Live Migration, DRBD

2008-07-24 Thread Kent Borg
I am very happy to discover that KVM does live migration.  Now I am
figuring out whether it will work for me. 

What I have in mind is to use DRBD for the file system image.  The
problem is that during the migration I want to shift the file system
access at the moment when the VM has quit running on the host it is
leaving but before it starts running on the host where it is arriving. 
Is there a hook to let me do stuff at this point?

This is what I want to do:

On the departing machine...

  - VM has stopped here
  - umount the volume with the VM file system image
  - mark volume in DRDB as secondary

On the arriving machine...

  - mark volume in DRBD as primary
  - mount the volume with the VM file system image
  - VM can now start here

Is there a way?


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Re: Live Migration, DRBD

2008-07-25 Thread Kent Borg
Jim wrote:
> Yes, there is a way, but first your setup is a little strange. Why do you
> take a device (the DRBD) then put a file system on it which just contains a
> file with the system image? Why not use the DRBD device directly as your 
> system
> disk?
> e.g. qemu-system-86_64 -hda /dev/drbdX

That does sound smarter. I guess I was assuming files because they are
easier to otherwise manipulate.


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