remove the shackles
>of imperialism.
>One of the most important and decisive struggles raging in
>Latin America today is in Colombia. I just had the privilege
>of visiting there this past week as part of an International
>Action Center delegation.
>I got to see first hand how the FARC--the Revolutionary
>Armed Forces of Colombia--is battling for liberation.
>The guerrilla movement in Colombia today is strong. It is
>dedicated. It is firm. It is committed.
>And it is ready. It is very ready to turn Colombia into a
>nation free of imperialist domination.
>We had the honor of spending the night at a guerrilla
>encampment of the FARC.
>There, Ramsey Clark, a founder of the IAC who headed our
>delegation, had a very important meeting with Commander Raul
>Reyes, one of the top FARC leaders.
>Commander Reyes was thoughtful and sober as he discussed the
>current situation in Colombia. He explained how Plan
>Colombia is a plan of war. The plan was hatched and written
>not by the Colombian bourgeoisie but by the Pentagon. In
>fact the Colombians had a hard time getting a copy in
>Plan Colombia is a plan to exterminate the guerrilla
>movement. Plan Colombia aims to make sure that Wall Street
>can continue its super-exploitation of labor and the natural
>resources of the country.
>Plan Colombia has absolutely nothing to do with fighting
>drugs. We have to say this over and over because the "drug
>war" is the main propaganda tool imperialism is using to
>dupe the people in this country into supporting the plan.
>There is not a single news account that does not describe
>the FARC as narco guerrillas or narcoterrorists.
>But the real narcoterrorists are the cops in every single
>police precinct in this country. The real narcoterrorists
>are in the White House and in the Pentagon.
>It is the U.S. Army and the Immigration and Naturalization
>Service that deal in drug trafficking. And it is the banks
>and the corporations that gain billions of dollars from this
>lucrative industry.
>Plan Colombia is also a plan for all of Latin America. First
>stop: Colombia. Next stop: Venezuela. Or so they think.
>We have so much work to do here to stop Plan Colombia. We
>want all of you who are going back home to other cities to
>arrange for members of the IAC delegation to come to talk
>about the trip--on campuses, at unions, churches and in
>every community. And we will have a video--a very moving and
>exciting video.
>We all need to be in Washington for the counter-inaugural
>protest on Jan. 20. Tell whoever is president, whether it is
>President Death or President Death: Down with Plan Colombia!
>Victory to the guerrilla movement in Colombia!
>- END -
>(Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to
>copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
>changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
>Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] For subscription info send message to:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://www.workers.org)
>Message-ID: <010401c063d1$af70e4e0$0a00a8c0@linux>
>Subject: [WW]  Monica Moorehead: Put fight against racism front and center
>Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 19:23:00 -0500
>Content-Type: text/plain;
>        charset="Windows-1252"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Via Workers World News Service
>Reprinted from the Dec. 14, 2000
>issue of Workers World newspaper
>[Excerpts from a talk by Monica Moorehead at the Workers
>World Party Conference Dec. 2-3]
>Who could have imagined that three weeks after the election
>there would still be no president-elect? This means that the
>Jan. 20 mobilization against the inauguration of the next
>president will be even more highly scrutinized by the media,
>the progressive movement and the world.
>But besides the timing, there is also the political
>motivation for the counter-inaugural. The motivation is
>reflected in the main slogans that really help to popularize
>the Party's political program.
>The Jan. 20 mobilization is attempting to take the anti-
>globalization struggle to a higher political level. How? By
>elevating the struggle against racism and national
>oppression. This includes showing solidarity with those who
>are heroically resisting the political and military hegemony
>of U.S. imperialism in Colombia, Vieques and Palestine.
>Putting the struggle against racism and national oppression
>right up front has been a glaring omission from the anti-
>globalization program.
>If the struggle against racism is not a conscious and
>integral part of your political orientation, how can you
>expect to be taken seriously by people of color in
>particular and the workers in general? When I spoke as the
>presidential candidate of Workers World Party about the
>relationship between racism and national oppression and the
>class struggle, I stated that if you are serious about
>getting rid of capitalism, opposing racism and national
>oppression has to be the number-one priority.
>In fact, you really can't talk about what's wrong with
>capitalism without mentioning in the same breath the
>strategic role that racism plays. As a Party, we don't take
>a strong position against racism solely on the basis of it
>being morally repugnant or a violation of human rights. We
>take a Marxist stance against racism because it is so
>interwoven within the very fabric of capitalist society. It
>is the biggest obstacle that we face in terms of forging
>unity within the multinational working class to prosecute
>the class struggle.
>Our Party has consistently pointed out to white workers that
>it is in their interest to unite with their super-exploited
>sisters and brothers of color to fight racism, in order to
>fight their class enemy--the ruling class. At the same time,
>it is important for anti-racist whites and all communists
>and progressives to support and defend the Leninist view of
>the right to self-determination of the oppressed peoples in
>recognition of the reality that inequality based on one's
>nationality does exist within the working class.
>During the 19th century, when U.S. capitalism was in its
>early competitive stage of development following the
>overthrow of Southern slavery, the big question on the minds
>of many Marxists was: Would capitalism move in a more
>progressive direction in terms of bringing about real
>The capitalist class certainly had the economic and
>political material means and opportunity to rid this society
>of racism. For instance, suppose the former slaves had won
>full social rights during the Reconstruction period
>following the Civil War. Instead Reconstruction was
>tragically cut short when the U.S. military and the
>government abandoned the Black masses and left them at the
>mercy of extra-legal terrorist organizations like the KKK.
>This unfinished revolution ushered in almost 70 years of
>legalized apartheid in the Deep South.
>This is why we must pay a lot more attention to the growing
>demand of the Black community for reparations to address the
>legacy of slavery and Jim Crowism. We must find ways to
>intervene in the most helpful way.
>In 1984 Sam Marcy, the late chairperson of Workers World
>Party, summarized how a working-class party must
>consistently connect the struggle against racism and
>national oppression with the class struggle.
>"A working-class party such as Lenin tried to build should
>promote every right that a Black person is deprived of that
>a white one has achieved," he wrote. "We promote and must
>propagate the right to self-determination, but which road to
>take for liberation must be decided by the oppressed nation
>"A revolutionary working-class party promotes class
>solidarity irrespective of which option an oppressed nation
>chooses. The neutrality of the party in this respect is the
>strongest pillar of working-class multinational solidarity
>in the struggle against capitalism and imperialism.
>"The bourgeoisie denies and closes the road to both


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