I agree that it is time to put this thread to bed but I am hoping the
moderator will grant me one more comment on the subject.

I can no longer just sit on my thumbs here.  In support to of Steve, I need
to share my recent experience.

First, I am one of those people who have been waiting for plans  (ordered
Aug 6) and I am embarrassed to say that I 'jumped' Steve via e-mail a week
after ordering.  Having had some personal pressures the past few months that
put my stress level sky high inappropriately added fuel to the situation but
were in no way any fault of  Steve's.  Since that time I have apologized
multiple times and I am very thankful Steve did not choose to not do
business with me.  If the roles were reversed I'm not so sure I would have
been that kind.

Guys, I really believe that if anyone having a concern with an order were to
contact Steve directly they would quickly find as I did that he is a
stand-up guy.  From Steve and Mark Langford I learned the back story of what
Steve must and is going  through to get plans and parts out.  How it is he
continues to do this business I do not know but I can tell you that a lesser
person would have thrown in the towel a long time ago.  While I am not sure
that it is my place to share the details, I can tell you that I would never
have imagined it.

I think all of us should be thankful we have a person willing to serve the
KR community as Steve does.  Let's give the poor guy some slack already!
I'm sure we will all receive our orders when Steve is able to get them out
but let's not drive him over the edge in the meantime.


Gary Wold

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