Re: [LAAMN] Brian Willson's "BLOOD ON THE TRACKS" Southern California Book Tour - September 1st thru September 11th ~ The Life & Times of S. Brian Willson

2011-08-18 Thread Anna Kunkin
Thank you. 


From: Frank Dorrel 
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 4:45 PM
Subject: [LAAMN] Brian Willson's "BLOOD ON THE TRACKS" Southern California Book 
Tour - September 1st thru September 11th ~ The Life & Times of S. Brian Willson

Brian Willson’s Southern California Book Tour

September 1st thru September 11th

BLOOD ON THE TRACKS: The Life & Times of S. Brian Willson

Thursday, September 1st – 7:00 PM - Saint Matthias Church, 7056 Washington
Avenue, Whittier  90602 – Whittier Peace & Justice Coalition – Call:
562-587-6270 – 562-233-8579 or:

Friday, September 2nd – 7:00 PM  - Unitarian Universalist Church - 5654
Ralston Street, Ventura 93003 - Call Cindy Piester: 805-407-7997 or:

Saturday, September 3rd – 6:30 PM - Frank & Jane Dorrel’s - 3967 Shedd
Terrace,  Culver City 90232 – Call: 310-838-8131 or:

Sunday, September 4th  - 5:30 PM  - Joyce Beers Community Center - 3900
Vermont Street, San Diego  92103 – Contact Nelisse Muga: 619-222-2120 -

Monday, September 5th – Labor Day - OPEN

Tuesday, September 6th  - 7:00 PM - Methodist Church, Friendship Hall - 580
W. Sixth Street, San Pedro – San Pedro Neighbors for Peace & Justice -
Contact Chris Venn: 310 567-3332 -

Wednesday, September 7th – 7:00 PM – Activist Support Circle - Friends
Meeting Hall - 1440 Harvard Street, Santa Monica - Call: Jerry Rubin:
310-399-1000 or:

Thursday, September 8th – 7:00 PM - Revolution Books – 5726 Hollywood Blvd,
Los Angeles  90028 – Call: 323-463-3500 or:

Friday, September 9th – 7:00 AM -  Immanuel Presbyterian Church – 3300
Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles 90010 - Interfaith Coalition United for Justice &
Peace –Call: 310-704-3217 or:

Friday, September 9th – 6:45 PM - Anaheim Unitarian Church – 511 South
Harbor Boulevard, Anaheim  92805 – Call Ruth Shapin: 714-758-1050  or:

Saturday, September 10th – 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM - Orange County Progressive
Summit –  
Delhi Community Center - 505 E. Central Avenue, Santa Ana 92707 – 714-
481-9600 - (Workshop Presentation)

Sunday, September 11th - 10:15 AM - Church In Ocean Park – 235 Hill Street,
Santa Monica  90405 – Call: 310-399-1631 or:

Sunday, September 11th - 2:00 PM - The Arlington West Memorial – Just next
to the Santa Monica Pier – Brian will be at the table to sign books.

Sunday, September 11th –7:00 PM - All Saints Church - 132 N Euclid Avenue,
Pasadena - 10th Anniversary of 9-11. Brian will have a table to sell & sign
the books. Brian will not be on the program.

Frank Dorrel will be introducing Brian at most of these talks.

KPFK 90.7 FM Radio is going to offer “BLOOD ON THE TRACKS”  as a premium
during the current fund drive, which began on August 16th.

In Peace,

Frank Dorrel


THE UNIMAGINABLE JOURNEY of  An American Peacemaker


The Life & Times of S. Brian Willson

A Talk & Book Signing with S. Brian Willson

Saturday, September 3rd - 7:30 PM


Frank & Jane Dorrel’s

3967 Shedd Terrace, Culver City 90232

Doors Open at 6:30 PM ~  Program Starts at 7:30 PM

Special Guests:

Ron Kovic

Blase & Theresa Bonpane

Music by Ross Altman

Drinks & Desserts Served

$5 Donation at the Door

Copies of: ‘Blood On The Tracks’ - Will Be Available for $20 at this Event.

Buy a Copy at the Door and Get Free Entry to Event.

RSVP to Frank at:

310-838-8131 or: -

To Order a Copy of BLOOD ON THE TRACKS go to:


“There are few peace activists who have the dedication of Brian Willson, as
there are few activists who inspire me more. I hope Brian’s story can
inspire a new generation of activists to fight with all they have for peace,
justice, our planet and humanity.” — Cindy Sheehan (Gold Star Mother, Peace


“In a world filled with violence, oppression, the madness of war, and the
destruction of the environment, many are searching for hope—and those
individuals who give us hope. “This is where Brian Willson comes in. Like
many of us, he bought into the lies of war and violence. But something
happened along his journey, and Viet Nam was only the beginning. He
discovered the truth and he followed it, no matter the cost. I encourage you
to read this book about a great peacemaker and a great lover of mother
earth. You will be filled with hope.”  —  Roy Bourgeois (Maryknoll Catholic
priest, founder SOA Watch)


“Brian Willson is one of a few modern men for all seasons. His memoir is an
introduction to a way of living that could save a planet perilously dr

[LAAMN] Congress person missing ?

2011-08-18 Thread Scott Peden

Looking for your Congress person ?
Try Jerusalem !

  I've known for decades that they
 weren't my Congressperson/Senator, and who they worked for,
 AIPAC being only one of the largest money and power flows that
 controls even who gets to run for office much less whether they
 get media or bank funding to be able to run a campaign.

 Did you know that 5 candidates made it to the primaries last
 pResidential sElection season without ANY Party support OR
 Banker or MSM (Main Stream Media) support? 3 Were Democrats and
 2 were Republican. Some people heard a little about Ron Paul or
 Dennis Kucinich, but though their own parties or the MSM, it was
 only to belittle them, yet their voting records are so
 dissimilar to those who get the attention of AIPAC and the
 International Bankers and International Corporations funding,
 you'd think it was a completely different Countries Political
 process altogether.

 Unless your looking for who is running, instead of sitting at
 home expecting the information to be delivered to you via one of
 the Corporate Political Parties or the MSM, you'd never know
 that we actually had candidates who actual voting record (not
 the lying claims PAID Political Talking heads made) showed that
 they represented us.

 Of course, it is easier to just sElect between the choices
 offered you, neither one is going to pay you 1/1000 the
 attention or representation, they'll give a foreign Government.

 Feel free to share.

 Input your Zip code, and your representatives will show up,
 click on them, and then click on their voting record. I consider
 their political compass the most important of all, as that tells
 you where their stance is on the issues, and I no longer vote
 for anyone that doesn't  want us to know where they stand.

 Here's a little help separating fact from fiction.

 This is still set up from the last pResidential sElection
 process, I call it as such, due to... well tell me when you've
 finished filling out the survey if you even know the candidates
 that ran, and they all paid for advertising at the same rate as
 those who got the nod/funding from AIPAC.

 Here's another good one. Are you as Liberal, or Conservative as
 you think?

 A little work on your part, and you won't have have to rely on
 the Government of Israel or AIPAC to make the best choices for
 you, in your country.

 And if all else fails, take a look at what the political
 cartoonists are saying. They  rarely support anyone, as they are
 noted for caricature of those who are 'off enough' to aid them
 in making a living. (How many wouldn't have been able to feed
 the kids if Sara Palin/Clinton/Coulter/Pelosi/Bush/Obama/Cheney
 hadn't been as forth coming with materiel for them to write




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[LAAMN] Labor Falls in Line

2011-08-18 Thread Cort Greene

  Labor Falls in
Line By:
David Dayen  Thursday August 18,
2011 9:46 am


I remember a lot of fanfare over this Joan Walsh
where labor leaders claimed they were “declaring independence” and moving to
state and local politics for the purposes of self-preservation. Indeed, some
of that has happened. The International Association of Fire Fighters closed
their federal PAC. Labor poured a lot of money into the Wisconsin recalls
and was notably silent about the debt limit. Some building trade unions plan
to sit out the Democratic National Convention. But today, the political
director of the AFL-CIO said labor would not
President in his re-election campaign.

 Despite the frustration labor activists have expressed toward the
administration for the deals it has cut with congressional Republicans,
Obama still provides a better alternative to a potential Republican
president, said Michael Podhorzer, the labor federation’s top politics

“I don’t think that the labor movement will be on the sidelines with
President Obama,” he said in a sit-down interview with The Hill Wednesday.

Podhorzer said that the union is likely to announce this fall that it’s
creating a so-called “super PAC” that can spend and receive unlimited
amounts of campaign donations. Podhorzer said the labor federation has been
limited by election laws to contacting just its own members but with a super
PAC, the AFL-CIO can expand its outreach to non-union voters as well.

Podhorzer did continue to say that the labor movement would focus on
grassroots infrastructure, something they have already been doing with
Working America and the fights at the state level. But he added, “We’re not
moving away from national politics to focus on the states. We just have to
do both.”

This is really not what Richard Trumka promised back in May. It’s another
example of labor falling in line. They believe that their interests are
better served by a Democratic President in the White House.

We can look at the record. EFCA went nowhere. Labor claimed to be in favor
of a public option, and didn’t get that. Their job ideas are only now being
taken up, at a time when they cannot pass. The high road contracting
executive order never materialized. The White House wants free trade deals
bitterly opposed by labor.

On the flip side, the National Labor Relations Board has been revitalized,
mainly due to recess appointments of its leaders. They outlined new steps
for labor elections that would improve the process. The NLRB laid down a
decision in the Boeing case that actually followed the law and prevented
deliberate outsourcing to a right to work state. The White House has been
pretty good on protecting markets from the illegal dumping of Chinese goods,
like tires and steel. They’ve filed some complaints with the WTO.

Labor clearly feels trapped, thinking they have nowhere to go but to support
the status quo. They could actually participate in primaries to ensure that
the worst of the Democrats are defeated, as they tried in Arkansas (a
low-density union state) with Bill Halter, but this article says that they
aren’t moving in that direction, either.

 “I think our approach would be more toward investing our resources in races
where there is a really pro-worker candidate and where there is a good
opportunity to win,” Podhorzer said, “and to basically stay on the sidelines
for the candidates for the Democrats that you would put in the Lincoln

That’s I guess a non-confrontational way of doing it. I don’t see how that
has been successful. But if labor wants to focus on Sherrod Brown and
Elizabeth Warren at the expense of Ben Nelson and Claire McCaskill, fine.
I’ll just believe that when I see it.

I think we have to be careful not to paint the labor movement with such a
broad brush. But it’s clear that a lot of the leadership still thinks in
terms of partisan warfare. As such, they are not respected by the Democratic
leadership to the degree they could be.

*UPDATE*: Just to wrap this debate, the proof will come in the final
numbers. If labor spreads its money less on the federal side and more to
lasting infrastructure as well as state and local races, it should be noted
as an evolution. If not, it isn’t. And the degree of the evolution should be
noted as we

[LAAMN] What I Learned in 2 Years at the Tea Party

2011-08-18 Thread bigraccoon
What I Learned in 2 Years at the Tea Party

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[LAAMN] Fw: Black Women Lost More Jobs During Recovery

2011-08-18 Thread Romi Elnagar

Black women lost more jobs during recovery 

Black women have lost more jobs than black men since the 
recession began in December 2007, says a recent report by the
National Women's Law Center.

By Eliza Ronalds-Hannon
Crain's New York Business
August 16, 2011

While the recession hit black men harder than any other
group, the economic recovery has shifted that impact to their
female counterparts, according to a recent report by the
National Women's Law Center, which shows that black women
have lately seen their unemployment rate rise even as other
populations - including black men - have finally begun to 
regain jobs.

Between June 2009 and June 2011, black men gained 127,000
jobs while black women lost more than twice that number,
258,000, the report says. That means that black women have
now lost more total jobs than have black men since the
recession began in December 2007. "We hear back from women
suggesting that some employers think it's more important for
men to get back to work than for women," said Joan Entmacher,
the National Women's Law Center's vice president for family
economic security, citing anecdotes from women she has
interviewed. "I suspect that is one of the things at work."

But on the contrary, the report suggests that women are more
critical to the economic health of the black population.

"Black women are a majority [53.4%] of the black workforce,
head a majority [52.8%] of black families with children, and
were more economically vulnerable even before the recession
started," according to the report.

To read more, go to 


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[LAAMN] ALERT-NOW: Verizon Strike Solidarity

2011-08-18 Thread Uncle Don B Fanning
ALERT-NOW: Verizon Strike Solidarity
2011-08-18/12n-1p: Verizon Strike Solidarity


On the east coast, 45,000 Verizon workers are on strike to stop 
Verizon's Wisconsin-style attacks on the middle class, elimination of 
health benefits, and outsourcing of good jobs. Despite making $19 
billion in profits over the last four years, Verizon is refusing to 
bargain and is demanding that its workers add to those profits from 
their own pockets.

Runaway corporate greed is damaging hard-working families.  Stand 
with Verizon workers who are fighting for all of us!

Picket Verizon Wireless!
@ Wilshire and Western, Los Angeles
Thursday, August 18, 12:00 -1:00 PM

To picket a Verizon Wireless store, contact:

Judy RaPue, Communications Workers of America, at 562-944-1300,
Priscilla Cheng, L.A. County Federation of Labor, at 213-381-5611 


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[LAAMN] Obama's midwest bus tour message backfires

2011-08-18 Thread Ed Pearl
I fully expect his job program to be as toothless as described, below;
mostly small amounts for start-ups, tax breaks for hires (more tax cuts,
yet), etc., and little government direct organization, let alone the massive
program desperately needed, by (non) working people as well as the American
future.  -Ed


From: Rick Kisséll
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2011 4:18 PM
To: Midwestern Association for Progressive Community Economic and
Environmental Development Yahoo group

Obama's midwest bus tour message backfires

The president's attempt to cast himself as pro-business won't win voters
whose jobs have been killed by free trade deals

by Daniel Denvir
The Guardian/UK:  8/16/11

While on a bus tour this week across a midwest ravaged by
deindustrialisation, President Barack Obama has ironically been touting
job-killing free trade agreements. 

Mitt Romney deemed the road trip, which goes through an archipelago of 
shuttered factories and mills, as Obama's "Magical Misery Tour", though 
the former governor and CEO would undoubtedly promote the same free 
trade policies even more fervently. Obama won Minnesota, Iowa and 
Illinois in 2008, but is set to lose them in 2012 if he remains on the 
free trade bandwagon. Last week, he visited Michigan, the epicentre of 
American manufacturing's decimation.

A May report from the liberal Economic Policy Institute
finds that the North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta), which was 
primarily touted as a job creator, has cost the US 682,900 jobs, 61% of 
them in manufacturing. Many jobs have moved south to Mexico,
resulting in a switch in the two countries' trade deficit. In 1993, the
US had a $1.6bn trade surplus with Mexico; in 2010, the tides turned 
and Mexico held a trade surplus of $97.2bn over the US. 

The consequences of Nafta have not been positive in Mexico, either: the US 

has seen a historic flow of Mexican immigrants across the border,
driven by the closure of plants unable to compete with transnational 
companies, the elimination of peasant agriculture, and rising consumer 
prices have driven a wave of immigrants across the US border. This 
convoy of economic refugees has weakened only recently, mostly due to 
the downturn.

It shouldn't be surprising that free trade 
agreements are unpopular, though politicians don't seem to comprehend 
it. According to the findings of an underreported November 2010 poll by the

Research Center, only 35% of Americans say that free trade agreements have 

benefited the US, while 44% say the country has been harmed. The study even 

found that Republican support for free trade has plummeted from 44% in 
November 2009, to a rock bottom 28% in 2010.
"Support for free trade agreements is now at one of its lowest points in 13
years of Pew 

Research Centre surveys," the report concludes. Indeed, 63% of Tea

Republicans have a negative outlook on NAFTA – more than any other group

Obama once seemed to understand the deep-seated popular opposition to free

During the 2008 election, he released a mailer attacking Hillary Clinton,
whose husband 

signed NAFTA: "Is Hillary Clinton running away from her own record on trade
deals that 

have cost Ohio nearly 50,000 jobs?" 

But once again, Obama's ham-handed efforts to "reach across the aisle"
alienates the left 

while failing to appease rank-and-file Republican voters. We have a service
with the manufacturing middle hollowed out. Elites consider financial 
services to be our contribution to the new global economic order: Mexico
and China make stuff; we package and sell opaque financial instruments.
The financial crisis was the product of a government more concerned 
with defending this status quo and protecting profits on Wall Street 
than with creating and defending well-paying American manufacturing jobs.

But Obama's support for free trade and Wall Street 
consistently fails to win over corporate America. Big finance and the 
Chamber of Commerce continue to work tirelessly to undermine his 
presidency, no matter what he sacrifices in the way of working people's 


It's not clear that the media or anyone else is picking up on the mundane

of Obama's new talking points. But if they do, the president's push for free

agreements with South Korea, Panama and Colombia is unlikely to be well

the Minnesota Fair Trade Coalition estimates that 57,000 Minnesotans are at
risk of

offshoring or displacement under a Korea deal. 

"It's insane for our elected officials to even be considering a trade deal 
right now that the International Trade Commission projects will increase
the overall trade deficit," writes Minnesota Fair Trade Coalition 
director Jessica Lettween. "To claim such a job-killing proposal is a 
'job creation plan' is downright irresponsible, particularly when we're 
trying to get our econo

[LAAMN] Ash Grove Youtube links and Event

2011-08-18 Thread Ed Pearl




Hi.  Her are Youtube links of Sunday's performers.  Enjoy.



From: Grace Aaron [] 

Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 8:02 PM.  


Here are youtube links. 


The first 2 are for Conjunto Jardin and the third for Ciro Hurtado:









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[LAAMN] Fwd: LA Neighbors, NY Neighbors Team Up to Defend Their Neighborhoods

2011-08-18 Thread Michael Novick

LA Neighbors United

August 17, 2011






  LA Neighbors United, New York Neighbors Join 
Forces to Promote “Battle for Brooklyn,” a 
Documentary Film that Opens Friday in LA

This weekend a movie opens in Los Angeles that 
everyone who cares about neighborhoods should 
see. It’s about a controversial mega-development, 
including a sports arena, that will change the 
character of a neighborhood forever.

“Battle for Brooklyn” is the story of residents 
who stood up to defend their neighborhood, and 
asserted their rights to some level of 
self-determination for their community’s fate.

“I won’t tell you how it ends,” says LA Neighbors 
United Founder Cary Brazeman writing on his 
personal blog 
“except to say that the development site, which 
was declared blighted and condemned, may remain a 
mega-parking lot for years to come … the poster child of eminent domain abuse.”

Out of the fire emerged a local citizens group, 
“Develop Don’t Destroy Brooklyn” that united 21 
community organizations to voice their opposition 
to the project and propose an alternative plan. 
Read more about “Develop Don’t Destroy Brooklyn” 
on their 
And then come see 
for Brooklyn” this weekend at the Laemmle theater in Beverly Hills.

Meet Dan Goldstein from Brooklyn, and Cary 
Brazeman of LA Neighbors United, at Friday and 
Saturday night’s screenings. “We may be on 
opposite sides of America,” Brazeman said, “but 
the battle for Brooklyn is our fight in Los Angeles, too.”

This message was sent to by:

LA Neighbors United
Cary Brazeman, Founder

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