Hi, Terry!

There are a couple KR2 builders in the UK. One of them surprised us all 
when he launched in a world tour with his KR. Went all the way to 
Australia, despite an awful lack of preparation.
You don't have to import everything from the States, far from it. Here in 
France, I know one guy who built everything from scratch, except for the 
canopy, using only locally available supplies. As far as timber is 
concerned, I am fairly sure there are sources of aircraft grade timber 
near  you, since a lot of wooden aircraft are being built in the UK. Just 
contact the PFA and ask a few builders / rebuilders what kind of wood they 
use, and where they buy it.

My 2 cents worth.

Serge Vidal
Paris, France

terry jones <t.w.jo...@ntlworld.com>

Envoyé par : krnet-boun...@mylist.net
2004-10-19 13:53
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 2004-10-19 13:56

        Pour :  KRnet <kr...@mylist.net>
        cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
        Objet : Re: KR> Gathering photos, finally...

Hi  All, this is my first posting.
Looked like a nice gathering of people 'n aircraft. Shame it all 
happened over 5000 miles away.
I am in the UK, over in East Anglia, almost as far away from the US as 
you can get in England.
Question:- Are there any/many KR2S builders in the UK, as I am looking 
into this as a possible project.
The problem seems to be (apart from the restraints of the CAA/PFA) that 
all material has to be sourced from the States. This means that timber 
for example cost almost as much for shipping/delivery as it does to buy.
Anyway, good luck to all you existing builders, and may the space 
between your bum and the ground never reduce faster than you intend....
Terry Jones


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