2005-02-02 Thread anna kunkin



An examination of how media empires, led by Rupert Murdoch's Fox news, have 
been running a race to the bottom in television news. This film provides and 
in-depth look at Fox News and the dangers of ever-enlarging corporations taking 
control of the public's right to know. 

The Screening will be followed by a discussion on the importance of the IMC and 
Independent Media to a true Democracy. 

Where: ROCKOTITLAN CAFE - 1277 WILTON PLACE (corner of Wilton and Fountain) IN 
When:  THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 7:30 pm


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[LAAMN] So, Exactly What's Changed, by Ariana Huffington

2005-02-02 Thread Ed Pearl

Los Angeles Times 2/02/05
Op Ed, by Arianna Huffungton

Quick, before the conventional wisdom hardens, it needs to be said: The Iraqi 
election was not the second coming of the Constitutional Convention.

The media have made it sound as if last Sunday was 1776, the fall of the Berlin 
Wall, Prague Spring, Ukraine's Orange Revolution, Filipino People Power, 
Tiananmen Square and Super Bowl Sunday all rolled into one.

It's impossible not to be moved by the stories coming out of Iraq: voters 
braving mortar blasts to cast ballots; election workers counting votes by the 
glow of oil lamps; teary-eyed women in traditional garb proudly holding up 
their purple-ink-stained fingers.

It was a great moment. A Kodak moment. And unlike the other Kodak moments from 
this war - think Saddam Hussein's tumbling statue and Jessica Lynch's rescue 
- this one was not created by the image masters at Karl Rove Productions.

But this moment, however moving, should not be allowed to erase all that came 
before it, leaving us unprepared for all that may come after it. The 
triumphalist fog rolling across the land has all the makings of another 
Mission Accomplished moment.

Forgive me for trotting out Santayana's dictum that those who forget the past 
are doomed to repeat it, but, for God's sake, can't we even remember last week?

So, amid all the talk of turning points and historic days, let us steadfastly 
refuse to drink from the River Lethe, which brought forgetfulness and oblivion 
to my ancient ancestors.

Let's not forget that for all President Bush's rhetoric about spreading freedom 
and democracy, a free election was the administration's fallback position - 
more Plan D than guiding principle. We were initially going to install Ahmad 
Chalabi as our man in Baghdad, remember? And the White House consented to an 
open election only after Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani sent his followers into 
the streets to demand it - and chose an election date that came after our 
presidential campaign was done, just in case more suicide bombers than voters 
turned up at Iraqi polling places.

And the election doesn't change that.

Let's not forget that this was a legitimate democratic election in name only. 
Actually, not even in name, because most of the candidates on Sunday's ballot 
had less name recognition than your average candidate for dogcatcher. That's 
because they were too afraid to hold rallies, give speeches or engage in 
debates. Many were so anxious about the threat of being killed that they fought 
to keep their names from being made public. 

And the election doesn't change that.

Let's not forget that many Iraqi voters turned out to send a defiant message 
not just to the insurgents but also to Bush. Many of those voters' purple 
fingers were raised in our direction. According to a poll taken by our own 
government before the June 2004 handover, 92% of Iraqis viewed the U.S.-led 
forces in Iraq as occupiers, while only 2% saw them as liberators.

And the election doesn't change that.

Let's not forget that the war in Iraq has made the United States far less safe 
than it was before the invasion. According to a report released last month by 
the CIA, Iraq has become a breeding ground for the next generation of 
professionalized Islamic terrorists. Foreign terrorists are now honing their 
deadly skills against U.S. troops - skills they will eventually take with them 
to other countries, including ours. The report also warns that the war in Iraq 
has deepened solidarity among Muslims worldwide and increased anti-American 
feelings across the globe. 

And the election doesn't change that.

Let's not forget the woeful lack of progress in the reconstruction of Iraq. The 
people still lack such basics as gasoline and kerosene. The country is 
producing less electricity than before the war. There are food shortages, and 
the number of Iraqi children suffering from malnutrition has nearly doubled. 
According to UNICEF, nearly one child in 10 is suffering the effects of chronic 
diarrhea caused by unsafe water - a situation responsible for 70% of children's 
deaths in Iraq.

And the election doesn't change that.

Let's not forget the blistering new report from the special inspector general 
for Iraq reconstruction, which found that the U.S. occupation government that 
ruled Iraq until last June has been unable to account for nearly $9 billion, 
having overseen a reconstruction process open to fraud, kickbacks and 
misappropriation of funds.

And the election doesn't change that.

Let's not forget that we still don't have an exit strategy. The closest the 
president has come to one was on Sunday when he said, This rising democracy 
can eventually take responsibility for its own security. Eventually being 
the operative word. 

Although the administration claims that more than 120,000 Iraqi security forces 
have been trained, other estimates put the number closer to 14,000, with fewer 
than 5,000 ready for battle. Of those we've