[LAAMN] Oaxacan Women take over TV station - from L.A.Indymedia post

2006-08-09 Thread Anna Kunkin
500 Women Take Over TV Station in Bloodless Coup Against State/Corporate Media
by reposted Monday, Aug. 07, 2006 at 12:41 PM 

  author: The women of Oaxaca Rock!  
  This is just too good a story not to share. Obviously, the corporate media 
here has not been interested in telling this tale, as it could give people 
...ideas. This story, from Narco News, shares the inspiring story of women who 
took matters into their own hands when their government oppressed them and the 
corporate media refused to tell the tale. Banging on pots and pans, they took 
over Channel 9, ousted the staff, occupied the station themselves, and began 
broadcasting, for the first time, the TRUTH. 
Oaxaca's State TV Station Under Popular Control 

Women March to the Zocalo Against Governor and Take Over Channel 9 Studios 

By Nancy Davies 
Commentary from Oaxaca 

August 2, 2006 
This report appears on the internet at 

OAXACA CITY, August 1, 2006: In the style of the marcha de las caserolas 
(cooking-pot march) made famous in Argentina, the women of Oaxaca took to the 
streets with their pots, frying pans and spoons to beat out the call Ruiz 
fuera!: Governor Ruiz out! 

Women March through the Oaxaca zocalo August 1 
Photo: D.R. 2006 Nancy Davies 
On Tuesday morning about 2,000 women gathered at the Plaza of the Seven Regions 
and marched toward the zocalo, a distance of five miles. Along the route they 
were greeted by cheering onlookers who handed them water and waved signs in 
support of the social movement that has set as its first and foremost goal the 
removal from office of Governor Ulises Ruiz Ortiz (URO). The women tapped out 
the rhythm of ya cayó (he's already fallen) and used pan covers as cymbals. 
Many carried wooden spoons and drummed on their frying pans. 
When they gathered in the zocalo the drumming sound was like a tropical 
downpour - rain on a tin roof. Then the bells of the ex-government building, 
made over as a museum by URO, began to ring. The movement has attached ropes 
from the bell towers to the pavilion in the center of the zocalo, and over the 
sound of the tapping of thousands of spoons on pots, the bells peeled out. 

No tropical rain: the sun at mid-day glared, and many women, some of whom 
carried children, also carried sun-umbrellas. The females present ranged in age 
from babes in arms to tough old grannies. As many women wore the traditional 
aprons -a trademark of street and market vendors in Oaxaca- as wore jeans. 
Before the march dispersed at 12:30, somebody announced from the pavilion, 
Women are going to Channel 9. The location of the state television facilities 
is a bus-ride outside the downtown area, across from the Alvaro Carillo 

Women have played a strong part from the beginning of the movement, as they 
comprise half of the teachers' union and/or are mothers of students affected. 
As parents they have expressed rage against lack of decent schools and 
classrooms, and most recently against paying enrollment fees for public 
schools. Free education is guaranteed by the Mexican Constitution. Fees to 
register, as well as purchase of uniforms and books, appear to have fronted yet 
another method of state theft. 

About 350 women marched into the state TV Channel 9 facilities at approximately 
1:30 p.m. Nobody stopped them. Perhaps a thousand women and children more stood 
on watch outside the building. At 3:30 the channel went off the air. Within an 
hour, the women telephoned Radio Universidad, the radio station at the Benito 
Juárez Autonomous University of Oaxaca (UABJO), to say they had two radio 
stations working from the site, one AM and one FM, but no television. They 
reported that there had been no opposition, no struggle, and nobody was hurt. 
They asked the listeners for back-up - guards, food, water, and people who know 
how to operate television cameras. 
By early evening some of the occupying force of women had returned to speak in 
person on Radio Universidad, while most remained at the television station. 

We are not afraid, the spokeswoman said. Whatever happens, happens. We are 
fed up with this situation. We are fighting for our children. We women cannot 
stay home. 

On the previous day, Monday July 31, the government sponsored a second 
Guelaguetza tourist event organized by the state's Department of Culture in 
the newly paved Llano Park, another renovated piece of cultural patrimony. 
Although Radio Universidad - yesterday the only source of public communication 
for the social movement - had suggested that people let it go, stay away and 
not provoke trouble, the students (I'm guessing by the youthful voices) rushed 
right down to Llano where the event was starting, screaming ya cayó! However, 
they stationed themselves at the opposite side of the park from the event. 

According reporting in the local newspaper Las Noticias, a near-confrontation 
was provoked when one youth climbed the park's 

[LAAMN] Awakenings: Voters Ready to Dump Incumbents, Israel's Military Invincibility Dented

2006-08-09 Thread Ed Pearl

Hi.  There are many ways to connect these reports, but the most
intriguing one, to me, is the way critical numbers of people become
aware and even mobilized despite all the agencies which control
public education, perception and opinion.  Lieberman's loss can
provide that essential spark of possibility and courage needed for a
mass movement against the wars and evolving police state of the
Bush administration.  And the same goes for the overwhelming
majority of people in the Middle East, awakened by Israel's horrific
destruction of an entire nation, and the indefagitable resistance and
success of a relatively small but focussed guerilla force.  Most are
governed by tiny, ruthless gangs long in thrall to imperialist interests
and the power of the U.S.  Of course there are huge differences and
possibilities and the powers that be in both areas will do their best to
coopt or directly destroy the movements, but critical awakenings have
begun here and there, truisms and limits will be jumped, and can shake
the world.  It doesn't happen too often, so be aware.  Life has changed.


  Published on Tuesday, August 8, 2006 by Reuters
  Voters Ready to Dump Incumbents in Congress: Poll
  by Alison Langley

  American voters are as ready to dump incumbent lawmakers as they were
just before they handed control of Congress to Republicans in 1994,
according to an ABC News/Washington Post poll released on Monday.
  Republicans, who control both houses of Congress, stand to lose the
most in the November elections because of strong anti-incumbent sentiment
and they trail Democrats in support among registered voters, the poll

  Fifty-three percent of those surveyed called themselves
anti-incumbent -- nearly the same as the 54 percent who identified
themselves as such in the summer of 1994 when Congress was still under the
Democrats' control.

  While the percentage of anti-incumbent Republicans was lower in the
poll than the percentage of anti-incumbent Democrats in 1994 (33 percent
versus 46 percent), the share of anti-incumbent independents rose to 61
percent from 57 percent in 1994.

  The telephone poll, which has a 3 percentage point margin of error,
was taken between August 3 and August 6 among 1,002 adults.

  Among registered voters, 52 percent said they would support the
Democrat in their congressional district if the election were held today.
Only 39 percent said they would vote for the Republican, the poll showed.

  Republicans are being hurt by Americans' anti-war sentiment, the poll
showed. Thirty-eight percent of those polled said they would be more likely
to oppose a candidate who supports President George W. Bush's Iraq policy,
compared with only 23 percent who would back such a candidate.

  But the poll also showed that Democrats have yet to win over
Americans, who remain evenly split on whether the party offers the country a
clear direction that differs from that offered by Republicans.

  Copyright © 2006 Reuters Limited



  Published on Tuesday, August 8, 2006 by the Inter Press Service
  Israel's Military Invincibility Dented by Hezbollah
  by Thalif Deen

UNITED NATIONS - Israel's phenomenal victories against
collective Arab
  armies in 1967 and later against Egypt in 1973 firmly established the
  state's legendary military superiority in the Middle East.

The 1967 war -- called the Six Day War -- was so swift it ended
  less than a week, with Egypt losing 264 aircraft and 700 battle tanks;
  Jordan 22 aircraft and 125 tanks, and Syria 58 aircraft and 105 tanks.

The only equipment losses suffered by Israel in the 1967 war
were 40
  aircraft and 100 battle tanks, according to Dilip Hiro, a Middle East
  analyst based in London.

The war ended with Israel capturing East Jerusalem, the Gaza
  Bethlehem, Hebron, Jenin, Nablus, the Golan Heights and Sharm
al-Shaikh --
  some of which are still under occupation despite U.N. Security Council
  resolutions seeking Israeli withdrawal.

But as the relentless military attacks against Hezbollah and
  continue into the second month, the duration of the current conflict
and the
  resistance by the Islamic militia have dented Israel's reputation of
  military invincibility in the Middle East.

Hezbollah has succeeded in preventing Israel from achieving any
  its strategic objectives, and most of its tactical objectives as
well, says
  Mouin Rabbani, contributing editor to the Washington-based Middle East

Arguably, Israel is fighting the war Hezbollah prepared for,
  than the war Israel intended to conduct, Rabbani told IPS.

He believes that Israel's strategy was to 

[LAAMN] Fd: Insist on a Fair Trial for Annette Auguste and Her Co-Defendants

2006-08-09 Thread Chris Ellis
  Please distribute widely:

August 8, 2006

Half-Hour for Haiti: Insist on a Fair Trial for Annette Auguste and Her

Update:  Some good news in the case of Annette Auguste and the five other
defendants charged in connection with the December 2003 events at the
State University: their case has been set for trial. In our July 18 alert
we urged President Préval to ensure that the their case is heard during
the current criminal court sessions, and we just found out that the trial
is scheduled for Monday, August 14. Thank you to everyone who wrote about
this case to President Préval last month, and to Minister of Justice
Magloire for our June 20 alert.

Haiti Debt Relief Bill in the U.S.: we do not know how many more
co-sponsors are on board, because Congress is out of session. But please
take advantage of your Representative’s presence in your district
throughout August to urge her or him to co-sponsor the Haiti Debt Relief
Bill, H.Res. 888. At the request of grassroots groups planning to attend
community meetings with their Representatives, we have put together an
information packet for the Congressperson and a one-page summary for
other attendees. Let us know if you would like a copy.

Upcoming Events:  The Solidarity Encounter with the Haitian People
organized by the September 30 Foundation will take place in Haiti from
August 20-26. This is an excellent opportunity for people who care about
Haiti to connect with Haitian grassroots groups struggling for justice.

This week’s action: Please write to Haitian Minister of Justice René
Magloire. Thank him for helping the December 5 case go to trial, and urge
him to ensure that the trial is a fair one. There will be a lot of
pressure on the Haitian government to keep the defendants in jail at any
cost, so it is vital that the Minister hears that there is international
support for respecting the rights of Annette Auguste and her
co-defendants. A sample letter is below, feel free to customize it.
Letters must arrive by the end of the day on Thursday, August 10, so
please send them to us by fax: (206) 350-7986 (a U.S. number) or email:
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and we will ensure that they are delivered promptly.


Me. René Magloire

Ministre de la Justice et de la Sécurité Publique

Ministère de la Justice

18 Avenue Charles Sumner

Port-au-Prince, Haïti

Dear Mr. Minister:

I am writing to express my appreciation that the case of the political
prisoners held in connection with the December 5, 2003 incidents at the
State University has been set for trial on August 14, and to urge you to
make every effort to ensure that the trial is a fair one for all
concerned, especially the defendants.

As you know, Annette Auguste (Sò Ann), Georges Honoré and Yvon Antoine
(Zap Zap) have been in jail for over two years in this case, and Paul
Raymond has been jailed for over a year. Not a single witness has
testified in court against any of the defendants, and two years of
pre-trial investigation did not produce a single shred of direct evidence
against them.

The August 14 trial is an opportunity to show that Haiti’s justice system
can make a clean break from the last two years, where the system was used
as an instrument of repression, not justice. Accordingly, I urge you to
take every possible measure to ensure an exemplary trial.  These steps
should include instructing the Commissaire du Gouvernement to ensure fair
treatment of the accused, providing adequate security and logistical
support for the trial, and if necessary, taking appropriate action
against any prosecutor or judge who abuses his position to violate the
Constitutional and human rights of any of the defendants.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

For more information about the Half-Hour for Haiti Program, the Institute
for Justice  Democracy in Haiti, or human rights in Haiti, see
www.ijdh.org. To receive Half-Hour for Haiti Action Alerts once per
 week, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[LAAMN] Awakenings-edited: Voters Ready to Dump Incumbents, Israel's Military Invincibility Dented

2006-08-09 Thread Ed Pearl
Dang, I should remember to send these reports to myself before
emailing to this list.  Here it is with the 2nd article readable.
My apologies.  -Ed

Hi.  There are many ways to connect these reports, but the most
intriguing one, to me, is the way critical numbers of people become
aware and even mobilized despite all the agencies which control
public education, perception and opinion.  Lieberman's loss can
provide that essential spark of possibility and courage needed for a
mass movement against the wars and evolving police state of the
Bush administration.  And the same goes for the overwhelming
majority of people in the Middle East, awakened by Israel's horrific
destruction of an entire nation, and the indefagitable resistance and
success of a relatively small but focussed guerilla force.  Most are
governed by tiny, ruthless gangs long in thrall to imperialist interests
and the power of the U.S.  Of course there are huge differences and
possibilities and the powers that be in both areas will do their best to
coopt or directly destroy the movements, but critical awakenings have
begun here and there, truisms and limits will be jumped, and can shake
the world.  It doesn't happen too often, so be aware.  Life has changed.


  Published on Tuesday, August 8, 2006 by Reuters
  Voters Ready to Dump Incumbents in Congress: Poll
  by Alison Langley

  American voters are as ready to dump incumbent lawmakers as they were
just before they handed control of Congress to Republicans in 1994,
according to an ABC News/Washington Post poll released on Monday.
  Republicans, who control both houses of Congress, stand to lose the
most in the November elections because of strong anti-incumbent sentiment
and they trail Democrats in support among registered voters, the poll

  Fifty-three percent of those surveyed called themselves
anti-incumbent -- nearly the same as the 54 percent who identified
themselves as such in the summer of 1994 when Congress was still under the
Democrats' control.

  While the percentage of anti-incumbent Republicans was lower in the
poll than the percentage of anti-incumbent Democrats in 1994 (33 percent
versus 46 percent), the share of anti-incumbent independents rose to 61
percent from 57 percent in 1994.

  The telephone poll, which has a 3 percentage point margin of error,
was taken between August 3 and August 6 among 1,002 adults.

  Among registered voters, 52 percent said they would support the
Democrat in their congressional district if the election were held today.
Only 39 percent said they would vote for the Republican, the poll showed.

  Republicans are being hurt by Americans' anti-war sentiment, the poll
showed. Thirty-eight percent of those polled said they would be more likely
to oppose a candidate who supports President George W. Bush's Iraq policy,
compared with only 23 percent who would back such a candidate.

  But the poll also showed that Democrats have yet to win over
Americans, who remain evenly split on whether the party offers the country a
clear direction that differs from that offered by Republicans.

  Copyright © 2006 Reuters Limited



  Published on Tuesday, August 8, 2006 by the Inter Press Service
  Israel's Military Invincibility Dented by Hezbollah
  by Thalif Deen

UNITED NATIONS - Israel's phenomenal victories against collective
Arab armies in 1967 and later against Egypt in 1973 firmly established
the Jewish state's legendary military superiority in the Middle East.

The 1967 war -- called the Six Day War -- was so swift it ended in
less than a week, with Egypt losing 264 aircraft and 700 battle tanks;
Jordan 22 aircraft and 125 tanks, and Syria 58 aircraft and 105 tanks.

The only equipment losses suffered by Israel in the 1967 war were 40
aircraft and 100 battle tanks, according to Dilip Hiro, a Middle East
analyst based in London.

The war ended with Israel capturing East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip,
Bethlehem, Hebron, Jenin, Nablus, the Golan Heights and Sharm
al-Shaikh --  some of which are still under occupation despite U.N.
Security Council resolutions seeking Israeli withdrawal.

But as the relentless military attacks against Hezbollah and Lebanon
continue into the second month, the duration of the current conflict
and the resistance by the Islamic militia have dented Israel's
reputation of military invincibility in the Middle East.

Hezbollah has succeeded in preventing Israel from achieving any of
its strategic objectives, and most of its tactical objectives as well, says
Mouin Rabbani, contributing editor to the Washington-based Middle East

Arguably, Israel is fighting the war Hezbollah prepared for, rather than
the war Israel intended to conduct, Rabbani told IPS.

He believes that Israel's strategy was to deliver a rapid and devastating
military blow 

Fw: [LAAMN] Dorothy Healey Dies

2006-08-09 Thread John A Imani
I too met Dorothy Healy as a young communist in the LACC Black Student Union.  
It was through Rose Chernin and the Committee for the Defense of the Bill of 
Rights a CP organization which sometimes availed itself as a source for bail 
money and/lawyers.  John's assessment of her is as I remember: she was a 
remarkably gracious woman.

John Imani
  - Original Message - 
  From: John Johnson 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 1:17 PM
  Subject: [LAAMN] Dorothy Healey Dies

  Many of us activist from the Sixties were familar 
  with and new Dorothy Healey.  She had a long time 
  radio show on KPFK, during and after her membership in the Communist Party.

  We in SDS had regular battles with her and the CP 
  in the Sixties.  We were too radical and too 
  activist for the Party's brand of political 
  organizing.  Back then they often supported 
  Democratic Party Candidates.  But she was always 
  pleasant in her political manipulations.
  When she got older and moved back to Washington 
  DC to be near her son we all missed her.

  Dorothy Healey, 91; Lifelong Communist Fought for Working People

  By Dennis McLellan, Times Staff Writer
  August 8, 2006

  Dorothy Healey, a onetime labor organizer, civil 
  rights activist and Marxist radio commentator who 
  was chairwoman of the Southern California 
  district of the Communist Party USA from the late 
  1940s through the 1960s, has died. She was 91.

  Healey, dubbed the Red Queen of Los Angeles by 
  headline writers during her heyday, died Sunday 
  of pneumonia in the Greater Washington Hebrew 
  Home, said her son, Richard. She had been a 
  resident of Washington, D.C., since 1983.

  The diminutive Healey, who stood just under 5 
  feet tall and once wore a pendant that pictured a 
  clenched fist raised as a symbol of solidarity 
  and militancy, fought a lifelong battle against 
  what she called the oppression of the middle class and minorities.

  She was a heartfelt revolutionary of her time, 
  Donna Wilkinson, the widow of national civil 
  liberties leader Frank Wilkinson, told The Times 
  on Monday. She was always so fiercely partisan 
  for working people. Yes, of course, she cared 
  about war and peace and women's issues, but she 
  was always concerned about working people.

  The daughter of Hungarian Jewish immigrants, 
  Healey was born in Denver on Sept. 22, 1914. Her 
  father was a traveling salesman, and the family 
  moved from Denver to California when she was 6. 
  Constantly on the move because of her father's 
  work selling smoked meat and cheese, Healey 
  attended 19 schools. Her father died when she was 16.

  Healey, whose Socialist mother was a founding 
  member of the Communist Party in America, joined 
  the Young Communist League in 1928, when she was 14.

  I joined the Young Communist League out of a 
  feeling of hate and love, she told an audience 
  at Golden West College in Huntington Beach in 
  1977. I hated the system that reduced all humans 
  to a feeling of total helplessness . of fear over what each day would bring.

  I loved the humans who lived under these 
  [conditions] and I respected their potential.

  She was arrested for the first time at 14 ­ for 
  selling the Daily Worker newspaper and making a speech on skid row in Oakland.

  At 16, she dropped out of school and helped 
  organize a union and a strike at a cannery in San Jose, where she worked.

  By 1933, she was organizing agricultural workers 
  in the Imperial Valley. By the end of the decade, 
  she was international vice president of the 
  Congress of Industrial Organization's Cannery, 
  Agriculture and Packing House Workers union.

  Healey was brought into leadership of the party 
  in Los Angeles at the end of World War II. She 
  became leader of the Communist Party USA's 
  Southern California district, the second largest 
  after New York. She also became a member of the party's National Committee.

  In 1951, Healey and 14 other Californians were 
  indicted and convicted under the Smith Act for 
  conspiring to advocate the overthrow of the 
  government by force and violence. Although she 
  was sentenced to five years in prison and fined 
  $10,000, her sentence was reversed by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1957.

  The decision was the government had to show ­ 
  and they had not shown ­ that the advocacy was 
  intended to motivate people immediately to 
  action, not merely the reading of old Marxists texts, her son said.

   From 1956 on, when Healey learned the truth from 
  Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev's so-called 
  secret speech, in which he revealed Stalin's 
  crimes to the 20th Congress of the Soviet 
  Communist Party, Healey became an advocate for 
  democratizing the American Communist Party and 
  sought more independence from 

[LAAMN] The Northeast Democrat -- August issue

2006-08-09 Thread Dick Price Sharon Kyle
The Northeast Democrat
Newsletter of the Northeast Democratic Club
August 2006

Table of Contents

Time for Dirty Hands
Is Patriotism for Suckers?
Reorgnizing to Win
Countdown to Election Day


Our August newsletter focuses on how local Democrats are coming
together to win key local and statewide elections.

There's no meeting in August. Join us at the September meeting:

Wednesday, 20 September, 7 p.m.
El Arco Iris, 5684 York Avenue, Los Angeles

Time for Dirty Hands: Bill Rumble's President's Message

As we take control of the governorship and broaden our control of the
state legislature, we will enact laws that help all Californians
improve their standard of living. What could be more exciting than that?

Read more: http://.northeastdemocrats.org

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[LAAMN] Invitation to civil resistance in Lebanon

2006-08-09 Thread Michael Novick
Press Release-Lebanon: An Open Country for Civil Resistance
Beirut August 7, 2006

Press Contacts:
Rasha Salti, +961 3 970855
Huwaida Arraf, +961 70 974452
Samah Idriss, +961 3 381349
Wadih Al Asmar, +961 70 950780

On August 12, at 7 am, Lebanese from throughout the country and
international supporters who have come to Lebanon to express solidarity will
gather in Martyr's Square in Beirut to form a civilian
convoy to the south of Lebanon. Hundreds of Lebanese and international
civilians will express their solidarity with the inhabitants of the heavily
destroyed south who have been bravely withstanding the assault of the
Israeli military. This campaign is endorsed by more than 200 Lebanese and
international organizations. This growing coalition of national and
international non-governmental organizations hereby launches a campaign of
civil resistance for the purpose of challenging the cruel and ruthless use
of massive military force by Israel, the regional superpower, upon the
people of Lebanon.

August 12 marks the start of this Campaign of Resistance, declaring Lebanon
an Open Country for Civil Resistance. August 12 also marks both the
international day of protest against the Israeli aggression.

In the face of Israel's systematic killing of our people, the
indiscriminate bombing of our towns, the scorching of our villages, and the
attempted destruction of our civil infrastructure, we say No!
In the face of the forced expulsion of a quarter of our population from
their homes throughout Lebanon, and the complicity of governments and
international bodies, we re-affirm the acts of civil resistance
that began from the first day of the Israeli assault, and we stress and add
the urgent need to act!, said Rasha Salti, one of the organizers of this
national event.

After August 12, the campaign will continue with a series of civil actions,
leading to an August 19 civilian march to reclaim the South. Working
together, in solidarity, we will overcome the complacency,
inaction, and complicity of the international community and we will deny
Israel its goal of removing Lebanese from their land and destroying the
fabric of our country, explained Samah Idriss, writer
and co-organizer of this campaign.

An international civilian presence in Lebanon is not only an act of
solidarity with the Lebanese people in the face of unparalleled Israeli
aggression, it is an act of moral courage to defy the will of those who
would seek to alienate the West from the rest and create a new Middle East
out of the rubble and blood of the region, said Huwaida Arraf, co-founder
of the International Solidarity Movement and campaign co-organizer. After
having witnessed the wholesale destruction of villages by Israel's air force
and navy and having visited the victims (so-called displaced) of Israel's
policy of cleansing Lebanese civilians from their homes, continued Arraf,
it is imperative to go south and reach those who have stayed behind to
resist by steadfastly remaining on their land.

If you are in Lebanon and want to sign up and join the convoy, contact

Rasha Salti. Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Tel: +961
3 970 855
Rania Masri. Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tel: +961 3 135 279 or +961
6 930 250 xt. 5683 or xt. 3933

If you are outside Lebanon and want to sign up and join the convoy, you
should know:

1) You need to obtain a visa for Lebanon and for Syria if your plan is to
enter Lebanon from Syria.

2) We don't have the funds to cover for the cost of your travel, however we
can help with finding accommodations.

For questions and help for all internationals please contact Adam Shapiro

You can also sign up on our website:

This campaign is thus far endorsed by more than 200 organizations,
including: The Arab NGOs Network for Development (ANND), International
Solidarity Movement (ISM), Cultural Center for Southern Lebanon, Norwegian
People's Aid, Lebanese Center for Policy Studies, Lebanese Association for
Democratic Elections, Frontiers, Kafa, Nahwa al-Muwatiniya, Spring Hints,
Hayya Bina, Lebanese Transparency Association, Amam05, Lebanese Center for
Civic Education, Let's Build Trust, CRTD-A, Solida, National Association for
Vocational Training and Social Services, Lebanese Development Pioneers, Nadi
Li Koul Alnas, and Lecorvaw


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