I completed the W&B empty.  The new empty weight is 720#.  I guess that with
the Corvair on, it will be around 750 or so.  I hope it will still fly.
Just guessing at the station for the wing tanks, being sort of in the area
of the people, I will be sitting just aft of center, with full fuel, and
with 10 gallons, still just barely aft of center.  This is good for the
added weight of the Corvair, but not so good for flying with the VW.  I hope
to get the actual station for the fuel, tomorrow, and then, I will know for

See N64KR at  <http://krbuilder.org/> http://KRBuilder.org - Then click on
the pics 

See you at the 2011 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN

There is a time for building and it never seems to end.

Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC

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