[LAAMN] [ChiapasNetwork05] Cop Watch LA Report on the South Central Farm

2006-05-23 Thread Anna Kunkin

View the story here on Indy Media with photos from the vigil (police 
involvement) and the video of the police helicopter from the benefit concert: 
  Cop Watch LA Report on the South Central Farm: Police intimidate the 
community and Prepare to Attack
  Tuesday May 16th, 2006
  Cop Watch Los Angeles, was present at a vigil, organized by the 
Friends of the South Central Farm, at Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa’s house.  
There were 50 people protesting, and holding up signs, chanting, and drumming.  
  The Los Angeles Police Department also had a presence.  They 
harassed and ticketed people who drove by and honked in support of the 
protesters.  Their excuse for honking people who honked was that, any noise 
that was considered undesirable (meaning that anything that was above the 
current noise level) was considered illegal or unlawful.  They used this to 
also attack the protestors who were drumming and chanting.  They said they 
would detain everyone who was playing the drums (if we didn’t identify a 
leader).  They were going to take down everyone’s information there (name, 
address, etc).  At this point an individual chose to identify himself as the 
leader (for the purpose of diffusing the police harassment). Cop Watch took 
down the police contact information as well (name and badge number) and we 
maintained a presence at the vigil as long as the police did as well.
  Friday May 19th, 2006
  The South Central Farmers were having a benefit concert at the 
farm with guests Tom Morello, Aztlan Underground, Quetzal, Union 13, Sol de 
Centro and others.  Cop Watch LA received an emergency call from the a friend 
of the farm (Code Red Alert), and told us that there were over 4 cop cars 
patrolling the farm and that police had allowed themselves to enter the farm 
(under orders of their “superiors” a.k.a. the Sheriff’s department).  
  Members of Cop Watch LA showed up with cameras and took down 
reports from the organizers of the event.  When we first got there we saw the 
presence of the police around the farm.  Talking to some of the organizers of 
the SCF, they told us that the police had mentioned that they would have a 
permanent presence at the farm.  The LAPD spoke to one of the organizers asking 
questions about the organizations who are involved in the support of the farm, 
their level of militancy, and also asked about their plans for civil 
disobedience.  At one point a police helicopter circled the farm, shinning 
their light on the concert, circled a couple of times and left.
  The police are overtly trying to intimidate the community and 
supporters of the South Central Farm, as they prepare to attempt to oust the 
farmers.  They’re also trying to assess the amount of support they have and 
from whom.  So they can strategize for the groups that are going to defend the 
  Cop Watch Los Angeles supports the South Central Farm and will be there to 
observe and document the law enforcement’s role and attacks on the farmers and 
their supporters.  Cop Watch LA also provides security for the people.
  If you wish to get involved contact Cop Watch Los Angeles at:
  (562) 252-8501
  COPWATCH Los Angeles is a program committed to the struggle that will end 
police brutality through observing and monitoring the pigs, offer support for 
those caught in the criminal (in)justice system, fight for the change without 
reformist consciousness, and ultimately work side-by-side with liberated 
communities to create revolutionary alternatives to policing, prisons, and 
systems of domination, oppression and exploitation.
  Our Goals:
  -Form neighborhood patrols within communities we live in
  -Offer support to those people and their families harassed, brutalized and/or 
murdered by law enforcement agencies
  -Share resources, training and support with communities interested in 
creating a COPWATCH program
  -Organize educational events, start a newsletter and develop intelligence 
through research and study groups
  -Participate in the process of building autonomy, self-determination, and the 
self-organization of our many communities.

  Ring'em or ping'em. Make PC-to-phone calls as low as 1¢/min with Yahoo! 
Messenger with Voice. 

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[LAAMN] Fwd: El Otro Concierto (updated info)

2006-05-23 Thread Anna Kunkin

fro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 10:33:00 -0700
Ismael Avilez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Luis Higinio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Subject: El Otro Concierto (updated info)

The Following message is in Spanish followed by an English version.

El Otro Concierto

  en El otro lado
Campaña Nacional del Delegado Zero
Ven y apoya la Otra Campaña y
la Sexta Declaración de la Selva Lacandona

sábado, 27 de Mayo
4:00 pm hasta terminar o que nos saquen
Calle 41 y Alameda en el Sur-Central de
Los Angeles de (Has clic aquí para direcciones)

Apoya la Lucha de los Campesinos 
de SurCentral

Aztlan Underground, Kanari, Xochisoneros, Cihuatl Tonali, Raiz Muzik, Boomerang 
Politick, Botany Irie, Los Kache

En caso de ser necesario, continuaremos el concierto en:
Space Ark Gallery 106 S. Ave. 58, casi esquina con Figueroa Blvd.
Highland Park, LA, CA 90042  (Has clic aquí para  direcciones) 

La Otra Campaña en el Otro Lado se integra a la lucha de los Campesinos de 

Este concierto se llevará a cabo como parte de las acciones que se realizan 
para brindar apoyo a los campesinos de Sur-Centro, a quienes se les intenta 
despojar y desalojar de sus terrenos para, según se entiende, construir un 
almacen Wal-Mart. Ya se les ha vencido el plazo a los campesinos, quienes aun 
no han reunido el dinero suficiente para pagar por dicho terreno a la ciudad de 
Los Angeles. Además, el alcalde Antonio Villaraigosa no ha cumplido sus 
promesas a los campesinos. A partir del lunes 24 de mayo, los campesinos 
estarán ocupando los terrenos de manera ilegal, pero ellos no abandonarán las 
tierras. Inclusive, seguirán organizando eventos de apoyo a su lucha. 

En solidaridad con su lucha, La Otra Campaña en el Otro Lado se hace presente 
con El Otro Concierto en el Otro Lado, en el cual participarán los grupos 
arriba mencionados.  Este concierto se solidariza también con las luchas que se 
llevan a cabo en otras partes del mundo y en particular con la que los 
pobladores de San Salvador Atenco llevan a cabo en México por defender sus 
tierras, y por la cual han sido víctimas los vendedores de flores a quienes los 
gobiernos estatal y federal masacraron, apresaron y violaron todos sus derechos 
humanos, tomando como botin de guerra a las mujeres a quienes rumbo a la 
prisión violaron y atacaron impunemente. Curiosa coincidencia es que en San 
Salvador Atenco también planean construir un Wal-Mart.  Exigimos: castigo a los 
culpables de tanta maldad. Libertad a [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] de San Salvador Atenco y de todo México. 

¡ Que viva el Pueblo de San Salvador de Atenco !
¡ Que vivan Los Campesinos de Sur-Central !

¡ La Lucha Sigue !

Durante el concierto aceptaremos donaciones de Ropa
usada, Zapatos o artículos de valor. Estas donaciones se
venderán para recaudar fondos para la Otra Campaña

  Para mas información:

(626) 806-4686 o (818) 502-9093
  Blog: http:infordelatora.blogspot.com

  Se les manda unos volantes para El Otro Concierto en el Otro Lado en formato 
jpg. en ingles y español

English Version
  The Other Concert
On the Other Side
Delegate Zero's National Campaign
Come and support The Other Campaign and
the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandona Jungle

Saturday, May 27
4:00 pm until it's over or they kick us out
41st & Alameda in South Central
Los Angeles, CA (Click here for directions) 

Support the Struggle for the
South Central Farm

Participating will be:
Aztlan Underground, Kanari, Xochisoneros, Cihuatl Tonali, Raiz Muzik, Boomerang 
Politick, Botany Irie, Los Kache

Backup location:
Space Ark Gallery 106 S. Ave. 58, LA 90042
in Highland Park Near Figueroa Blvd. (Click here for directions) 

The Other Campaign on the Other Side Joins the the struggle for the South 
Central Farm

This concert will take place as part of the actions in support of the 
South-Central farmers, who are being evicted off their land, as it is 
understood, to build a Wal-Mart distribution center.  The deadline to raise the 
funds to purchase the land has come and gone.  Additionally, Mayor Antonio 
Villaraigosa has not kept the promises he made to the farmers.  As of May 24, 
the farmers will occupy the land and will not abandon it.  They will continue 
organizing events in support of their struggle. 

In solidarity with their struggle, The Other Campaign on the Other Side will be 
present through The Other Concert on the Other Side, at which the above 
mentioned groups will be participating.  This concert is in solidarity with the 
struggles that are waged throughout the world and in particular with the people 
of San Salvador Atenco, who in de

[LAAMN] Joan Baez and Julia Butterfly Hill tree sitting at the farm

2006-05-23 Thread Anna Kunkin
South Central Farm
  In the face of an immenent eviction of the farmers, Joan Baez, Julia 
Butterfly Hill and John Quickly have climbed into the biggest Walnut tree at 
the South Central Farm and have pledged to maintain a "tree-sit-in" in support 
of the largest urban garden in the country. 
  The full story and pictures  will be posted later today at la.indymedia.org

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[LAAMN] Racism & Minutemen at UCI Thursday

2006-05-23 Thread gdjohnson2

- Forwarded message --
From: "Timothy M. Wright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Racism and the Minutemen @ UCI
Thursday, May 25  11:30AM-2PM

University of California, Irvine in Antereater Plaza

Student Speakers, Garden Grove 5 (speakers arrested
at last years demonstration against minutemen co-founder
Jim Gilchrist speaking in Garden Grove, 1 protester,
Kurt Isobe, in trial this week!) and guest performance
by Sherman Austin

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[LAAMN] Arnold's Oilers, Mensa Cuties, "Occupation 101"

2006-05-23 Thread Ed Pearl

ArnoldWatch Web - May 19, 2006 - 03:45 PM

Arnold's Oilers
by: Jamie Court and Carmen Balber

California's attorney general is subpoenaing oil executives over the high
price of gasoline. Arnold Schwarzenegger is headed to the land of big oil,
hat in hand, for a Houston fundraiser Monday featuring juicy checks and big

California has consistently paid 50 cents more for gasoline than the rest of
the US, but Schwarzenegger's not going to Texas to ask questions, he's
asking for dough with the help of a top dog from Jack Abramoff's old
lobbying firm, Greenburg Traurig LLP.

Very likely to be on hand are some of Arnold's Oilers who have earned
Schwarzenegger the honor of having raised more from the oil industry than
any politician in America except George W. Bush. Schwarzenegger has
collected $2.2 million since 2003 from the oil industry. Bush's take is $2.6
million from oil and gas interests.

What do Texans want with our governor? How about help in stopping
legislation regulating the gasoline supply (Like Sen. Dunn's SB 1794) and
help in killing a November ballot measure tapping oil industry profits for
alternative energy development?

All this makes a great case for another pending November ballot measure
www.cleanmoneyelections.org sponsored by the California Nurses Association
to create public financing for elections. With clean money elections,
California governors wouldn't have to drill for donations in Texas from the
companies that are shafting Californians at the pump. There's no dirtier
money than West Texas Crude.


The Washington Post's Mensa Invitational once again asked readers to
take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting or
changing one letter, and supply a new definition. Here are last year's

1. Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject
financially impotent for an indefinite period.

2. Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an asshole.

3. Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you
realize it was your money to start with.

4. Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly.

5. Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright
ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign
of breaking down in the near future.

7. Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.

8. Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person
who doesn't get it.

9. Inoculatte: To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.

10. Hipatitis: Terminal coolness.

11. Osteopornosis: A degenerate disease. (This one got extra credit.)

12. Karmageddon: It's like, when everybody is sending off all these
really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it's like,
a serious bummer.

13. Decafalon (n.): The gruelling event of getting through the day
consuming only things that are good for you.

14. Glibido: All talk and no action.

15. Dopeler effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter, when
they come at you rapidly.

16. Arachnoleptic fit (n.): The frantic dance performed just after you've
accidentally walked through a spider web.

17. Beelzebug (n.): Satan in the form of a mosquito, that gets into your
bedroom at three in the morning and cannot be cast out.

18. Caterpallor (n.): The color you turn after finding half a worm in the
fruit you're eating.


Once again, The Washington Post has published the winning submissions to
its yearly contest, in which readers are asked to supply alternate meanings
for common words. The winners are:

1. Coffee (n.):  the person upon whom one coughs.

2. Flabbergasted (adj.):  appalled over how much weight you have gained.

3. Abdicate (v.):  to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.

4. Esplanade (v.):  to attempt an explanation while drunk.

5. Negligent (adj.):  describes a condition in which you absent-mindedly
answer the door in your nightgown.

6. Lymph (v.):  to walk with a lisp.

8. Gargoyle (n.):  olive-flavored mouthwash.

9. Flatulence (n.):  emergency vehicle that picks you up after you are
run over by a steamroller.

10. Balderdash (n.):  a rapidly receding hairline.

11. Testicle (n.):  a humorous question on an exam.

12. Rectitude (n.):  the formal, dignified bearing adopted by

13. Pokemon (n):  a Rastafarian proctologist.

14. Oyster (n.):  a person who sprinkles his conversation with

15. Frisbeetarianism (n.) [back by popular demand]:  The belief that,
when you die, your Soul flies up onto the roof and gets stuck there.

16. Circumvent (n.):  an opening in the front of boxer shorts worn by
Jewish men.


From: Anthony Saidy
Subject: Film "Occupation 101" at UCLA May 24

Thanks to Wendy Smith, for mentioning this great film. I just got an
email note that the film will have a free screening on Wednesday, May
24th at 6 PM at UCLA (Rolfe 1200).

>From the website, the synopsis:

'Occupation 101' presents a 

[LAAMN] 5/23- Tuesday! Patrick Henry Democratic Club presents Greg Benford

2006-05-23 Thread bigraccoon
The Patrick Henry Democratic Club is proud to present:

Dr. Gregory Benford, UCI Physicist, world renowned expert
on global warming & award winning writer.

Come and Join the Club for Democrats who are making a

A family-friendly club designed for progressive Democrats
who care about changing the face of politics.

Join us at our next meeting:

Tuesday, May 23, 2006, 7:30pm
New Location:
Denny's Restaurant (back room)
2314 E. 17th St.
Santa Ana, CA
(Near the corner of 17th and Tustin, just east of the 55
freeway; Arrive at 7:00pm for food and/or drinks a.y.o.e.)

Come and join with us to promote a peaceful and prosperous
future and defeat the right wing agenda of the Bush regime.

The Patrick Henry Democratic Club meets on the fourth
Tuesday of every month.

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[LAAMN] Illusion and Reality, It's the children who pay, Finklestein at UCLA tonight.

2006-05-23 Thread Ed Pearl

Chicago Tribune May 21, 2006

The misbegotten labeling of reality in the Middle East

By Emily L. Hauser

TEL AVIV -- In Hebrew, there's a phrase: "likro et ha'yeled b'shmo," that
means to call a child by its name. That is, to tell the truth about
something that is not pleasant. Unsurprising for a people known, as Israelis
are, for their disarming candor.

Yet, like politicians around the world, Israel's prime ministers also have
demonstrated a striking capacity for abusing semantics, and its people have
shown an astonishing willingness to accept their words. Thus, last summer,
Ariel Sharon called his retreat-in-the-face-of-defeat from Gaza a
"disengagement." And now the most recent example: "convergence."
"Convergence" is the name newly elected Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has given
his government's proposal to unilaterally withdraw from parts of the West
Bank. It was a word I heard over and over as I recently traveled the length
and breadth of Israel, from a windy Galilee picnic to dinner on my
sister-in-law's desert kibbutz, and a good handful of truck stops in

After three weeks of it, I wanted to demand of my countrymen that we call
this ugly child by its singularly ugly name: annexation.

In a move being touted as an act of enormous sacrifice, Olmert has just
sworn in a government predicated on the notion of evacuating some 70,000
settlers from the West Bank, about eight times the number removed from Gaza.

What he isn't saying is this: About 180,000 settlers will remain right where
they are--and the 70,000 will be encouraged to join them--in massive
settlement blocs that! already slice through the Palestinian West Bank,
making ever dimmer any hope of territorial continuity for the future
Palestinian state.

Olmert's borders will surround these blocs, "ending" occupation by
transforming them into Israel proper and, he maintains, allowing the
military to better protect the settlers by putting them in more easily
defended, larger groups.

Uprooting communities

The Israeli proposal involves pulling down towns, uprooting communities,
dismantling lives lived long and hard won. It also could cost some $10
billion, according to a Wall Street Journal report. It can be assumed that
when he comes to Washington this week to meet with the president and
talk to Congress, Olmert's cap will be in hand.

The intent of the program, he recently told The Wall Street Journal, is to
establish perma! nent, i nternationally recognized borders, whether or not
Hamas proves itself amenable to negotiations with his government. Olmert is
saying that these steps will lead to peace.

The evacuation is being presented to Israelis as hitkansut, often translated
as convergence. In Hebrew, the word carries a sense of coming-in, circling
the wagons. It is not withdrawal from the land, the word suggests; it is
pulling together land that is rightfully ours.
Only, it's not.

Israel is planning the annexation of enormous pieces of land it conquered
and occupied in war. When it signed on to the Bush-backed "road map" peace
plan, the Sharon government agreed to freeze all settlement expansion and do
nothing to prejudice final status talks. Yet Israel ! never a ctually did
so; it kept building new homes, carving out new roads and throwing up a
towering barrier (maintaining it was free to ignore its commitment because
the Palestinian Authority failed on its end to bring a halt to Palestinian
violence). "Convergence" is simply a formalized, spun version of this same
old, same old.

Many Israelis genuinely believe that the government's actions have been
justified because the return of any occupied land is an act of largesse.
Yet I still cannot understand how any thinking person could believe that
unilaterally declaring final borders could lead to peace--or that the
Palestinians, fighting decades for the land in question, will quietly accept
a decision that treats them as if they don't exist.

Misconceptions about Israel

There is a Western tendency to think of Israel as a land of Orthodox
believers and kibbutz farmers, but it's actually a highly urbanized society
where only a fifth of the Jews define themselves as religious.
It's a land of high-tech genius, too much caffeine and a general addiction
to the news. Israelis will challenge every word out of your mouth until you
can stand behind it 100 percent.

Unless you tell them an Arab wants them dead. Then, many--by no means all,
but far too many--will accept the political twisting of their language until
words no longer mean what they mean, and believe that the patently
unworkable will keep them safe.

Or, as Israeli columnist Gideon Levy recently wrote in Israel's paper of
record, Haaretz, "The [national] discourse continues to foster Israel's most
deeply rooted national! aspira tion--to have the cake and eat it, too."

I'm both an American and an Israeli; though I currently live in the U.S.,
Israel is my home. As I traveled last month through the glory that is an
Israeli spring, the

[LAAMN] 5/24: SOS going to Garden Grove

2006-05-23 Thread SIUHIN
SOS going to Garden Grove  5/24
CCIR Proudly Presents...

PLACE: Women's Club - 9501 Chapman Avenue at  Gilbert, Garden Grove, 
MEETING DATE: Wednesday, May 24,  2006
TIME: 7:30 P.M.
ADMISSION: Free (Members) -- Non-members:  $5.00

California Assembly Candidate - 67th District  
Jim Silva -- Former Huntington Beach Councilman and Mayor and currently an  
Orange County Supervisor, he helped restore funding and positions to the Orange 
 County Veterans Service offices, helped lead the County out of a financial  
bankruptcy crisis, saving the County $512 million by paying the debt in record 
 time and without raising taxes. Most importantly, he vows that, if elected, 
he  will stop CA spending $10 billion per year for benefits for illegal 
aliens, he  opposes drivers licenses, reduced tuition and social services for 
illegal aliens  "who should be sent home and not given amnesty." He also 
training local  police to enforce immigration laws. 

Anti-Illegal Alien Petition  Qualifies for Ballot - Joe Turner (SOS) Reports 
Proponent Joe Turner collected the 2,216 signatures needed to force the San 
Bernardino City  Council to vote on a proposal that appreciably limits illegal 
alien rights in  that city. Don't miss his exciting report. 

AIC Film: "AMERICA TAKES  ACTION" featuring Rep. Tom Tancredo 
This 20 minute film includes  candid shots of illegal aliens crossing our 
border as well as citizens working  to halt the "invasion". -- It has been 
by elected officials in WDC and  immigration reform activist groups in 
Nevada, Northern CA, etc. 

National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant Bashing!  Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 

New  York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.:  (202)595-8990

Please consider making a donation to the  important work of National 
Immigrant Solidarity Network 

Send check pay  to:
National Immigrant Solidarity Network/AFGJ

and  mail to:
ActionLA / The Peace Center
8124 West 3rd  Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California 90048
(All donations are tax  deductible)

*to join the immigrant Solidarity Network  daily news litserv, send e-mail 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 

*a  monthly ISN monthly Action Alert! listserv, go to webpage 

Please join our following listservs:
Asian  American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv, send-e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/api-la_ 

NYC  Immigrant Alert!: New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania areas immigrant 
workers  information and alerts, send e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/nyc-immigrantalert_ 

US-Mexico Border Information: No Militarization of Borders!  Support 
Immigrant Rights! send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
or  visit: _http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Border01/_ 

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