[LAAMN] New CIA chief thought the 4th amendment doesn't require probable cause for warrants

2006-05-09 Thread Michael Novick
Gen. Hayden: "4th Amendment and wrong"
originally posted on 1/26/06 with updates

Keith Olbermann posted this video clip of Gen. Hayden botching the fourth 

Knight-Ridder's Jonathan Landay questioned Gen. Michael Hayden at the 
National Press Club in January:

   Video-WMP Video-QT

Landay: "...the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution 
specifies that you must have probable cause to violate an American's right 
against unreasonable searches and seizures..."

Gen. Hayden: "No, actually - the Fourth Amendment actually protects all of 
us against unreasonable search and seizure."

Landay: "But the --"

Gen. Hayden: "That's what it says."

Landay: "The legal measure is probable cause, it says."

Gen. Hayden: "The Amendment says: unreasonable search and seizure."

Landay: "But does it not say 'probable cause'?"

Gen. Hayden [exasperated, scowling]: "No! The Amendment says unreasonable 
search and seizure."

Landay: "The legal standard is probable cause, General -- "

Gen. Hayden [indignant]: "Just to be very clear ... mmkay... and believe 
me, if there's any Amendment to the Constitution that employees of the 
National Security Agency are familiar with, it's the Fourth. Alright? And 
it is a reasonableness standard in the Fourth Amendment. The constitutional 
standard is 'reasonable'" ( h/t Dale)

To which Keith says:

OLBERMANN:  To quote the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United 
States in its entirety, the one the general and the NSA folks are so 
familiar with and know is about reasonableness and not about probable 
cause, quote, "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, 
houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, 
shall not be violated, and no warrants issue, but upon probable cause, 
supported by oath or affirmation and particularly describing the place to 
be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Well, maybe they have a different Constitution over there at the 

This also helped to open the door for Glenn Greenwald to expose them on 
FISA.  "In other words, DeWine's bill, had it become law, would have 
eliminated the "probable cause" barrier (at least for non-U.S. persons) 
which the Administration is now pointing to as the reason why it had to 
circumvent FISA...read on"

Updates from today:

Glenn: Having said that, it is highly illustrative of this administration's 
mindset that they believe that the best candidate to direct the CIA is the 
individual who oversaw and vigorously defended the administration's illegal 
eavesdropping on American citizens. Isn't he the last person who ought to 
be put in that position?

Digby remembers a few things about General Hayden.

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[LAAMN] Huge Book Sale, Unitarian Church, Anaheim, Saturday, June 3rd, 1-4 pm

2006-05-09 Thread Duane Roberts

Saturday, June 3, 2006
   1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

The Unitarian Universalist Church in Anaheim, one the
few institutions behind the "Orange Curtain" that
stand up for peace, social justice, and liberal
thinking, is holding a huge book sale on Saturday,
June 3rd as a fundraiser to help pay the bills.

On that day, the Unitarian Universalist Church will
open its doors and offer several thousand used books
for sale to the general public at below market value!

Topics include: History, Biography, Political Science,
Philosophy, Cookbooks, History, Computer Programming,
Feminism, Peace studies, Fiction, Self-help, Health,
Nature, Romance, Sociology, Science, Reference,
Textbooks, & Much more!

Most of the books are in good condition and are priced
between 25 cents and 5 dollars. Many bargains are to
be found! All of them were donated to the Unitarian
Universalist Church by generous members and friends.
Don't miss it!

Put it on your calendar! Make Saturday, June 3rd a
day to visit Anaheim and shop for good quality used
books for friends and family!

Unitarian Universalist Church in Anaheim
511 South Harbor Blvd.
  Anaheim, California
   (Located on the Southwest corner
 of Harbor Blvd. and Santa Ana Street)

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[LAAMN] "The Northeast Democrat" -- May 2006 issue

2006-05-09 Thread Dick Price & Sharon Kyle
"The Northeast Democrat" -- May 2006

This Issue of the Northeast Democratic Club's Monthly Newsletter Includes:

"Sacramento on My Mind" reflects on the recently completed California
Democratic Party Convention

"Bridges, Not Walls" suggests the Democratics start doing what they do
best by building coalitions between Black, Latinos, and Labor to
address resurgent immigrant-rights questions

"Issues on Parade" recaps last month's panel session on immigrant
rights by community leaders Xavier Becerra, Pete Montoya, and Father
Richard Estrada

Click http://www.northeastdemocrats.org/news.php for the NEDC Website

Click the "Downloads" button on the top banner to get the PDF file for
this month's newsletter.

Click http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NEDCofLA/ for the Club's Yahoo Group.

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[LAAMN] Fwd: Urgent: A Second Anti-Venezuela Resolution to be Introduced Tomorrow!

2006-05-09 Thread Anna Kunkin

Zach Hurwitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   Date: Tue, 09 May 2006 11:18:29 -0700
Subject: Urgent: A Second Anti-Venezuela Resolution to be Introduced
From: Zach Hurwitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Ven Oct05 Founders Tour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Ven WFYS pax Aug 05 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
"Venezuela - March 2006 Women's Tour" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

URGENT: A Second Anti-Venezuela Resolution to be Introduced Tomorrow in the 
House. Please contact your representative today!

This Wednesday, Congressman Dan Burton (R-IN) intends to introduce a resolution 
in the House condemning Venezuela for supposedly not cooperating with the 
United States in the fight against narco- trafficking. Much like Connie Mack’s 
Anti-Venezuela resolution, which was introduced earlier this year, the Burton 
Resolution is also filled with distorted facts and half truths 

  that paint an inaccurate picture of the situation (more details below).
What You Can Do:
Please contact your House representative today!  There are three ways to help:
1)   Click here to send a letter to your representative. 

   If you are not sure who your representative is, it’s ok!  Our software will 
automatically identify your representative based on your home zip code.
2)   Call your Representative to tell him/her that this ill-conceived 
legislation is filled with inaccuracies and will do nothing to improve U.S. 
Venezuela relations. The Congressional Switchboard can patch you through.  Just 
call 202-224-3121.
3) Share this alert with your friends and colleagues. Please pass it on far 
and wide.

Last March, your faxes and phone calls convinced Rep. Mack to pull his 
anti-Venezuela legislation. We need your help again, because the stakes could 
be even higher.
What the Burton Resolution Says:
The resolution argues that Venezuela is not doing enough to combat drug 
trafficking.  While it is non-binding, the strategy is to create a public 
record of condemnation that may be used to justify more direct measures against 
Venezuela in the future.  Like the Mack Resolution, it is another tool to 
discredit the Venezuelan government during an election year and even to justify 
intervention.  Also like the Mack Resolution, it is based on some conspicuously 
bad information:
1) The Burton Resolution claims that drug trafficking “significantly 
increased” in Venezuela last year.  In reality, Venezuelan drug seizures were 
on the increase, meaning that enforcement was way up, not an increase in 
2) The resolution cites a high-profile case of an airplane filled with 
cocaine that was seized in Mexico last month as an example of Venezuela’s 
supposed lack of enforcement.  The implication simply ignores the fact that 
tips from Venezuelan officials led to seizure in the first place. 
3) The resolution claims that the Venezuelan government does not publicize 
its drug seizure statistics, which is simply a false statement.
There are many more distorted facts in the resolution.  To see the rest, check 
out our fact sheet 


NOTE: The Venezuela Information Office is dedicated to informing the American 

public about contemporary Venezuela, and receives its funding from the 

government of Venezuela. More information is available from the FARA office 

of the Department of Justice in Washington DC.

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[LAAMN] Fwd: [SCFs] This Week at the Farm

2006-05-09 Thread Anna Kunkin

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Date: Tue, 9 May 2006 07:34:14 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [SCFs] This Week at the Farm


SOUTH CENTRAL FARMERS “Aqui Estamos y No Nos Vamos!”

with the South Central Farmers’ Support Coalition


Schedule for week of May 7-13, 2006

-Farm Status: May 22, 2006 will be the 30 day mark to end the current 
contractual agreement between the Trust for Public Land and Ralph Horowitz 
giving us the time to raise the funds needed to purchase the farm for the 

We're still short on the necessary funds and the eviction is already in place 
to be activated should the   contract go void.  On Thursday May 11, 2006 we 
will hold a press conference at the Farm at 9:30am to give a status update and 
call for support.  

We are calling for all endorsing and supporting organizations to be present in 
solidarity with the South Central Farmers.  Please contact Fernando at [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] (909)605-3136, with your endorsement ASAP so we can add your list to 
the outgoing media advisory.

Monday:  -Contact the Los Angeles City Council and ask them to Support the 
Farmers during this most crucial time in their struggle.  Visit: 
http://www.lacity.org/council.htm to reach them.
Tuesday:   -Contact the Los Angeles City Council and ask them to Support the 
Farmers during this most crucial time in their struggle.  Visit: 
http://www.lacity.org/council.htm to reach them.
Wednesday:  - Support farmers & speak at L.A. City Council Meeting’s Public 
Comments: 9:30 a.m. in the John Ferraro Council Chamber; Los Angeles City Hall, 
200 N. Spring Street.
   - Art Party @ 6:00pm: Come to the Farm to help make and 
hang banners.
Thursday:  -Press Conference at the Farm: 9:30 am.   41st ST and Alameda, Los   
-8:30pm: Evening of Music at the Farm
Ladero Nortena & Los Campesinos del Sur Centro will perform for your 
  **A donation for our fundraising efforts will be accepted at the 
Friday: Support farmers & speak at L.A. City Council Meeting’s Public Comments: 
9:30 a.m. in the John Ferraro Council Chamber; Los Angeles City Hall, 200 N. 
Spring Street.
-Next Friday, May 19, 2006 we need a big showing of support at the City Council 
Meeting for Public Comments.  So please save the day to come out and support 
the Farmers as we reach the end of our contract.  
Saturday:  The farm will be open for visitors from 10:00am-5:00pm.
   Guided tours scheduled at 11:00am, 1:00pm and 3:00pm.
Sunday:  -Weekly Farmers Market   8:00am-5:00pm  **donations will be accepted 
at the entrance
   -Weekly Support Coalition meeting @ 3:00pm at the Farm


-Want more information on our struggle or how to give a donation to help us 
save the Farm?  Visit www.southcentralfarmers.com  

-Interested in camping at the farm in solidarity with the farmers? Please 
contact the SCF Administration.

-“Gente y Tierra” A fundraising exhibition for the South Central Farmers 
remains up at Avenue 50 Studio until May 21, 2006.  The gallery hours are: 
Tues-Thurs 10-12 noon, Sat-Sun 10-4 pm and by appointment.

  Avenue 50 Studio: 
  131 No. Avenue 50Los Angeles, CA  90042(323) 258-1435

  www.avenue50studio.com & [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

-The farmers are continuing their 24 hour vigil to protect the farm which 
started in July of 2005.  Please donate supplies of water,   flashlights, 
batteries, firewood, blankets, tents or anything else we may continue to need.

-You may contact us through our website or contact Fernando (909)605-3136 

Thank you for your continued support.

South Central Farmers

  How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger’s low PC-to-Phone call rates.  
  Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ 
countries) for 2¢/min or less.___
Southcentralfarmers mailing list


Southcentralfarmers mailing list

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[LAAMN] Screening of "Falluja 2004" - This Friday, May 12th, 8:00 PM at The Echo Park Film Center - 1200 N. Alvarado St., Los Angeles

2006-05-09 Thread Frank
-Original Message-From: Therese Dietlin: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hollywood-Echo Park

Free Pacifica Neighborhood Network

screening of

Falluja 2004

A film by Japanese independent journalist Toshikuni

  Falluja April 2004 A
documentary by Japanese independent journalist Toshikuni DoiFallujah has
become a symbol of the resistance movement against the U.S. occupation
of Iraq. In April 2004, the U.S. forces invaded Fallujah with several
thousand soldiers. Why did Fallujah become a base of the resistance
against the occupation? How did the U.S. forces attack? Who fought
against them? And what damages and injuries did people suffer? Ten days
after the siege of Falluja was lifted, Toshikuni Doi, a Japanese
independent journalist, went into Fallujah. His documentary investigates
the causes of, the conditions during, and damages from the siege. The
documentary is primarily in Arabic, with English subtitles. 

"For a well documented, powerful film of what really occurred in
Fallujah during the April, 2004 siege, this is a must see. The film
begins by investigating why the resistance began in Fallujah shortly
after the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq. The film then accurately
chronicles what occurred in Fallujah during the failed April siege. I
couldn't recommend this more highly. To get a more complete
understanding of the failed occupation of Iraq, watch this film and
encourage others to do the same." -Dahr Jamail



May 12, 2006


The Echo Park Film Center

1200 N. Alvarado St.


Suggested donation $5

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[LAAMN] L.A. Premiere Screening of CROSSING ARIZONA - Thursday, May 11th - 7:15pm in Pacific Palisades - Presented by Friends of Film - 941 Temescal Canyon Road

2006-05-09 Thread Frank
-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  Pacific Palisades Film Festival
Opening Night Film
941 Temescal Canyon Road, Pacific Palisades  90272
Thursday, May 11, 2006 - 7:15pm
Admission is $10
Directors: Joseph Mathew and Dan DeVivo
97 minutes
Tension along the Mexican/American border is one of the most rapidly
escalating issues in the country today. Joseph Mathew's intimate and
invaluably comprehensive documentary, Crossing Arizona, offers a
balanced, up-to-the-minute look at the current crisis as it is
developing at its hottest point the Arizona/Sonora border. Heightened
security along the Texas and California borders funnels an estimated
4,500 undocumented migrants every day through the deadliest landscape in
the countryArizona's Sonora desert. The journey can take four days on
foot, and the death toll is rapidly mounting. Crossers who survive often
tap the resources of citizens and property owners in the area,
triggering a range of impassioned responses and conflicted feelings
about human rights, culture, class, and national security. Focusing on
personal stories of local people on both sides of the border whose
lives! are directly affected by Washington policies, Mathew follows a
dynamic array of individuals: the U.S. Border Patrol, the citizen
border-patrol group, Minutemen, Latino activists, and the emigrants
themselves. Crossing Arizona is not only essential viewing to understand
how a majestic corner of the country has transformed into a political
hotbed and deadly immigration flashpoint; it also creates an opportunity
to contemplate and question larger issues about the American society in
which we live. 
- Shari Frilot, Sundance Film Festival Programmer
with the short film
Director: Allen Martinez
18 minutes
After discovering secret details of detainees tortured at Guantanamo
Bay, Collins , a young cocky reporter returns to the U.S. via Miami, to
interview a hot lead.  Instead, he finds a man with more "intelligence"
than Collins had imagined. 
Complete line-up available at www.FriendsOfFilm.com

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[LAAMN] Staging Torture to Stop Torture

2006-05-09 Thread desilef
Wednesday at 7:00 PM:
Hector Aristizabal performs "Nightwind," a harrowing solo performance about 
arrest and torture, with live music by Enzo Fina of Musicantica. Followed by 
workshop and discussion. Free! Donald R. Wright Auditorium, Pasadena Central 
Library, 285 E. Walnut, Pasadena. Note: off-site parking only. For parking 
options check, 

* *************** 
Diane Lefer
What I'm thinking about: Scott Ritter (ex-Marine, former UN weapons inspector 
and conservative Republican) says if we use nuclear bunker buster on Iran, we 
can expect the retaliatory destruction of a U.S. city by a nuclear weapon 
within a few years.

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[LAAMN] Iran: What We Need to Know to Avoid Another War" at the Onion Tues. May 9, 2006

2006-05-09 Thread ata2458693

Schedule  of Events at The Onion: 

Tuesday, May 9, 2006 at 7:30  PM
Iran: What We Need to Know to Avoid Another  War"
The Tuesday Night Forum guest speaker, Sarah Forth, (a Ph.D. in Theology  and 
specialist in womens studies)  will give a talk and show photos  about her 
visit to Iran last fall and her study of Iran's history and its  position in 
region (Caucasus, oil, etc.).  


Tuesday, May 23, 2006 at 7:30  PM
Northridge West Neighborhood Council President Jim Alger will give a talk  
about Walmart. It is the largest company in the world and has absolutely no  
scruples about abusing it's power when it can.

Sunday June 4, 2006 at 10:30 AM
Hip-Hop Dream Center
Hip Hop is a  cultural lifestyle of music, dance, way to dress, talk, act, 
and perform.  The Onion will have a Soulful Sunday morning celebration of the  
hip-hop youth culture with Ozzie Lastre and the Dream Center hip-hop creative  
dance troupe performing Hip-Hop Break Dancing, Graffiti Art, D-Jaying,  
Rapping and reciting poetry. Call Barbara (818) 781-7682) for further  


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 at 7:30  PM 
New Perspectives on the Immigration  Debate
Ron Wilkins, a professor in the Department of Africana Studies at  California 
State University, Dominguez Hills will be the Tuesday Night  Forum guest 
speaker. He will talk about the history of and the necessity  for black and 

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 at 7:30  PM

Cooperativism and the Political  Marketplace
Speaker: Author, Angelo Allen teaches at Pierce  College. We can organize to 
tailor government to meet our needs. 

Tuesday, July 11th, 2006 at 7:30 

Health Effects of the War on the Iraqi  People.
Speaker: Don Broder, M.D. Co-President of Physicians for Social  
Responsibility-Los Angeles 
The  vast majority of the American people remain ignorant of the tremendous 
costs of  the war. The corporate media do not communicate the human suffering 
and loss of  life.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 at 7:30  PM
Solving the Crisis in Iraq: Congress Must Show  Leadership

Speaker: Erin Sikorsky-Stewart,  State Political Director, California Peace 
Action _www.californiapeaceaction.org_ (http://www.californiapeaceaction.org/)  
The  majority of Americans favor ending the war. We have to keep up the heat 
on our  representatives. We need a plan to give Iraqis control of their 
country and  bring U.S. troops home.   


The Tuesday Night Forum, Sponsored by the Social  Concerns Committee of the 
Sepulveda Unitarian Universalist Society, also known  as the Onion, meets on 
the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7:30  PM. The forum provides a 
venue for guest speakers to discuss current social  justice issues from a 
progressive point of view usually not covered by the  corporate media. For 
information and to confirm speakers  please call Ida Hurt at 818 772 1555. 

"The Onion," _http://www.webcom.com/onion/concerns.htm_ 
(http://www.webcom.com/onion/concerns.htm) , is located at 9550  Haskell Ave. 
in North Hills. From 
Los Angeles take the 405 freeway north, exit  left (westbound) on Nordhoff, go 
two blocks and turn right on Haskell. It's  on the right side just north of 


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[LAAMN] Update: 05/09: Antiwar Calendar for Orange County

2006-05-09 Thread gdjohnson2
(page down for details on each item)

#1  OC Peace Coalition General Meeting Saturday,
   May 13th in Orange

#2  "Bring our Troops Home" demo at Laguna Hills Mall
   Saturday, May 13th

#3  Mothers' Day Celebration Sunday May 14th in

#4  Norman Finkelstein on "Obstacles to Peace: Israelis
  or Palestinians" at UCI Tuesday, May 16th

#5  RSVP by May 18th:  Presentation on immigration for
   high school students Tuesday, May 23rd in Costa Mesa


   #1 Laguna Woods Wednesday 4:00 to 5:00 PM
   #2 Orange Wednesday Evenings 5:30-7 p.m.
   #3 Costa Mesa Friday evenings 5:00 -7:00 PM)
   #4 Laguna Beach Saturdays at 11 AM
   #5 Anaheim Food not Bombs every Saturday 1:00 PM
 in La Palma Park
   #6  San Clemente Food not Bombs every Saturday 3 PM
   #7  Huntington Beach Sunday evenings 7-8 PM

#2  OC Peace Coalition General Meeting Saturday,
   May 13th in Orange

(in accordance with our usual "second and fourth
 Saturday" schedule)

WHEN:  10 AM Saturday, May 13th 

   Sisters of St. Joseph Justice Center
   480 S. Batavia in Orange

WHO:  All interested people are invited, especially
 anyone who might represent one of our member

We're likely to be discussing such things as
outreach to new groups, candidate questionnaires,
boycotts, counter-recruitment, and anything that
might end the war sooner.

Please bring your ideas, and be ready to step
up and participate.

Turn into the parking lot from Batavia just north
of La Veta Ave., drive around to the left, to the
south side of the complex.  We'll be in the last
wing of the building that you come to on the south
side.  Look for signs to direct you to the room
that we've been assigned. It will probably be
Classroom 1, in the building to the rear.

web site:  www.ocpeace.org
phone:  (714) 637-8313
#2  "Bring our Troops Home" demo at Laguna Hills Mall
   Saturday, May 13th

From: "Shirley A. McGovern" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A Bring Our Troops Home public demonstration will be
held Saturday, May 13th, from 11am to 12:30 pm.  Participants
will meet at the entrance to the Laguna Hills Mall on El Toro
Road near Macy's.
The sponsor, People for Peace, (ad-hoc committee of
Concerned Citizens), invites the public to join them in
protesting the endless war our administration has imposed
on Iraq.
Over 2300 brave Americans and tens of thousands of
innocent Iraqis have died.  The public must speak out boldly
and insistently against our occupation of Iraq as our presence
fuels the insurgency toward more violence.
Stand with us to end the killing. Bring signs and flags, or use
one of ours.
Information: (949) 587-0301
#3  Mothers' Day Celebration Sunday May 14th in

(NB: Mothers' Day was originally celebrated in the U.S.
as a peace holiday.  See


From: "Kathy Hundemer"  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Code Pink Activists and Interested Others,
"Arise then ... women of this day!  Arise, all women who
have hearts!  Disarm, Disarm!" (Julia Ward Howe, 1870).
Women Declare Peace on Mothers' Day!
Celebrate Mothers' Day by joining Code Pink Orange
County Chapter in a special solidarity vigil with mothers,
sisters, daughters, and friends outside the White House
and across the country as we all work together to stop the
insanity of sending our children to war! 
Where:  Traffic Circle Old Towne Orange at the intersection
of Chapman & Glassell (off the 22 & 57 Fwys).

When:   Sunday May 14, 2006 from 2-4 PM.
Bring your mother, your children, your grandmother, your loved
ones and your passion to end war.  Wear pink and bring
pro-peace or anti-war signs! 
In peace and solidarity,
Kathy H. (Code Pink OC)
* For more information, check out Code Pink's website link:
#2 Norman Finkelstein on "Obstacles to Peace: Israelis
 or Palestinians" at UCI Tuesday, May 16th

From: Ted Shapin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Tues, May 16, Prof. Norman Finkelstein, DePaul University
will speak on "Obstacles to Peace: Israelis or Palestinians,"
at UCI Crystal Cove auditorium at 8 p.m, at the corner of
Campus Dr and West Peltason. Sponsored  by UCI
Muslim Student Union.
#3  RSVP by May 18th:  Presentation on immigration for
   high school students Tuesday, May 23rd in Costa Mesa

From: Kimberly Claytor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Immigration: What’s up?
On Mach 27, thousands of students in L.A. and Orange County
walked out of class to protest U.S. immigration policy.  Why?
Find out what’s really at stake in the immigration debate.
What is Costa Mesa planning to do about immigration? 
How a

[LAAMN] ACLU Pasadena Forum, 5/9/06, 7:00 pm

2006-05-09 Thread bigraccoon
ACLU Pasadena Forum, 5/9/06, 7:00 pm

  Tuesday May 9, 2006
 7:00 pm- 9:00 pm
   Event Location: Neighborhood
Church, 301 N. Orange Grove Blvd., Pasadena 91103
   "The Abuse of Executive Power and the War on Terror"
Jim Lafferty, National Lawyers Guild, LA Executive Director.
Coffee and conversation til 7:30.  Church 2 blocks no. of 210 Fwy exit at
Orange Grove
(click & scroll down)

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