[LAAMN] [Fwd: Love your enemy more than your friend]

2004-12-12 Thread Emma Rosenthal

Elana Golden serves on the Advisory Board of Cafe Intifada!
-Emma Rosenthal
Cafe Intifada

THE BLANKET * Index: Current Articles

Love your enemy more than your friend

Elana Golden  1 December 2004
What are you doing tomorrow? my friend Edna asked. 
I am trying to go to Ramallah I said.
Why? I don't understand. They are our enemies... she 
confronted me.

This phone conversation took place in Tel Aviv, while I 
was there, in September of 2004. I did not get into a political argument with 
her. This had been established the first time I visited her and she asked me 
what I was planning to do on my visit. 

I will go to the checkpoints, go to the West Bank, 
meet Palestinians go to demonstrations 

I am not going there with you, she interrupted me, 
her there not referring to the places mentioned but to the political 
conversation she thought I was about to begin. A year earlier we had a huge 
fight when I said that the war in Iraq has to do with Zionist presence in 
Palestine. She exploded and accused me of being an anti-Semite, and did not 
speak to me for a long time.

For me, Palestinians are not enemies. And this is 
despite the fact that I grew up in Israel and am Jewish, - though I live in the 
U.S. since 1978. Maybe it was a lucky strike that at age 12, a month after the 
1967 war, I spent a month in a summer school in Switzerland, where I met and 
befriended kids from Kuwait, Libya, Soudi Arabia, and Lebanon. My best friend 
there was Maya from Beirut, Lebanon. We shared a room, and after the summer 
exchanged letters through a friend in Paris for a year. It was then that I knew 
that Arabs are not my enemies. That I have no enemies and indeed want to live a 
life without making one. 

I did not know at age 12 about Palestinians, and 
thinking in retrospect, it's possible that some of the kids in the Swiss summer 
school were of Palestinian origin. But soon after that summer, back in Tel 
Aviv, I was reading Uri Avnery's left-wing magazine - Haolam Haze -- this 
world, in Hebrew. It spoke of clandestine meetings between Israelis and 
Palestinians in London, - meetings that were outlawed by Israel at the time. I 
was fascinated by those meetings, intrigued by Palestinians, and wanted to know 
more about them and meet them. Life offered opportunities. 

In 1972, my senior year in high school, I would skip 
school and instead, drive to Jerusalem with one of the founders of Matzpen - a 
left-wing group, advocating a one state solution for Palestinians and Israelis. 
Sitting in cafes in both east and west Jerusalem I began to meet Palestinian 
activists and intellectuals and to understand what had happened to the 
Palestinian people at the hands of the Israelis. And at a time when Golda Meir 
was stating that there's no such thing as Palestinians, here I was, sitting 
with a few, who were telling me about how their parents and grandparents had 
been expelled from their villages and homes, from Jaffa and Haifa and Ramle, in 
1948 and before. 

Around that time I had to go to the Israeli army. I 
really did not want to go, but met a boy I fell in love with, and together we 
formed a group that would serve on a Kibbutz, a Communist Kibbutz, and not 
serve in the occupied territories. This was accepted by the army back then. In 
basic training I spoke to all the other female soldiers about Palestinians, 
about the occupation since 1967, and that Israel has to get out of these 
territories. I was accused of incitement. I was not put in jail, but punished 
to spend most weekends on the base. This was combined with my refusal to learn 
how to shoot a gun. Finally, after a time, I got out of the army, released 
under the clause, Unfit for military service. 

Cut to many years later, it's now 1997 and I live in 
L.A. The Milky Way, a film by a Palestinian Israeli filmmaker, Ali Nassar, is 
part of the Israeli film festival. I had met Ali in Jerusalem a few months 
earlier, and now went to see the film again, at a screening in Beverly Hills. 
There's very few people in the theater, none Palestinian or Arab, though the 
film is in Arabic. No PR has been done for the film in the Arabic speaking 
communities, and I make it a point to reach out to these audiences. This is 
when I meet Pat and Samir Twair, she an American journalist writing for The 
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, he a Syrian peace activist, poet and 
journalist. It's also then that I meet Hanna Elias, a Palestinian filmmaker, 
and Nabil Azzam, a Palestinian violinist - both living in Los Angeles. Four new 
friendships begin to blossom I also begin to 

[LAAMN] 12/12 Iraq Watch Specials: The Truth About the UN Oil-for-Food Scam

2004-12-12 Thread SIUHIN

Iraq Watch Specials: The Truth About the  UN Oil-for-Food Scam
December 12, 2004
From Peace No War  Network
URL: _www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/) 
As I wrote on 1999 on Covert Action Quarterly  magazine about the *real* 
reasons U.S. daily bombing Iraq is to boost their  weapons sales in the U.S. 
around the World (_http://www.actionla.org/Iraq/IraqReport/CAQ.htm_ 
(http://www.actionla.org/Iraq/IraqReport/CAQ.htm) )
Similarly, the *real* reason behind the U.N  Oil-For-Food program was U.S. 
to steal Iraq's oil for lower-then market price.  I wrote a detail 
investigative article about this on the Spring 2000 issue of  Covert Action 
Magazine (see under).
Currently, the U.S. is intend to use this  old  U.S.-manufactured scandal to 
overthrown UN Secretary-General Kofi  Annan, and to achieve the control of 
United Nations. 
It's true that without a huge U.N. bureaucracy  to help U.S. to achieve his 
scheme, the U.S. oil companies will not able to  quietly ripped-off 40% of Iraq 
oil under the program and block almost all vital  medical supplies thought 
the 90's that result in 3/4 millions of Iraqi children  death (a infamous quote 
by Albright on mid-90's said it was worth it. for so  many Iraqi Children 
death because of sanctions).
Furthermore, U.S. is using Iraqi oil to play it  oil-geo-political covert 
action scheme of global dominance game, from  Palestine, Cuba, Venezuela
(http://www.actionla.org/Iraq/IraqReport/CL.htm) ).
Lee Siu Hin
Peace No war Network
The Iraq-Russia-US Oil  Pipeline
How the US Has Been Using the UN  Oil-for-Food Program to Steal Iraqs 
By: Lee Siu  Hin
March,  2000
On February  3rd at Persian Gulf near Oman, a team of US Navy SEAL laid a 
Russian  oil tanker on commando-style, they accuse Volga-Neft 147 is smuggling 
Iraqi oil.  US Secretary of Defense William Cohen says they dont believe the 
Russian  government was involved in Iraq oil smuggle, and US official says the  
administration was merely enforcing the embargo against Iraq. However, what  
Cohen and the administrations didnt said: For the past three years US had  
became the biggest hidden Iraq oil buyerwith the help of  Russia. 
The United  States, together with Britain, France and Russia, has 
manufactured one of the  biggest oil scheme in history: the theft of billions 
of dollars 
of below-market  price petroleum from Iraq every year under the United 
 Oil-for-Food  program. Because of the sanctions, Iraq has forced to sell 
its oil far cheaper  then the international oil market price (so-called 
discount prices); up to $5  per barrel below any other Gulf country's oil. This 
the main reason for  1998's 60% oil price collapse--the cheapest oil since the 
70's 'oil  crisis.'  Although international  crude oil price had been 
sky-rocked to $30 a barrel early this year, it still  doesnt change the 
facts that 
American oil companies are still buying  discounted price oil from 
Iraqup to 
40 percent of its production, quietly end  up in US refinery, not directly 
from the UN programs, but indirectly from  Russia. Iraq since the beginning of 
the UN program had strictly refusing to sell  its oil to US, UK and Japanese 
companies (with the exceptions of US Coastal and  Phoenix oil companies). 
you help a person who commits a crime against  your people [by selling oil to 
them]? Iraqi oil minister Amer Rashid asks.  This is an ethnical, not 
political issue. (10)   
The  Iraq-Russia-US oil connections are nothing new, since beginning of this 
Century,  the equation of the games in the Middle East has been always the same
oil. This  is also one of the main reasons this time in Iraq: the US wants 
to maintain its  UN sanctions against Iraq before and beyond, because it 
greatly benefits US oil  companies (9). 
Logically, if  Albright hates Saddam so much and accusing him of building new 
weapons everyday,  why doesn't she just simply prevent Iraq from selling oil, 
so Saddam wont have  any money for developing new guns? Thats the Catch 
Uncle Sam doesnt want  you to know about: on the one hand the United States 
maintains its nearly  10-year old campaigns of continuous bombing and 
starvation against Iraq, while  on the other hand it is covertly using the UN 
Oil-for-Food program to steal  billions of dollars in below-market price oil 
Iraq every year, according to  the United Nations, and government records. 
For the past  three years, every month dozen Iraqi oil shipments quiretly 
arrived to different  oil refrinly in Texas, New Jersey and California, almost 
information had been  available to the public. It is highly puzzled that the 
United Nations, State  Department, Pentagon and US Customs had completely 
silent (even spin  controlling) the facts of Iraq-Russia-US oil pipeline, 
the facts that  

[LAAMN] FW: News from Mexican American Political Association]

2004-12-12 Thread Emma Rosenthal

-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2004 5:59 PM
Subject: News from Mexican American Political Association


Mexican American Political Association

Mexican American Political Association Newsletter
) http://imgcc.com/diag_corner_tr.gif

December 2004

*  What is a DARK MONDAY?
*  Lunes Oscuro Flyer
A growing number of organizations have joined the call by the Mexican
American Political Association to observe DARK MONDAYS beginning Monday,
December 13, 2004 and all of 2005 until the state of California becomes
a hospitable state to immigrants and permits driver's licenses to
persons irrespective of their immigration status.

What is a DARK MONDAY?

What is a DARK MONDAY? MAPA's call to observe DARK MONDAYS and not
purchase gasoline one day a week is an economic boycott, which targets
the energy industry throughout California and in any state where our
message is well received.
The energy industry is the most watched industry in terms of the ups and
downs of the market - prices, supply, consumption, etc. - and therefore,
relatively simple to ascertain the effectiveness of a boycott.
No purchase of gasoline is a simple act of conscience by the consumers -
almost a symbolic act of support and unity. This is a call to observe
DARK MONDAYS to all Latinos, immigrants, and the general community to
demonstrate their support for immigrants and the right to obtain a
driver's license with no regard for immigration status.
Critics would say that people will only make their purchases on Sunday
or Tuesday and therefore there is no effect. In fact, this is the
simplicity of our call. It is very simple for the populace to be
supportive. However, this is only the first step to build organization
and consiousness amongst our own communities, and the general
population, about the contributions made by immigrants, to then pursue
other economic actions and targets. This is one step of many more to



Join us in this prolonged campaign for driver's licenses and visas for
our families. The first step in making change is to join an organization
that pursues the change we desire. We welcome you to our ranks.
Other organizations leading this movement include: Centro Azteca de
Informacion, California Coalition for Immigrant's Rights and Against
Raids, Centro CSO, Hermandad Mexicana Latinoamericana, MAPA Youth
Leadership, and the Council of Mexican Federations.
Nativo V. Lopez, National President of MAPA (323) 269-1575
Miguel Araujo, General Cordinator, Centro Azteca (650) 921-0293

Lunes Oscuro Flyer



Quick Links...


2Fwww.mapa.org Register Now
%2Fwww.mapa.org%2Fissue2.html Last Month's Newsletter

2Fwww.mapa.org More About Us

webmaster email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
phone: 323-269-1575
2Fwww.mapa.org http://www.mapa.org

[LAAMN] Problems: The End of Teflon Guiliani, The New Pentagon Paper, Corrupting Ukraine, Corrupt Governor

2004-12-12 Thread Ed Pearl

HI Ed,
My cousin Thom Irwin reminded me that the best deal all around is LA
Times'  Calendar Live which gets him access to the whole paper and its
archives for $10/yr. Comics are separate so he subscribed to Comix.com,
gets most of what the times carries for another $10/yr and no paper at all!
That's the best deal of all! and nothing to recycle (which is all the paper
is good for just about anyway -
happy chanukah -
[and to all, Ed  No afternoon mailing today - fam time]

Via NY Transfer News Collective  *  All the News that Doesn't Fit

NY Newsday - Dec 11, 2004

Guiliani Political Stock in Doubt

by Glenn Thrush
Staff Writer

The short, embarrassing nomination of Bernard Kerik ended with a
whimper and so, too, has Rudolph Giuliani's Teflon period -- a three-year
stretch when his status as America's Mayor largely obscured his own
shortcomings and the foibles of close associates.

Giuliani is still regarded as a serious presidential contender in 2008,
but his political stock seems to have taken its first major tumble since
he emerged as a national figure after the 2001 terrorist attacks.

The Kerik debacle has also raised doubts about Giuliani's judgment in
pushing his protege's nomination, considering Kerik's nanny troubles
and an emerging string of unflattering business, personal and legal

It's an embarrassment for Giuliani if Giuliani wants to be president, said
GOP consultant Nelson Warfield, who was Bob Dole's press secretary
during the 1996 presidential campaign. He's Kerik's biggest promoter
and either he was reckless or uninformed, and neither of those things
qualifies you for president. You'll never find anyone to say it, but
this is a big negative with the Bush White House.

The Kerik firestorm, fueled by a New York media all too familiar with
Giuliani and his aides, may portend even more intense scrutiny of
Giuliani if he seeks national office.

The contrite former mayor, who was practically welded to President
George W. Bush during the final weeks of the campaign, seems to have
gotten the message. At a Manhattan news conference yesterday,
Giuliani said, It's an embarrassment to me and to Bernie and those of us
who supported him.

On Friday night, he apologized directly to White House Chief of Staff
Andrew Card. I'll speak to the president a little later, Giuliani said
yesterday. I told Andy that this is our responsibility. I'm sorry, we
don't want to do anything to distract the administration.

Giuliani and Bush won't have to wait long to hash things out
face-to-face. Both are scheduled to attend a holiday function at the
White House later today, according to a source close to Giuliani.

Although local politicians publicly crowed about the former NYPD
commissioner's nomination, many also expressed private doubts about
Kerik's fitness to run a department that oversees 22 agencies with a
total of 180,000 federal employees. Mayor Michael Bloomberg hailed
Kerik's selection. But Kerik's feud with current city police
Commissioner Ray Kelly, a former high-ranking member of the Clinton
administration, was one of the city's worst-kept secrets.

No single figure has been so closely associated with Giuliani during or
after his City Hall tenure as Kerik. The 49-year-old former top cop, who
 served as Giuliani's majordomo, confidante, corrections commissioner
and business partner, has enjoyed Giuliani's patronage and protection.

One national Republican strategist who supports Giuliani said that was
part of the problem.

I'm sorry, but the people around him are the Gang that Couldn't Shoot
Straight, said the strategist, speaking on condition of anonymity.
I've had this conversation with U.S. senators and other party leaders
and they all say the same thing: Rudy's got to hire a team of people
who are ready for prime time and have a plan.

Copyright © 2004, Newsday, Inc.


Via NY Transfer News Collective  *  All the News that Doesn't Fit


The New Pentagon Paper

A scathing top-level report, intended for internal consumption, says that
Bush's war on terrorism is an unmitigated disaster. Of course, the
administration is ignoring it.

By Sidney Blumenthal

Who wrote this -- a pop sociologist, obscure blogger or antiwar playwright?
Finally, Muslims see Americans as strangely narcissistic-- namely, that
the war is all about us. As the Muslims see it, everything about the war is
- for Americans -- really no more than an extension of American domestic
politics and its great game. This perception is of course necessarily
heightened by election-year atmospherics, but nonetheless sustains their
impression that when Americans talk to Muslims they are really just
talking to themselves.

This passage is not psychobabble, punditry or monologue. It is a
conclusion of the Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force 

[LAAMN] Fwd: Re: [freekpfk] Gary Webb, who broke CIA-crack cocaine story an apparent suicide

2004-12-12 Thread John Johnson

From: jhallaren [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Re: [freekpfk] Gary Webb, who broke CIA-crack cocaine story an
 apparent suicide

This is devastating news! I cannot imagine Gary dead, leave alone
committing suicide. For one, he had great courage and he came from a
military background where discipline was enmeshed in daily life ethic.
Gary also had a breezy mixture of idealism and cynicism. He took things
with a kind of cockeyed, humorous view. His style was more Forties-Hard
Guy-Reporter rather than Sixties Gonzo, but he was an original! He was
as at home roller-blading on the board walks of Venice Beach as talking
to Ricky Ross' pals, engaging with drug-kingpin girlfriend, the amazing
Ms. Baca or having psychological conversations on the fears of

I first got to know Gary when I worked with Mike Novick, Didon Kamati,
Sabina Virgo, Gary Phillips, Jim Lafferty, Don White and others on a
project for IPS (to continue with Mike Ruppert's list, it's through this
event that I met most of these folks as well as Mike, Tracy Larkins and
Karen Pommer.)I was the fund Raiser/PR person for this new group and
Gary's book had just come out. I called him immediately and he agreed to
come down to be the headline speaker at our first event.

We didn't have much money, and as it was, the folks in Washington were
hesitant to embark, wholeheartedly, on this anti CIA journey. So, I put
Gary up in my apartment and that started a long, sporadic friendship.

Where I really got to know who Gary was and what was important to him
and his life was when I tried to sell his book as a film. He had agents,
really smart and good agents, but they were having difficulty and I saw
it as a possible project for Tom Cruise. Gary's main agent let me run
with this as I'm old friends with Cruise's partner. The Cruise people
were interested, but unfortunatley, not enough to fight for it when his
agent got a solid offer to do this as a T.V. project (I'm not aware of
anything ever coming of this.)

The point of telling this story is that Gary never expected anything to
happen. He was enthusiastic and excited about the different ways to tell
the story on film, but he was very pragmatic about business and life. He
was not taken to flights of fancy, to conspiracy theories or romantic
notions. He didn't set himself up to be victimized by dissapointments,
but he sure did get his share of them.

The world is a little more hopeless, a little more ingenuous, a lot less
honest and courageous with this new and terrible loss. It is hard to see
people of such uncompromising fabric leave us so soon.

In deep sadness and distress,

Jane Hallaren

-Original Message-
From: Michael Novick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2004 10:17:09 -0800
Subject: [freekpfk] Gary Webb, who broke CIA-crack cocaine story an
apparent suicide

  From: Mike Ruppert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  In death they beat him ruthlessly.
  I always knew it was a fight to the death. I don t think he ever fully
  understood that. Cele Castillo and I both told him what he was up
  and what it would cost him.
  There would be no FTW, or Crossing the Rubicon without Gary Webb.
  Fitts and I would never have met had it not been for Gary Webb. Dick
  Gregory would not have made me his white son on the radio had it not
  for Gary Webb. I would never have confronted John Deutch at Locke High
  it not been for Gary Webb.
  I might have committed suicide in 1996 -- broke and having given up all
  hope of making people listen -- had it not been for Gary Webb. For some
  years now it has been the farthest thing from my mind. I found
  (rediscovered) my purpose and I guess he lost his.
  Assuming that it really was a suicide and I have absolutely no reason
  suspect otherwise it is a tragedy of Shakespearean proportions. Maybe
  Cele Castillo and I know it fully, but I don t think either one of us
  to discuss it in public or in private.
  I called the Coroner shortly after the first flash came in here. His
  of death was listed at 8:20 AM. Since it was Saturday, the homicide
  detectives would have been off and had to be paged. I estimate two
  (minimum) for them to get to the crime scene (unless a uniformed
  handled it). Add three hours minimum for crime scene, photos etc; that
  means he went to the Coroner s most likely around 1 PM. It could have
  much later depending on response times on a Saturday before Christmas.
  When I called the Sacramento Coroner s Office at 8:20 PM tonight and
  with an unidentified female who stated that he had just been there
  late this afternoon. I Id d myself as a friend, ex-cop and journalist
  she confirmed a single shot to the head. I wasn t sure it was our Gary
  so I got his date of birth, hair and eye color. They matched. Gary was

[LAAMN] [Fwd: [ArabForum] Fw: [eFreePalestine] The Pianist of Palestine]

2004-12-12 Thread Emma Rosenthal

Omar Barghouti serves on the Advisory Board of Cafe Intifada.  While I 
did feel that the movie was more impressive artistically  than this 
reviewer, I had the same impression about the statement the film maker 
made in regard to the brutality of occupation in general.  I believe 
that it is impossible to watch this movie and not see the parallel to 
Palestine unless one lives in a compartmentalized or racist mind.  This 
film is the argument to the statement that one cannot compare the crimes 
of the IOF to the Nazis, or that there are degrees to atrocities. If we 
cannot look to the past for the sake of understanding the present then 
the past has no use to us except as a religious icon.  I am tired of the 
iconification of the persecution of the Jews by the Nazis.  If our pain 
and suffering is to have any value, if my murdered cousins and the 
countless other victims of Nazi genocide are not to have died in vain it 
must be to increase our understanding of the nature of war, hegemony, 
nationalism, racism and genocide so that these atrocities don't happen 
again.  To look at the atrocities in isolation as incomparable to 
anything that may ever follow serves only those who are interested in 
using those atrocities to justify their own  hegemony. 

-Emma Rosenthal
Cafe Intifada

November 29, 2004


  Roadblock Concerto at Gunpoint

  The Pianist of Palestine


When I watched Oscar-winning film The Pianist I had three distinct, 
uneasy reactions. I was not particularly impressed by the film, from a 
purely artistic angle; I was horrified by the film's depiction of the 
dehumanization of Polish Jews and the impunity of the German occupiers; 
and I could not help but compare the Warsaw ghetto wall with Israel's 
much more ominous wall caging 3.5 million Palestinians in the West Bank 
and Gaza in fragmented, sprawling prisons.

In the film, when German soldiers forced Jewish musicians to play for 
them at a checkpoint, I thought to myself: that's one thing Israeli 
soldiers have not yet done to Palestinians. I spoke too soon, it seems. 
Israel's leading newspaper Ha'aretz reported last week that an Israeli 
human rights organization monitoring a daunting military roadblock near 
Nablus was able to videotape Israeli soldiers forcing a Palestinian 
violinist to play for them. The same organization confirmed that similar 
abuse had taken place months ago at another checkpoint near Jerusalem.

In typical Israeli whitewashing, the incident was dismissed by an army 
spokesperson as little more that insensitivity, with no malicious 
intent to humiliate the Palestinians involved. And of course the usual 
mantra about soldiers having to contend with a complex and dangerous 
reality was again served as a ready, one-size-fits-all excuse. I wonder 
whether the same would be said or accepted in describing the original 
Nazi practice at the Warsaw ghetto gates in the 1940's.

Regrettably, the analogy between the two illegal occupations does not 
stop here. Many of the methods of collective and individual punishment 
meted out to Palestinian civilians at the hands of young, racist, often 
sadistic and ever impervious Israeli soldiers at the hundreds of 
checkpoints littering the occupied Palestinian territories are 
reminiscent of common Nazi practices against the Jews. Following a visit 
to the occupied Palestinian territories in 2003, Oona King, a Jewish 
member of the British parliament attested to this, writing: The 
original founders of the Jewish state could surely not imagine the irony 
facing Israel today: in escaping the ashes of the Holocaust, they have 
incarcerated another people in a hell similar in its nature - though not 
its extent - to the Warsaw ghetto.

Even Tommy Lapid, Israel's justice minister and a Holocaust survivor 
himself, stirred a political storm last year when he told Israel radio 
that a picture of an elderly Palestinian woman searching in the debris 
for her medication had reminded him of his grandmother who died at 
Auschwitz. Furthermore, he commented on his army's wanton and 
indiscriminate destruction of Palestinian homes, businesses and farms in 
Gaza at the time, saying: [I]f we carry on like this, we will be 
expelled from the United Nations and those responsible will stand trial 
at The Hague.

Some of the war crimes that concern people like Lapid have been lately 
revealed in eyewitness accounts given by former soldiers, who could no 
longer reconcile whatever moral values they held with their complicity 
in the daily humiliation, abuse and physical harm of innocent civilians. 
Such crimes have become normalized in their minds as acceptable, even 
necessary, acts of disciplining the untamed natives, as a measure to 
maintain security.

According to a recent report in the Israeli media, an army commander was 
accused of gratuitously beating up Palestinians at the notorious Hawwara 
checkpoint. Ironically, the most damning evidence presented 

[LAAMN] Fwd: CSO *bLuEs* Party: a Holiday Celebration Fundraiser (12/18)

2004-12-12 Thread Michael Novick

Subject: CSO *bLuEs* Party: a Holiday Celebration  Fundraiser (12/18)
From: Felicia Montes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

THE FOLLOWING IS AN INVITATION, from my father Carlos Montes.  This is a 
not-to-be missed blues event in the heart of East LA!
---give a little this holiday season to a cause that we can all benefit 
fromEducation and  PEACE!!!

CSO is doing its part for the community
-Hope to see you there!

Felicia Montes

Hello everyone, we had a very active year fighting against the war the 
military recruiters, and winning a new high school for the community of 
Boyle Heights and we recently  helped organize a large immigrants rights 
demonstration. Now we need your support with this holiday celebration 
fundraiser for Centro CSO. This event will help us pay the rent and 
continue to pay our parent organizer and student organizer.   The 
celebration will take place at the new BLVD. Blues Club in Boyle Heights, 
finally a blues club in ELA! Check out the info below and please buy and 
help promote and sell tickets.

¡Noche de Paz!

Holiday Celebration  Fundraiser
Saturday, Dec. 18, 2004

6:30 PM Reception
7:30 PM Dinner
8:30 PM Program
9:00 PM Live Music with
Tony Ibarra Blues Experiment

..at The Blvd. Café  Bar
2631 E. Whittier Blvd.
Boyle Heights, CA 90033

Order tickets includes dinner:
$45.00 per person
$10.00 Students or Unemployed.

To BENEFIT Centro CSO (323) 221-4000
511 Echandia Street
Los Angeles, CA 90033


¡Noche de Paz!
Celebración y
Sábado, 18 de diciembre, 2004

6:30 PM Recepción
7:30 PM Cena
8:30 PM Programa
9:00 PM Música en vivo con
Tony Ibarra Blues Experiment

Blvd. Café y Bar
2631 E. Whittier Blvd.
Boyle Heights, CA 90033

Ordene Boletos:
$45.00 con cena por persona
$10.00 por Estudiantes y Desempleados
Centro CSO (323) 221-4000
511 Echandia Street
Los Angeles, CA 90033

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