In order to concentrate setup classes for the KVM autotest
tests, create This library will contain
code used to perform actions before to the actual test
execution, putting some hooks on the test postprocessing
code. The first class in there is the UnattendedInstallConfig
class, that prepares the environment for unattended installs.

Advantages with doing this in framework code:

- Setup errors are easier to figure out than having a
'pre command failed' error reason.
- We can use test.tmpdir to store temp dirs, which makes
things even cleaner and less intrusive in the system.
- Less code duplication.

Signed-off-by: Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues <>
 client/tests/kvm/ |  494 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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 create mode 100644 client/tests/kvm/

diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/ b/client/tests/kvm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b7ef14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+Library to perform pre/post test setup for KVM autotest.
+import os, sys, shutil, tempfile, re, ConfigParser, glob, inspect, commands
+import logging
+from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
+from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
+def cleanup(dir):
+    """
+    If dir is a mountpoint, do what is possible to unmount it. Afterwards,
+    try to remove it.
+    @param dir: Directory to be cleaned up.
+    """
+    error.context("cleaning up unattended install directory %s" % dir)
+    if os.path.ismount(dir):
+'fuser -k %s' % dir, ignore_status=True)
+'umount %s' % dir)
+    if os.path.isdir(dir):
+        shutil.rmtree(dir)
+def clean_old_image(image):
+    """
+    Clean a leftover image file from previous processes. If it contains a
+    mounted file system, do the proper cleanup procedures.
+    @param image: Path to image to be cleaned up.
+    """
+    error.context("cleaning up old leftover image %s" % image)
+    if os.path.exists(image):
+        mtab = open('/etc/mtab', 'r')
+        mtab_contents =
+        mtab.close()
+        if image in mtab_contents:
+  'fuser -k %s' % image, ignore_status=True)
+  'umount %s' % image)
+        os.remove(image)
+class Disk(object):
+    """
+    Abstract class for Disk objects, with the common methods implemented.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.path = None
+    def setup_answer_file(self, filename, contents):
+        utils.open_write_close(os.path.join(self.mount, filename), contents)
+    def copy_to(self, src):
+        dst = os.path.join(self.mount, os.path.basename(src))
+        if os.path.isdir(src):
+            shutil.copytree(src, dst)
+        elif os.path.isfile(src):
+            shutil.copyfile(src, dst)
+    def close(self):
+        os.chmod(self.path, 0755)
+        cleanup(self.mount)
+        logging.debug("Disk %s successfuly set", self.path)
+class FloppyDisk(Disk):
+    """
+    Represents a 1.44 MB floppy disk. We can copy files to it, and setup it in
+    convenient ways.
+    """
+    @error.context_aware
+    def __init__(self, path, qemu_img_binary, tmpdir):
+        error.context("Creating unattended install floppy image %s" % path)
+        self.tmpdir = tmpdir
+        self.mount = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='floppy_', dir=self.tmpdir)
+        self.virtio_mount = None
+        self.path = path
+        clean_old_image(path)
+        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(path)):
+            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path))
+        try:
+            c_cmd = '%s create -f raw %s 1440k' % (qemu_img_binary, path)
+            f_cmd = 'mkfs.msdos -s 1 %s' % path
+            m_cmd = 'mount -o loop,rw %s %s' % (path, self.mount)
+        except error.CmdError, e:
+            cleanup(self.mount)
+            raise
+    def _copy_virtio_drivers(self, virtio_floppy):
+        """
+        Copy the virtio drivers on the virtio floppy to the install floppy.
+        1) Mount the floppy containing the viostor drivers
+        2) Copy its contents to the root of the install floppy
+        """
+        virtio_mount = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='virtio_floppy_',
+                                        dir=self.tmpdir)
+        pwd = os.getcwd()
+        try:
+            m_cmd = 'mount -o loop %s %s' % (virtio_floppy, virtio_mount)
+            os.chdir(virtio_mount)
+            path_list = glob.glob('*')
+            for path in path_list:
+                self.copy_to(path)
+        finally:
+            os.chdir(pwd)
+            cleanup(virtio_mount)
+    def setup_virtio_win2003(self, virtio_floppy, virtio_oemsetup_id):
+        """
+        Setup the install floppy with the virtio storage drivers, win2003 
+        Win2003 and WinXP depend on the file txtsetup.oem file to install
+        the virtio drivers from the floppy, which is a .ini file.
+        Process:
+        1) Copy the virtio drivers on the virtio floppy to the install floppy
+        2) Parse the ini file with config parser
+        3) Modify the identifier of the default session that is going to be
+           executed on the config parser object
+        4) Re-write the config file to the disk
+        """
+        self._copy_virtio_drivers(virtio_floppy)
+        txtsetup_oem = os.path.join(self.mount, 'txtsetup.oem')
+        if not os.path.isfile(txtsetup_oem):
+            raise IOError('File txtsetup.oem not found on the install '
+                          'floppy. Please verify if your floppy virtio '
+                          'driver image has this file')
+        parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+        if not parser.has_section('Defaults'):
+            raise ValueError('File txtsetup.oem does not have the session '
+                             '"Defaults". Please check txtsetup.oem')
+        default_driver = parser.get('Defaults', 'SCSI')
+        if default_driver != virtio_oemsetup_id:
+            parser.set('Defaults', 'SCSI', virtio_oemsetup_id)
+            fp = open(txtsetup_oem, 'w')
+            parser.write(fp)
+            fp.close()
+    def setup_virtio_win2008(self, virtio_floppy):
+        """
+        Setup the install floppy with the virtio storage drivers, win2008 
+        Win2008, Vista and 7 require people to point out the path to the 
+        on the unattended file, so we just need to copy the drivers to the
+        driver floppy disk.
+        Process:
+        1) Copy the virtio drivers on the virtio floppy to the install floppy
+        """
+        self._copy_virtio_drivers(virtio_floppy)
+class CdromDisk(Disk):
+    """
+    Represents a CDROM disk that we can master according to our needs.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, path, tmpdir):
+        self.mount = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='cdrom_unattended_', dir=tmpdir)
+        self.path = path
+        clean_old_image(path)
+        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(path)):
+            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path))
+    @error.context_aware
+    def close(self):
+        error.context("Creating unattended install CD image %s" % self.path)
+        g_cmd = ('mkisofs -o %s -max-iso9660-filenames '
+                 '-relaxed-filenames -D --input-charset iso8859-1 '
+                 '%s' % (self.path, self.mount))
+        os.chmod(self.path, 0755)
+        cleanup(self.mount)
+        logging.debug("unattended install CD image %s successfuly created",
+                      self.path)
+class UnattendedInstallConfig(object):
+    """
+    Creates a floppy disk image that will contain a config file for unattended
+    OS install. The parameters to the script are retrieved from environment
+    variables.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, test, params):
+        """
+        Sets class atributes from test parameters.
+        @param test: KVM test object.
+        @param params: Dictionary with test parameters.
+        """
+        root_dir = test.bindir
+        images_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'images')
+        self.deps_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'deps')
+        self.unattended_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'unattended')
+        attributes = ['kernel_args', 'finish_program', 'cdrom_cd1',
+                      'unattended_file', 'medium', 'url', 'kernel', 'initrd',
+                      'nfs_server', 'nfs_dir', 'install_virtio', 'floppy',
+                      'cdrom_unattended', 'boot_path', 'extra_params',
+                      'qemu_img_binary']
+        for a in attributes:
+            setattr(self, a, params.get(a, ''))
+        if self.install_virtio == 'yes':
+            v_attributes = ['virtio_floppy', 'virtio_storage_path',
+                            'virtio_network_path', 'virtio_oemsetup_id',
+                            'virtio_network_installer']
+            for va in v_attributes:
+                setattr(self, va, params.get(va, ''))
+        self.tmpdir = test.tmpdir
+        if getattr(self, 'unattended_file'):
+            self.unattended_file = os.path.join(root_dir, self.unattended_file)
+        if getattr(self, 'qemu_img_binary'):
+            if not os.path.isfile(getattr(self, 'qemu_img_binary')):
+                self.qemu_img_binary = os.path.join(root_dir,
+                                                    self.qemu_img_binary)
+        if getattr(self, 'cdrom_cd1'):
+            self.cdrom_cd1 = os.path.join(root_dir, self.cdrom_cd1)
+        self.cdrom_cd1_mount = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='cdrom_cd1_',
+                                                dir=self.tmpdir)
+        if self.medium == 'nfs':
+            self.nfs_mount = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='nfs_',
+                                              dir=self.tmpdir)
+        if getattr(self, 'floppy'):
+            self.floppy = os.path.join(root_dir, self.floppy)
+            if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(self.floppy)):
+                os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.floppy))
+        self.image_path = os.path.dirname(self.kernel)
+    @error.context_aware
+    def render_answer_file(self):
+        """
+        Replace KVM_TEST_CDKEY (in the unattended file) with the cdkey
+        provided for this test and replace the KVM_TEST_MEDIUM with
+        the tree url or nfs address provided for this test.
+        @return: Answer file contents
+        """
+        error.base_context('Rendering final answer file')
+        error.context('Reading answer file %s' % self.unattended_file)
+        unattended_contents = open(self.unattended_file).read()
+        dummy_cdkey_re = r'\bKVM_TEST_CDKEY\b'
+        real_cdkey = os.environ.get('KVM_TEST_cdkey')
+        if, unattended_contents):
+            if real_cdkey:
+                unattended_contents = re.sub(dummy_cdkey_re, real_cdkey,
+                                             unattended_contents)
+            else:
+                print ("WARNING: 'cdkey' required but not specified for "
+                       "this unattended installation")
+        dummy_medium_re = r'\bKVM_TEST_MEDIUM\b'
+        if self.medium == "cdrom":
+            content = "cdrom"
+        elif self.medium == "url":
+            content = "url --url %s" % self.url
+        elif self.medium == "nfs":
+            content = "nfs --server=%s --dir=%s" % (self.nfs_server,
+                                                    self.nfs_dir)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Unexpected installation medium %s" % self.url)
+        unattended_contents = re.sub(dummy_medium_re, content,
+                                     unattended_contents)
+        def replace_virtio_key(contents, dummy_re, env):
+            """
+            Replace a virtio dummy string with contents.
+            If install_virtio is not set, replace it with a dummy string.
+            @param contents: Contents of the unattended file
+            @param dummy_re: Regular expression used to search on the.
+                    unattended file contents.
+            @param env: Name of the environment variable.
+            """
+            dummy_path = "C:"
+            driver = os.environ.get(env, '')
+            if, contents):
+                if self.install_virtio == "yes":
+                    if driver.endswith("msi"):
+                        driver = 'msiexec /passive /package ' + driver
+                    else:
+                        try:
+                            # Let's escape windows style paths properly
+                            drive, path = driver.split(":")
+                            driver = drive + ":" + re.escape(path)
+                        except:
+                            pass
+                    contents = re.sub(dummy_re, driver, contents)
+                else:
+                    contents = re.sub(dummy_re, dummy_path, contents)
+            return contents
+        vdict = {r'\bKVM_TEST_STORAGE_DRIVER_PATH\b':
+                 'KVM_TEST_virtio_storage_path',
+                 r'\bKVM_TEST_NETWORK_DRIVER_PATH\b':
+                 'KVM_TEST_virtio_network_path',
+                 r'\bKVM_TEST_VIRTIO_NETWORK_INSTALLER\b':
+                 'KVM_TEST_virtio_network_installer_path'}
+        for vkey in vdict:
+            unattended_contents = replace_virtio_key(unattended_contents,
+                                                     vkey, vdict[vkey])
+        logging.debug("Unattended install contents:")
+        for line in unattended_contents.splitlines():
+            logging.debug(line)
+        return unattended_contents
+    def setup_boot_disk(self):
+        answer_contents = self.render_answer_file()
+        if self.unattended_file.endswith('.sif'):
+            dest_fname = 'winnt.sif'
+            setup_file = 'winnt.bat'
+            boot_disk = FloppyDisk(self.floppy, self.qemu_img_binary,
+                                   self.tmpdir)
+            boot_disk.setup_answer_file(dest_fname, answer_contents)
+            setup_file_path = os.path.join(self.unattended_dir, setup_file)
+            boot_disk.copy_to(setup_file_path)
+            if self.install_virtio == "yes":
+                boot_disk.setup_virtio_win2003(self.virtio_floppy,
+                                               self.virtio_oemsetup_id)
+            boot_disk.copy_to(self.finish_program)
+        elif self.unattended_file.endswith('.ks'):
+            # Red Hat kickstart install
+            dest_fname = 'ks.cfg'
+            if self.cdrom_unattended:
+                boot_disk = CdromDisk(self.cdrom_unattended, self.tmpdir)
+            elif self.floppy:
+                boot_disk = FloppyDisk(self.floppy, self.qemu_img_binary,
+                                       self.tmpdir)
+            else:
+                raise ValueError("Neither cdrom_unattended nor floppy set "
+                                 "on the config file, please verify")
+            boot_disk.setup_answer_file(dest_fname, answer_contents)
+        elif self.unattended_file.endswith('.xml'):
+            if "autoyast" in self.extra_params:
+                # SUSE autoyast install
+                dest_fname = "autoinst.xml"
+                if self.cdrom_unattended:
+                    boot_disk = CdromDisk(self.cdrom_unattended)
+                elif self.floppy:
+                    boot_disk = FloppyDisk(self.floppy, self.qemu_img_binary,
+                                           self.tmpdir)
+                else:
+                    raise ValueError("Neither cdrom_unattended nor floppy set "
+                                     "on the config file, please verify")
+                boot_disk.setup_answer_file(dest_fname, answer_contents)
+            else:
+                # Windows unattended install
+                dest_fname = "autounattend.xml"
+                boot_disk = FloppyDisk(self.floppy, self.qemu_img_binary,
+                                       self.tmpdir)
+                boot_disk.setup_answer_file(dest_fname, answer_contents)
+                if self.install_virtio == "yes":
+                    boot_disk.setup_virtio_win2008(self.virtio_floppy)
+                boot_disk.copy_to(self.finish_program)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError('Unknown answer file type: %s' %
+                             self.unattended_file)
+        boot_disk.close()
+    @error.context_aware
+    def setup_cdrom(self):
+        """
+        Mount cdrom and copy vmlinuz and initrd.img.
+        """
+        error.context("Copying vmlinuz and initrd.img from install cdrom %s" %
+                      self.cdrom_cd1)
+        m_cmd = ('mount -t iso9660 -v -o loop,ro %s %s' %
+                 (self.cdrom_cd1, self.cdrom_cd1_mount))
+        try:
+            if not os.path.isdir(self.image_path):
+                os.makedirs(self.image_path)
+            kernel_fetch_cmd = ("cp %s/%s/%s %s" %
+                                (self.cdrom_cd1_mount, self.boot_path,
+                                 os.path.basename(self.kernel), self.kernel))
+            initrd_fetch_cmd = ("cp %s/%s/%s %s" %
+                                (self.cdrom_cd1_mount, self.boot_path,
+                                 os.path.basename(self.initrd), self.initrd))
+        finally:
+            cleanup(self.cdrom_cd1_mount)
+    @error.context_aware
+    def setup_url(self):
+        """
+        Download the vmlinuz and initrd.img from URL.
+        """
+        error.context("downloading vmlinuz and initrd.img from %s" % self.url)
+        os.chdir(self.image_path)
+        kernel_fetch_cmd = "wget -q %s/%s/%s" % (self.url, self.boot_path,
+                                                 os.path.basename(self.kernel))
+        initrd_fetch_cmd = "wget -q %s/%s/%s" % (self.url, self.boot_path,
+                                                 os.path.basename(self.initrd))
+        if os.path.exists(self.kernel):
+            os.remove(self.kernel)
+        if os.path.exists(self.initrd):
+            os.remove(self.initrd)
+    def setup_nfs(self):
+        """
+        Copy the vmlinuz and initrd.img from nfs.
+        """
+        error.context("copying the vmlinuz and initrd.img from NFS share")
+        m_cmd = ("mount %s:%s %s -o ro" %
+                 (self.nfs_server, self.nfs_dir, self.nfs_mount))
+        try:
+            kernel_fetch_cmd = ("cp %s/%s/%s %s" %
+                                (self.nfs_mount, self.boot_path,
+                                os.path.basename(self.kernel), 
+            initrd_fetch_cmd = ("cp %s/%s/%s %s" %
+                                (self.nfs_mount, self.boot_path,
+                                os.path.basename(self.initrd), 
+        finally:
+            cleanup(self.nfs_mount)
+    def setup(self):
+        """
+        Configure the environment for unattended install.
+        Uses an appropriate strategy according to each install model.
+        """
+"Starting unattended install setup")
+        logging.debug("Variables set:")
+        for member in inspect.getmembers(self):
+            name, value = member
+            attribute = getattr(self, name)
+            if not (name.startswith("__") or callable(attribute) or not value):
+                logging.debug("    %s: %s", name, value)
+        if self.unattended_file and (self.floppy or self.cdrom_unattended):
+            self.setup_boot_disk()
+        if self.medium == "cdrom":
+            if self.kernel and self.initrd:
+                self.setup_cdrom()
+        elif self.medium == "url":
+            self.setup_url()
+        elif self.medium == "nfs":
+            self.setup_nfs()
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Unexpected installation method %s" %
+                             self.medium)

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