I cleaned the spray gun and put it away for the last time: spray painting is 
Did I mention how much I hate sanding?
I am sure there will be bits and pieces for touch up, but that will be a 
little brush or rattle can.
Now it's bolting on the big pieces and see if it will pass FAA muster.  Only 
been 24 years come next week.
My inspiration and battery charging comes from OSH, The Gathering, KRnet, 
Chapter meetings and my still gorgeous and supportive wife.

Sid Wood
Tri-gear KR-2 N6242
Mechanicsville, MD, USA


Hey Guys, I've been down in the airplane factory(basement) working on my 
project and I realized that three years has gone by. Even though every day 
brings me closer to completion, sometimes I wonder why I ever started this 
project. That's when I have to give myself a little pep talk for 
 We can't be quitters if we're ever going to see these planes fly.  Did we 
Americans quit after the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor ? Did General Patton 
quit at Little Big Horn ? Did Abraham Lincoln quit after crossing the 
Delaware ? I think not. My point is, Reach down, Grab another gear and let's 
push on.  Anything that I can do for anyone that needs a little help, just 
call.         Mike Sylvester
kr2s builder

Cell no.205-966-3854


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