
This week() I have done the following works:
1. Write a test of class JabberProtocol.
2. Write a test of class KopetePlugin in the libkopete.
3. Go through the codebase of the classes of libkopete to understand the

I am currently writing the test for kopetepluginmanager.

Next week plan:
1. Go through the codebase of the other classes of libkopete.
2. Write the test for other classes of libkopete and Jabber Protocol
3. Work on the improvement workflow of the application.

I have written up to three test, links are given below please review them.
-JabberProtocolTest: here <https://phabricator.kde.org/D10556>
-KopetePluginTest: here <https://phabricator.kde.org/D10612>
-QQCryptTest: here <https://phabricator.kde.org/D10160>

Himanshu Vishwakarma

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