> My EAA Chapter was recently "Gifted" with a KR-2 which is Partially Built.
> The chapter has decided that there is not enough interest in it to keep it
> so they are wanting to sell the project. I considered it for myself, but
> for me a KR2 is a KR1-1/2. Not enough room for me AND the wife. Not a
> popular decision in my house.
> The project has a set of Serialized Plans and much support documentation.
> It has been started to the point that the "Boat" (Fuselage) is shelled in.
> The wing spars are built, but that is all that is done on the wings. It is
> started for a Tri-Gear undercarriage.
> There are several parts which appear to be "Purchased" parts, there is a
> fiberglass turtle-deck that looks to be made in a mold, Skins for the tail
> feathers, and cowling.
> Included are lots of parts, Fiberglass gear legs, an aluminum "Spring
> Gear", Engine mount, Tires, tailwheel, Wheels, Brakes, Fiberglass Cloth,
> Nylon Webbing, Web-Seat, and so many other things down to blind-nuts &
> The chapter thinks it is worth $1500.00. I do not know what the actual
> value would be, but I have been authorized to "Liquidate" this lot.
> I thought you guys might like a shot at it before I throw it on ebay. The
> Wood working craftsmanship looks to be quite good to me. I have built many
> model aircraft, (Have never built a Full Scale), but the joints are tight,
> lines are straight, seems to me that someone could pick up where this
> builder left off.
> I have posted some poor pictures I was given to my website. You can follow
> the links below. I would be willing to take any digital pictures someone
> would require to make a better assessment of thier interest. I will be
> posting this on ebay at the end of the week if no one is interested here.
> The parts are located in SE. Michigan. I would be willing to help arrange
> transport if necessary.
> If someone with access to the KR site could relay this onto thier list it
> would also be appreciated.
> I can be contacted by phone at (734)320-1690 if anyone is seriously
> interested in the project, I will share all I know.
> Thanks.
> Michael Horwood
> Milan, Michigan
> (Building a Corvair Conversion for a 601XL ??)
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