On 4/15/06 I purchased the T-88 Redimix gun kit
because it looked like a great way to mix T-88
reliably and easily. I like it and it works great. 

However, when I recently went to purchase replacement
cartridges for it, AS&S told me they no longer carry
it and I should contact the vendor. WHen I told them I
just paid them $50 for the gun 90 days ago, they had
no reply other than I should contact the vendor. 

I called Wicks Aircraft. They had the cartridges. They
shipped them right out. I called them back and thanked
them and ordered more material for my project. 

Not bad-mouthing anyone here, but service is what
distinguishes one business from another, and based on
the way I was treated by Wicks, I'll be doing business
with them from now on. 

If AS&S is listening, if I wanted to do business with
the vendor, I would have bought the gun from the
vendor in the first place. 

Anybody here have smilar experiences, or am I just
rushing to judge this company?  

I'll maintain an open mind to all input from the fine
members here. 

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