KR> 40.2 hours :-) :-)

2008-10-12 Thread Martindale Family
Hi Larry

It's John on 27 under Corvair power here. Really keen to hear of your fuel
consumption, engine/prop parameters, gross weight, density altitudes and any
else I can compare with my experiences. Aren't they just a delight to
formate in  :-).
I'm about to leave my home field and try some cross country to a outlanding
pretty soon.

Se Ya

The Martindale Family
29 Jane Circuit

phone:  61 2 66584767

- Original Message -
From: "larry flesner" <>
To: "KRnet" <>
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 10:27 AM
Subject: KR> 40.2 hours :-) :-)

> Netters,
> I spent a full day playing in the KR.  I flew formation most of the day
> snip.

KR> 40.2 hours :-) :-)

2008-10-12 Thread larry flesner


I spent a full day playing in the KR.  I flew formation most of the day
with a flying buddy in his Acro Sport II.  The nice thing flying with him
is that my fuel burn is down around 3 gph.  He cruises at 2350 and
I fly formation at about 1800 rpm.  

I finished off the day in a "dog fight" with a Q-200.  Some of you
have seen the Q-200 in the race to Oshkosh.  He is race # 22.  His
0-200 puts out 130 hp so he is about 30 mph faster than me.  You
may have also read about him making a coast-to-coast flight
in less than 24 hours about two years back.  It was written up in
Kit Planes.

After a close formation (less than 50 feet separation) flight to 
check speeds he did a peel off and I went after him.  He made
two 90 degree turns to shake me but even though he was faster
, I could turn inside him.  We ended up in a tight circle with him
slightly above me and trying to come around on my tale.  I was
down to 80 indicated at one point and probably a 45 to 60 degree
bank but still staying inside him.  After six turns or so we broke
it off and he escorted me back to my home base.  What a great
way and great company to hit the 40 hour mark on my KR.  
I shut down with my hour meter reading 40.2 !!!

Come on guys,  get to building.  There's fun to be had 

Larry Flesner
P.S.  I wish I had a standard KR2 narrowed down to a single place
with a hopped up Corvair cranking out about 120 hp.  I bet I could
dust him good! :-)