Hi all,
Today I fitted both top wing skins. I have wing tanks, and now keeping my 
fingers crossed that the tanks are sealed. ( looking good)  As per Dan Diehl 

I have removed the old H/S stabiliser and made a new one with 12 inches more 
span and 1 inch more cord, and it weighs the same as the old heavy one, 7.5 
lbs. as well as almost finished the elevator.

I'm going to make a set brackets the bolt to the WAF so I can lift the plane 
off the ground, so I can play with the w&b the same as model aircraft. I 
visited the Cobra aircraft factory some time back, and they had their Cobra 
hanging from the roof on Cof G brackets, and modifying the engine mounts to 
adjust the W&B. worked great. So you can move everthing around and really see 
what it does to the actual balance of the aircraft.

Phil Matheson
VH-PKR ( reserved)
61 3 58833588

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