KR> Website update/ Motivation

2008-10-12 Thread David Mullins

I haven't done much since I was laid off from Raytheon just days
before the 2002 Gathering. I promised everyone that I wold bring
my bird then.  I drove 30 hours each way to let you guys (& girls)
see what I have been doing up to that point.

The major reason  for little progress is the uncertainty of my current
workplace. It is a startup that I have been working at for the past
1.5 years. I am working as a "contractor" with no benefits at all. Plus,
I get unscheduled "vacations."  I just got a three day one last week
because the business didn't have the money in the bank to pay me.
I am looking for a second job to supplement this one and get some
extra money to start my flight lessons. The business I work at is about
to take off. We are working to close 4 accounts any one of which
would put the company on its feet. That's why I'm trying to stay with them.

I have only been puttering around the hangar with no real progress.
Still been getting some of the other parts I need to make the
two 190ci  Corvair Engines. The first conversion was to mock up
my firewall forward. I sold that engine on barnstormers a while back
to a 601 builder.  The money was to be used for the big boy machine
work. However bills wiped out my plans to get the machine work done.
(More unscheduled vacation)

I have my own domain that I am in the process of moving to. I am finishing
a new computer build this weekend and will do a major update to my web
site at the new domain by the end of this month. (That's a promise)

My domain is http//  I can set some of you guys up with a
forwarding Email at  It will forward to your real
email address.

I hope the next gathering in Mount Vernon will cure me of my motivational
problems. The Last one started to, but fizzled in a few weeks. I need to see
some of the NEW birds that have been finished. (I still like to see the 
ones too)

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire

Ron Smith wrote:

>David Mullins  wrote:
>Hi David, I have nothing to say about the taxes thing. I did want to ask you 
>about your web site though. I haven't seen any changes in awhile and was 
>wondering how you ere progressing, and if you were going to post some new 
>pics. I liked your site very much.
>Ron Smith,
>God is in the details
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KR> Website update/ Motivation

2008-10-12 Thread Dan Heath

It is great to hear from you and we'll see you at the gathering.   

"There is a time for building and a time for flying, and the time for
building has long since expired."

See N64KR at - Then click on the pics
Daniel R. Heath - Columbia, SC
See you in Mt. Vernon - 2004 - KR Gathering