Hello there,

Don't worry, I'm still alive and I will even be back online on the 9th of 
July :-)
I had 2 weeks off in France where I thought I would have an internet 
connection which turned out to be false...
But I worked on the Iris library anyway and I have now brand new 
JT_JingleAction and JT_PushJingleAction tasks which are managed by a 
JingleSessionManager and a JingleSession class.

Kopete has a JingleCallsManager class which will "play" with JingleSession's, 
a JingleSessionManager and later, Phonon and Solid for Audio and Video.
I had a little talk with Phonon guys and neither audio input nor video input 
are implemented in Phonon yet. They say I will have to wait for KDE 4.2 or 
maybe even later. I might have to work with them after the Iris part.
(did I already talk about that ?)

Currently, Kopete is able to receive a session-initiate Jingle action and ask 
the user what contents he wants to accept (currently, content names are shown 
but that part will be improved later.)
The session-terminate or session-remove action can be sent. I'm working on the 
negotiation before a session-accept action. I already had something but I ran 
into a[n impasse] so I had to rewrite that part from scratch.

As I don't have an internet connection, I can't commit nowadays but I try to 
make daily backup so I don't lose too much data if another part of my laptop 
decides to stop working (currently, the sound card, the DVD drive and the 
monitor are dead :-( )

Detlev Casanova

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