KR> axles

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
Hi friends.. hope you fine and well...Eide  mobarak to evrybody  the holly 
moth ramadan is over now and we are celebrating Eide ( Happy Eide to every 
body)I'm triying to make or design an axles for my wheels (500x5) but I 
have few ideas  I just know that I must have  1.5 " as adiametr _loades 
calculations_...have any body tried to make his own axles, or could please 
provide me by some infose or drowings about that?
thanks for all of you

   againe happy eide to every body


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KR> axles

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
sorry guys its not 1.5  its between 1 and 1.25"

>From: "alphabravo pilot" <>
>Reply-To: KRnet <>
>Subject: KR> axles
>Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 19:21:45 +
>Hi friends.. hope you fine and well...Eide  mobarak to evrybody  the holly
>moth ramadan is over now and we are celebrating Eide ( Happy Eide to every
>body)I'm triying to make or design an axles for my wheels (500x5) but I
>have few ideas  I just know that I must have  1.5 " as adiametr _loades
>calculations_...have any body tried to make his own axles, or could please
>provide me by some infose or drowings about that?
>thanks for all of you
>againe happy eide to every body
>   yours
>Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!
>to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
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KR> HS & VS airfoil data

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
Hi friends ..I hope all of you are fine and well...I would like to thank all 
of those friends who helped me in aeroelasticity quistion's _ I know it's 
late _ I came yesturday from aduety  and  I'm free for some arodynamic 
calculation ,I asked Mr Mark if any body has got the Cd ,CM,CL for those new 
airfoil that used in each of Hs & Vs and he informed me that no body got 
them I hope if I could get any answer from  those who used and flew 
with the new as5o46 ,specially  who are using corvair engin,according to 
them test flights  I just wanted to know these info's

  1_  what propller dia  and pitch they used?

  2_  indecated airspeed ,RPM,altettued and outside temp?

I'm using the ashok's and selig 18% AS5048

thanks for all of you  and for your co oprating

your friend in the east
  Nasser  AL

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KR> Aeroelasticity

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
Hi frindes ..hope all of you are fine and and well ...these quistion are  
very important for me ,the reson is because I did not fly any kr2s in whall 
my life ...ok  my quistions  are :

-1  Do we have to mass balance the control surfaces?

-2 has any body encouter any flutter or unusual viprations at high speed ?

Best regards to all of you and many  thanks for your co-oprating

your frinde in the east


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KR> wing quistion

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
Hi friends..hope all of you are  fine and well
My wing  construction way is very clossed to edwardo barros ,and I got 
confused with an item that related with air pressuer and circulation between 
the empty areas that cuased by ribs in the both wing.
   My quistions are :

1- Do I have to make holes through the ribs all the way from the 
root antill the tip ?
 2-   what will be the dia of those holes?

thanks and best regards

   Nasser AL

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KR> wing quistion

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
Thanks for all of you friends It's clear now ,I just couldent get the 
answer from those pics in eduardo barros site ..acctually there is no pic 
that shows holes in his wing ribs..or maybe I did not understand because of 
the langouage...I 'm doing the same way of eduardo , my spars are fine ,but 
the only  dfrance is that I covered my wing ribs with one layer of  E- glass 
_ both side of each rib_ so now I have to make holes through each one  befor 
adding foam between them  on top and botom...   many Thanks for all 
of you  againe with best regards

Nasser AL

>From: "Stephen Jacobs" 
>Reply-To: KRnet 
>To: "'KRnet'" 
>Subject: KR> wing quistion
>Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2004 09:07:18 +0200
>Hi Nasser
>As Larry says - you must avoid any sealed compartments anywhere in the
>airplane - so that atmospheric pressure can always equalize.
>The above is particularly important for the spars, where individual
>"compartments" are formed by the pillars between the spar caps.  All of
>these cavities must be able to "vent" to the outside of the spar.
>I recall that you made some super strong spars with CF between cap
>laminations as well as ply /CF webs front and back.  If you did not know
>this at the time, you may have created a sealed spar.
>If so Nasser - consider drilling a small hole (1 to 2 mm) through the
>web (front or back) into each compartment.  From the plans you should
>know exactly where each full depth spar pillar is.
>Maybe glue an eyelet into the hole or pull a blind rivet to seal the
>exposed wood and keep the opening neat and clear.
>These holes can be very small - pin holes would be Ok, just ensure that
>nothing (paint /dirt /attachment) blocks them.
>Take care
>Steve J
>to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
>please see other KRnet info at

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KR> Wing incidence with RAF-48?

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
Take your choise as you like, but every thing has areson.they recomanded the 
1 degree because it  provides the beter flight situation and beter cruise 
speed withen that design ...the higher  incedance you use the more pitch 
down you will use for beter cruise speed,then it will effict on every thing  
specially the vewing  and the way that you fly level  _ it will be like 
adolphin as they saide_ how do you solve this problem ? just by changing the 
design it selfe!! ,and thats deson't mean that the 3.5 is bad ,you can use 
it but you have to solve the other problems that cosed by the 3.5 degree 
specially if you were looking for higher cruise speed ... the best is to use 
1 or 2 degree...but at the end it will be your choise


>From: Duncan 
>Reply-To: KRnet 
>To: krnet 
>Subject: KR> Wing incidence with RAF-48?
>Date: Sun, 18 Jul 2004 19:18:00 +1200
>I have been following the discussion occasioned by the AS-family or
>aerofoils and the 1 degree incidence recommendation, but does this also
>apply to aircraft fitted (or about to be fitted) with the RAF-48 airfoils
>(ie the Diehl wing skins)?
>Duncan of Devonport
>Auckland, New Zealand
>to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
>please see other KRnet info at

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KR> Carbon Fibre spars

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
I used 4 layers of CF 400 gm and 2 layers of fiber cloth  together between 
each wood in the spar..  also I added M/b from west system which is really 
very strong and needs agrander to sand it after it cured...also I used 
aspecille epoxy - which is not that much nassasory _
( the pro set) used for any lamination works also from west system ..If I 
wanted an ubnormal kr I would then build afully carboone fiber spars or 
alumenume one,but  laminated spars are fine because there is no any failers 
until now as I know .

  nasser AL


>From: "GavinandLouise" 
>Reply-To: KRnet 
>To: "KRnet" 
>Subject: Re: KR> Carbon Fibre spars
>Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 21:43:49 +1000
>Be careful!!  if you don't put enough Carbon to take all the load in
>it's own right, you run the risk of it breaking, and then transferring the
>load to the timber that it is laminated with. and if you've scrimped on the
>timber it'll break as well CRASH Use either one or the other. And
>which ever you use USE enough of it to carry the load.
>- Original Message -
>From: "Alexander Birca (MD/RMD)" 
>To: "'KRnet'" 
>Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2004 7:50 PM
>Subject: RE: KR> Carbon Fibre spars
> > Hi Duncan,
> > could you please post Ed Blocher's site URL, I couldn't find it...
> >
> > Alex Birca,
> > Moldova
> >
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> > I visited Ed Blocher's site, and saw some photos of his laminated spar.  
> > noted with interest his inclusion of a couple of layers of carbon fibre 
> > the laminations.  And this got me thinking...
> >
> > Is this a good/bad/neutral thing to do?
> >
> > What would be the pros/cons of a completely CF spar?
> >
> > Duncan of Devonport
> > Auckland, New Zealand
> >
> > ___
> > to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> > please see other KRnet info at
> >
>Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
>Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
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>to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
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KR> Height of landing gear?

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot

I dont know how  much is your background about calculation and 
mathmatics?..but in asempole way  we can say that the shorter the landing 
gear is the more groundeffict you will get ..that mean that there will be 
more chance for floting  ,which also mean that your airplane will get off 
the ground faster. generlly it reduse take off distance and increased 
landing distance (more flaire ability)

Nasser al

>From: Duncan 
>Reply-To: KRnet 
>To: krnet 
>Subject: KR> Height of landing gear?
>Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 16:17:51 +1200
>I visited a pal of mine yesterday who is building an RV, and I couldn't
>help but notice how "tall" the plane was.  Is there any reason (apart from
>the reduced drag which short gear possesses, and the fact that the standard
>gear just happens to be very short) why the KR has such short gear?
>Duncan of Devonport
>Auckland, New Zealand
>to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
>please see other KRnet info at

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KR> Varnishing

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot

well .  some peopl  used to do that...but the maine idea is to avoide 
those areas where they  has to be epoxied ..there are many kindes of varnish 
from low quality up to high quality .I was told that the marine one is the 
best becuase it dives through the cels  more than the others and adds more 
stringth to the woods too ,which is going to be very good with spruce and 
also with the plywood too . spruce  drinks more varnish and that becuase of 
it spcifecations, so  using the best qualities of varnish is the best way .

( yes I know very baad english with writing  lool )
   good luck


>From: "Len & Anneliese Steyn" 
>Reply-To: KRnet 
>Subject: KR> Varnishing
>Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2004 13:27:43 +0200
>When should I varnish the boat and spars, or can I do it directly after it 
>is built and stay away from the area round the wing spar and the top 
>What kind of varnish should I use?
>Len Steyn
>to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
>please see other KRnet info at

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KR> KR2 One seater

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
well...I dont think that there are too much defrances between kr2 and 
kr2s,adding length and wedth has to be welly calculated.. in  world of 
desgining airplanes there is some thing called (( the finess ratio)) which 
is the relation between the length and the wedth of the airplane you wish to 
make,,you can read about that if you wish in abook called ( airplane 
airodynamics and performance) this book by lan/roskamactually there are 
many other things like the hight of the turtle deck  ,the canopy that you 
wish to use,the cowling that you wish to have or make , these things are the 
key to build  anice beautifull airodynamic feuslage but some time with avery 
ugly desgine_sorry_ , the krnet has many photos and you can discover that 
.Having a thinner boat is also nice you'll reduce the totall drag and then 
_some time_ you gona have afaster airplane.

 good luck


>From: "Joachim Saupe" 
>Reply-To:, KRnet 
>To: ", KRnet" 
>Subject: RE: KR> KR2 One seater
>Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 15:48:58 -0500
>Yeah, I know. I got a kit The wood, the foam and some preformed. I was also
>thinking to make it into a Fat  single seater.
>People advised against it, resale value 'n stuff! I'm still waiting for the
>new Sport Pilot Regs to be completed before I spend any time building. I
>had wanted to partner with Ray Goree but I just got onto Long Term
>Disability and money is somewhat tight.
>BTW, I'm 6'1" and 213#
> > [Original Message]
> > From: Jack Cooper 
> > To:, KRnet 
> > Date: 6/15/2004 2:46:23 PM
> > Subject: RE: KR> KR2 One seater
> >
> > About 5'10" 210 pounds. Look at any picture of a KR with two people
> > onboard. Its a tight fit.
> > Jack Cooper
> >
> >
> > > [Original Message]
> > > From: Joachim Saupe 
> > > To:, KRnet 
> > > Date: 6/15/2004 2:18:49 PM
> > > Subject: RE: KR> KR2 One seater
> > >
> > > Jack,
> > > How big are you?
> > > Joachim
> > >
> > >
> > > > [Original Message]
> > > > From: Jack Cooper 
> > > > To:, KRnet 
> > > > Date: 6/15/2004 12:49:55 PM
> > > > Subject: RE: KR> KR2 One seater
> > > >
> > > > Jurgen
> > > >   I don't have the info you requested but I'm building a KR-2 and
> > > it
> > > > a single place. It is built to standard width so by sitting in the
> > middle
> > > > of the KR I will have space on the sides for map cases and possibly
> > > > small bags. Below is a link to a picture of me sitting in the KR 
> > > > measuring for the turtle deck height. its a comfortable single place
> > > > standard width.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Jack Cooper
> > > >
> > > > > [Original Message]
> > > > > From: Jürgen Thiesen 
> > > > > To: 
> > > > > Date: 6/15/2004 11:26:12 AM
> > > > > Subject: KR> KR2 One seater
> > > > >
> > > > > Hi all,
> > > > > I am sitting in the office, the sky is blue and I am dreaming 
> > > > flying and
> > > > > building my future project.
> > > > > For my projekt (KR2 as OneSeater) I need Informations about the
> > > > difference
> > > > > between the KR2 and the KR2S, because I am not yet clear, shall I
> > order
> > > > the
> > > > > plans of the KR2 or the Plans of the KR2S?
> > > > > I will build it with a thinner boat and a shorter middlewing with 
> > > > complete
> > > > > span of about 20 feet and the new airfoil.
> > > > > Have anyone a 3 Side-View from the KR2 and KR2S and can mail it to
> > > > > with best regards
> > > > > Juergen
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > ___
> > > > > to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to 
> > > > > please see other KRnet info at
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
>to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
>please see other KRnet info at

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KR> the next project

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
Dear friends,,,  as soon as possiable I'm going to start the next project 
with agroub of friends, I was looking for some advices and ideas,it's avery 
low drag/high speed desgin ,cruise speed is 200 mph _even it could be more 
than that _and I'm really in need of your comments and openions in order to 
make it avery special airplane ,the pics  are in our site : 
www.uaespaces.comand then just click on ( next project).  quistions are 
most welcomed... thanks for all of you and sorry about my baad english.


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KR> looking for wheels

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
Hi evry body , I was looking to buye acomplet set of used  wheels , brake 
system ,and the axles for the kr2s  its very argent and I have to get them 
befor next month, thanks for your co oprating...


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KR> new pics

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
Slaam alaykom. Hi friends,  finally we could put some pics in the site .I 
would like to pologise to all the builders becuase it was very defecult to 
upload the rest of the pics becuase they are too many ,and  we hope to do 
that deuring next comming days .also there are some few errors that we will 
cover them withen  these days. the site is :

  best regards


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KR> saad news

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
Dear friends :   Today I've recived avery saad E-mail from Mr harold ,I'm 
soo sadend by the news of passing him mother,and I'm sure that we all would 
like to express our deepest kondolances to him .

god have all you long life with happeness 
and save you,  ameen

 (we are all from god and to god we 

   Nasser al marzuoqi

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KR> saad news

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
just for your information:  mr harolds wood site is

>From: "alphabravo pilot" <>
>Reply-To: KRnet <>
>Subject: KR> saad news
>Date: Thu, 03 Jun 2004 16:26:05 +
>Dear friends :   Today I've recived avery saad E-mail from Mr harold ,I'm
>soo sadend by the news of passing him mother,and I'm sure that we all would
>like to express our deepest kondolances to him .
> god have all you long life with happeness
>and save you,  ameen
>  (we are all from god and to god 
>   yours
>Nasser al marzuoqi
>Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.
>to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
>please see other KRnet info at

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KR>old photos

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
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KR>old photos

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
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KR>old photos

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
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KR>old photos

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
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KR>old photos

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
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KR>old photos

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
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KR>old photos

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
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KR>old photos

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
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KR>old photos

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
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KR> H/S spars strenght

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot

ok ...that is anormal feeling usually people thinks about  when they works , 
anyway I think  that some time when we add extra length its better to add 
stringth. There are many ways to know if its going to be safe or not ,the 
best way is by calculation,or  by testing . Personally I covered my both H/S 
& V/S spars with one  layer of 200grams regular C-F, with vacume system  and 
the result was great ,, just be ware of the new dimentions on your 
templates. I built  two H/S ,the spars in the first one are  covered with 
E-glass and the seconde one  with C-F
hope that will  stop your dout feeling
 best regards

>From: larry flesner 
>Reply-To: KRnet 
>To: KRnet 
>Subject: Re: KR> H/S spars strenght
>Date: Fri, 05 Dec 2003 10:01:01 -0600
>At 04:52 PM 12/5/03 +1100, you wrote:
> >I have increased my H/Stabilizer spars 12 inches, Some have told me to
> >increase the spar size and strength, others say here is no need.
> >Any advise would be welcomed
> >Phil Matheson
>I'm not an engineer so the answer to that is a bit out of my league.
>I've never heard of a HS failure in the standard KR or any other
>structural failure for that matter.  The 12 inch extention changes
>things though and they might stand a bit of re-inforcemet.
>Are you building a 2 or a 2S?  If you are building a 2S I'd stick
>with the dimentions called for in the plans.  If you are building
>a 2 I'd go with the dimention of the 2S and build it to the
>2S plans.  I'd not go bigger than the 2S plans.
>Hope that is of some help.
>Larry Flesner
>see KRnet list details at

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KR>kr and wings flexabelities

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
Hi friends ... I was wondring if any one had searched about kr wings 
flexablity , or even have some ideas about it .

  best regards


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2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
Hello friends ..we have added some new photos to our sit

  but I would like to pologise about some small problems with some 
pics which are still there,,but they will be corrected as soon as possiable 
_ hoprfuly day after tomorow_

best regards

Nasser and haroldwoods

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KR>AlphaBravo web site.

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot

yes, I will add them withen next few days...I acctualy have many things that 
I'm bussy in, and the problem is just the time specially these days becuase 
we are in  ramadan and  we are  fasting every year in this month _stop 
eating and drinking from earlly morning until sun sit (6oclook evening)_ so 
its very deficult to prepare them  withen short time..
but I will do my best to cover them withen these few days hopefully
  best regards

>From: "Dan Heath" 
>Reply-To: KRnet 
>To: "" 
>Subject: KR>AlphaBravo web site.
>Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 21:58:28 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
>Your cowling looks great.  What kind of foam did you use?  Are you going to
>add any narrative to your pictures?  I sure would like to read about your
>Daniel R. Heath - Columbia, SC
>See you in Mt. Vernon - 2004 - KR Gathering
>See our KR at - Click on the pic
>See our EAA Chapter 242 at
>  ___
>see KRnet list details at

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KR>new pics

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
Hi firends  there are new photos in
   I would like just to pologise  about some few problems about some photos 
in there..

   best regards from almarzuoqi and haroldwoods

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KR>Hi every body

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot

   thanks sir ,I was added as anew builder and my site is :

at the moment we got litel problems with some of my photos ,I will
   leave that after becuase we are preparing Mr harold woods site  and
   bleeve  me there are lots of intresting things that every body has to
   see them, also there will be agood surprise about the new kr2s design
   and I'm sure that you will love it ...thanks againe sir

best regards

  AL MARZUOQI [emsmile.gif]
   >From: F Ross
   >Reply-To: KRnet
   >To: KRnet
   >Subject: Re: KR>Hi every body
   >Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 07:54:54 -0800 (PST)
   >Welcome Nasser,
   >It is good to hear that another KR is being built in
   >another part of the world. Could you please post your
   >internet site so we can follow your progress?
   >And no apology necessary for your english. It is not
   >an easy language and even those of us who speak only
   >english have problems with it.
   >Frank Ross,
   >EAA Chapter 35,
   >San Geronimo, TX
   >RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England UK
   >Do you Yahoo!?
   >Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard
   >see KRnet list details at

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KR>Nice web site.

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot

   Thank you very much sir  about your kinde words and as I told you that
   the best song for this crowd is ( what can I do without you .lool)
   thanks again

my best regards

   >From: "Dan Heath"
   >Reply-To: KRnet
   >To: ""
   >Subject: Re: KR>Nice web site.
   >Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 19:43:37 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
   >You have a very nice web site ( ) and you seem to
   >making very good progress on your KR.
   >Thank you for sharing it with me and the others on the net.
   >Daniel R. Heath - Columbia, SC
   >See you in Mt. Vernon - 2004 - KR Gathering
   >See our KR at - Click on the pic
   >See our EAA Chapter 242 at
   > ___
   >see KRnet list details at

   The new [1]MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*



KR>Hi every body

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
Some gentels men were asking about my contact  number and here is : 
  we are still working with the site and probably its going to 
be ready after few days
best regards

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2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot
Hi friends ...does anybody know which airofoil section that the top vew of 
the fuselag is clossed to???

 best regards

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2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot

Hi friends ... there are  new pics in our site, but there is aproblem
   with some  of my pics,  , I just knew that ,and we are going to
   correct them as soon as we can today.  best regards

   MSN 8 with [1]e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*



KR>New Builder

2008-10-12 Thread alphabravo pilot

   thank you very much sir but I think that the best song for this crowd
   is ( what can I do without you?) thanks again sir ,

   my best regards
   >From: "JIM VANCE"
   >Reply-To: KRnet
   >To: "krnet"
   >Subject: KR>New Builder
   >Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 06:11:53 -0600
   >Welcome to the crowd. I hope you have as much fun building your KR as
   I have had working on mine.
   > Jim Vance
   >see KRnet list details at

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