[LAAMN] Breaking News-Turkey-16 people arrested and 36 homes raided for using @facebook @twitter

2013-06-04 Thread Cort Greene
*#Breaking https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Breakingsrc=hash
#Izmir https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Izmirsrc=hash
#Turkeyhttps://twitter.com/search?q=%23Turkeysrc=hash16 people
arrested and 36 homes raided for using
@facebook https://twitter.com/facebook @twitterhttps://twitter.com/twitter
#DerinIzmir https://twitter.com/search?q=%23DerinIzmirsrc=hash http://
bit.ly/15yw5k2  http://t.co/soZ4so3x4y
*We're striking to support the movement - interview with Turkish union
activist http://www.redpepper.org.uk/were-striking-
#genelgrev https://twitter.com/search?q=%23genelgrevsrc=hash
*Turkey: reports on KESK public sector warning strike ahead of tomorrow's
24h strike http://haber.sol.org.tr/sonuncu-kavga/
emekciler-grevde-guncelleme-1845-haberi-74130 ... http://t.co/s371ZhLcSd #
genelgrev https://twitter.com/search?q=%23genelgrevsrc=hash
*Turkey: Brutal suppression leaves 3 dead, thousands injured - Urgent
solidarity needed! #Taksim https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Taksimsrc=hash
http://tinyurl.com/mcgucgk  http://t.co/12ouciyw7T

[image: In Defence o Marxism]*In Defence o Marxism*

We have received the following appeal from Turkish activists who are
involved in the mass movement in Turkey. http://fb.me/GhBF7lHO


Turkey: We need your
Written by Turkish activistsTuesday, 04 June 2013


We have received the following appeal from Turkish activists who are
involved in the mass movement in Turkey.

On May 28, 2013 a group of activists gathered at the Gezi Park (a central
park) in Taksim, Istanbul, Turkey, to peacefully demonstrate the municipal
plan to demolish the park and build the 94th shopping mall in the city.
Turkish police attacked the protestors violently with tear gas and water
cannon, directly targeting their faces and bodies. Dozens of protestors are
hospitalized and access to the park was blocked without any legal basis.
The disproportionate police response to the peaceful demonstrators
triggered nationwide protests.

The first reaction of Prime Minister Erdogan was typically arrogant,
taunting the protesters. If you get 20 people we can get 100,000, if you
get 100,000 we will get 1 million he confronted his own citizens, adding
that his mind was made up and there would be no change in the project.

Now, the protest is no longer just about a park in Istanbul, it's
about *democracy
and human rights* which have been violated by the government over the
course of 11 years. Protests have spread to 67 cities in Turkey and there
are thousands of people who have been demonstrating abroad (e.g., London,
NYC, Los Angeles, Ottawa, Toronto, Berlin, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Prague,
Why is this protest significant?

Following the excessive reaction of the police, since May 31st, hundreds of
thousands of people across the country has gathered in support of the
protesters. *This is the first nationwide demonstration in Turkey's
the government's policies that restrict basic civil rights*.* For the first
time in the history of the Republic of Turkey, people from different
political and ethnic backgrounds and social classes are coming together for
an urgent change. Despite the continued peaceful nature of the
demonstrations, the Turkish police have continued to intensify excessive
violence by using water cannons, rubber bullets and teargas, even by
throwing gas canisters into houses, shopping malls, and mosques.
Maltreatment has caused over a thousand serious injuries, some leading to
alleged deaths. According to the formal sources, 730 people are under
custody. There are worrisome reports of alleged tortures. Excessive force
against peaceful protestors breaches international human rights standards
and must be stopped URGENTLY.

Unfortunately, the people of Turkey are suppressed by police brutality and
media censorship. What is extremely tragic is that the mainstream
newspapers and TV channels in Turkey are not covering these protests and
police violence stories, so international and social media are the only
sources that provide real coverage about the protests. That also means that
the majority of people who have no access to internet are blinded.

These demonstrations are about:

   - The abuse of state power
   - Restrictions on freedom of expression and speech
   - Human rights
   - Harsh attacks of 

[LAAMN] Breaking news

2013-02-09 Thread scotpeden
There are a few things in this mail I received from Sue Hubbard, and this
is mostly local, but towards the end it applies Nationally too. Of course,
don't ask me to support the PDA. MC is Monterey County (California).

If I hadn't bumped into Sue on a Local Dem group during the last sElection
cycle, and we chatted before we both got tossed off for not being blinded
by the light of the Demolition party, I'd not have known about these local
activists, Move to Amend, so please search them for your area.


Hi Everyone,

Dear Democracy-philes,

Please try to attend so we can advocate for making Abolishing Corporate
Personhood (not just overturning Citizens United) a priority for MC
Progressives! (see below)



From Progressive Democrats of America

Dear Fellow Progressives,

Now is the time to organize. On Monday evening February 11th, at 5:30 pm
local progressives will meet to plan out what issues to organize around in
coalition with other like minded organizations in 2013.

Issues on the table:

*   Climate Change
*   Comprehensive Humane Immigration Reform
*   Keeping Fort Ord Wild
*   Gun Violence
*   Campaign to limit the use of cancer causing fumigants such as
chloropicrin and ozone depleter Methyl bromide in Monterey County and all of
*   Fracking locally and nationally
*   Efforts locally to fight the Citizens United decision and corporate
*   supporting local labor union organizing campaigns
*   and more...bring your ideas to the table...

Monday, February 11th from 5:30-7:30 pm

Democratic Center for Change

60 Bonifacio Plaza, Monterey

snacks and beverages provided

Membership dues $5

Contact Gary for more details (gary.kar...@comcast.net)

Every third Wednesday of the month, PDA delivers a letter  to our
Congressman Sam Farr in of progressive legislation before Congress. PDA
nationally has local chapters in all congressional districts delivering the
same letter of support and concern to each congressional district office
while the leadership of PDA visits every congressional office in Washington
D.C. at the same time.

***The next Alliance for Democracy/Move to Amend monthly meeting will be on
Saturday March 2 from 12:30 - 2:30 at the Peace Resource Center at 1364
Fremont Blvd. in Seaside.  Everyone is welcome to attend.

***And now for the breaking news so new it has not broken yet.  The
following was sent out to Move to Amend affiliates

Move to Amend Affiliates,

We have a BIG announcement coming Monday that you won't want to miss.

We're giving you a heads up now to tune in to your Inbox on Monday and our
Facebook http://facebook.com/move2amend and Twitter
http://twitter.com/movetoamend pages so you can get the news hot off the

We will also need your help spreading the word to make this news viral so
please be ready to post it to Facebook, Tweet it, and email it to your

The Movement to Amend gains more momentum every day - thanks to the
grassroots heroes who are pouring their hearts into this effort. Thank you!

We look forward to announcing a milestone on Monday that will move us closer
to our goal.

Until then,

Ashley Sanders, Ben Manski, Daniel Lee, David Cobb, Egberto Willies, George
Friday, Jerome Scott, Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap, Laura Bonham, Nancy Price

Move to Amend National Leadership Team

I have inside information that it relates to congress.  You assistance in
spreading the word once the announcement is made will be very much
appreciated.   If you have signed the petition and are getting emails from
Move to Amend or are connected through facebook or twitter you will be

***While we are talking about Move to Amend I wanted to let you know about
their radio program which is broadcast on the internet every Thursday at
5:00 p.m. Pacific time.  You can find out more and listen to prior
broadcasts any time at the link below


***The following story received some attention in the last month but if you
do not know about it you should check it out.  It is about a real person who
claims he has the right to drive in a carpool lane because he had
corporation papers (and hence another person) in the car with him.


***Finally the article below looks at non profit spending in the last
election.  It sheds some light onto the funding behind proposition 32 in
California.  Even though it lost it took a major effort by unions to defeat
it.  It is a good illustration as to why constitutional amendments to end
corporate personhood but do not address non-profits (such as the one
introduced by Bernie Saunders) will not restore our democracy.



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[LAAMN] Breaking News: Secret US military testing of radiological materials on poor and minority communities

2012-09-24 Thread Romi Elnagar
Breaking News: Secret US military testing of radiological materials on poor and 
minority communities
In a story that is breaking right now, Dr. Lisa 
Martino-Taylor, a sociologist in St. Louis. MO (US), has introduced 
evidence that “secret military tests conducted during the Cold War 
targeted poor and minority communities for exposure to what is likely 
radiological material.”
In an article yesterday, commenting on Dr. Martino-Taylor’s research, the St. 
Louis Post-Dispatch said:  “Relying heavily on documents obtained under the 
Freedom of Information Act, 
Martino-Taylor identifies connections between participants in St. Louis 
testing and scientists who took part in wartime efforts to build the 
atomic bomb.”
GJEP’s Board Chair Orin Langelle and  Executive Director, Anne 
Petermann interviewed Dr. Martino-Taylor while they were in St. Louis, 
last week.
–The GJEP Team
US Military Cover Up
by Orin Langelle and Anne Petermann
During an interview we conducted last week in St. Louis, MO, Dr. Lisa 
Martino-Taylor gave us a long description of research she had conducted into a 
major military cover up of the use of U.S. citizens as test 
subjects for military experiments related to the Cold War.
Dr. Martino-Taylor told us that specifically, her research identifies a 
coalition of medical researchers that grew out of the Manhattan 
Project, which she refers to as the Manhattan-Rochester Coalition.  This 
coalition conducted various secret radiological tests around the 
nation.  The group was involved in previously known “injection” and 
“ingestion” human-subject studies that exposed unwitting victims to 
radioactive material such as plutonium and strontium-90.  Dr. 
Martino-Taylor’s research demonstrates that St. Louis open-air 
dispersion studies carried out in the 1950s and 1960s are likely the 
realization of this group’s intention to conduct an inhalation study of 
radiological material in an urban area.
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch further said 
Sunday:  “Martino-Taylor was a skilled researcher before working toward 
her doctorate, investigating cases for a St. Louis law firm.  The facts 
she assembled on the military project and conclusions she reached go 
well beyond anything published earlier.”
Dr. Martino-Taylor told us, “ This new research also reveals that a 
powdered substance used in the St. Louis tests sometimes identified in 
military documents, was in part, produced by U.S. Radium.  U.S. Radium 
is the company infamous for exposure of workers to fatal doses of 
radioactivity resulting from the use of radioactive zinc sulfide 
powdered paint.  Many of these workers died from systemic illnesses 
caused by inhalation of radium dust at U.S. Radium.”
Moreover, there is evidence that the material that was sprayed in St. Louis 
contained particles of such a size as to result in maximum 
absorption deep into the lungs.
During the tests, St. Louis residents were told by officials and 
through media reports that the government was testing a “smoke screen” 
that might protect the city from aerial observation during attack.  
Documents show that the St. Louis tests targeted what was characterized 
by officials as “a densely populated slum district.”  Census data 
further shows that areas targeted for spraying included a high 
percentage of young children, poor, and minority residents.  Areas of 
the tests included the Desoto-Carr area and the famous Pruitt-Igoe 
Housing Project, a dense series of high-rise buildings comprised of a 
majority black population where 70% children were under the age of 
Additional evidence also strongly suggests radiological components to the tests 
that the Army conducted in St. Louis.
KMOX (CBS) radio reported this morning:  Martino-Taylor says some of the key 
players in the cover-up were also members of the Manhattan Atomic Bomb 
Project and involved in other radiological testing across the United 
States at the time. “This was against all military guidelines of the 
day, against all ethical guidelines, against all international codes 
such as the Nuremberg Code.”
Dr. Lisa Martino-Taylor first publicly presented her findings at the 
International Sociological Association Forum of Sociology Social Justice and 
Democratization in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  The Forum ran from August 1-4, 
She will be presenting this research for the first time in the U.S. 
Tuesday, September 25th at a colloquium at St. Louis Community College 
in St. Louis, MO.
For access to Dr. Martino-Taylor’s doctorate dissertation:
The Manhattan-Rochester Coalition, research on the health effects of 
radioactive materials, and tests on vulnerable populations without 
consent in St. Louis, 1945–1970 - University of Missouri – Columbia, 2011


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[LAAMN] Breaking News: Legal Update on The 24 activists

2012-02-02 Thread Carlos Montes

Info on history of prosecutor in the case against the 24 anti-war and 
international solidarity activists.

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U.S. Attorney’s Office Confirms Investigation Is Ongoing into Anti-war Activists

The Northern Illinois Assistant U.S. Attorney Barry Jonas stated that the 
“investigation is continuing” into the case of the anti-war and international 
solidarity activists hit with FBI raids and grand jury repression. Barry Jonas 
is known for his leading role in prosecuting the leaders of the Holy Land 
Foundation while he was trial attorney for the Department of Justice 
Counter-terrorism Section.
This confirms what the U.S. Attorney’s office related some months ago - they 
are preparing multiple indictments of multiple activists. The FBI raided seven 
homes and the government subpoenaed 23 international solidarity activists to a 
Chicago grand jury over a year ago. The anti-war activists refused to appear at 
the secretive grand jury and launched a campaign against political repression. 
The U.S. government is threatening to imprison anti-war activists on the 
grounds of “material support for terrorism.”
The confirmation of the ongoing investigation came during a January 24, 2012 
phone call between Assistant U.S. Attorney Barry Jonas and attorney Bruch 
Nestor, who represents some of the political activists.
Nestor initially contacted Minneapolis Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew Winter to 
view some of the sealed documents in the case. The grand jury proceedings 
against the anti-war activists are secret. The vast majority of documents 
relating to their case are under seal, meaning the targeted activists or their 
attorneys cannot view them. Assistant U.S. Attorney Winter helped to oversee 
the Sept. 24, 2010 raids and in recent months represented the government on the 
issue of returning property seized in the raids. Winter told Nestor to contact 
Chicago Assistant U.S. Attorney Barry Jonas.
Jonas told Nestor the documents would remain secret pending completion of the 
Barry Jonas is responsible for railroading the Holy Land leaders. Jonas views 
solidarity with Palestine as a crime deserving long-term imprisonment. He is 
willing to pull every dirty trick available to him to obtain convictions. The 
Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development was once the largest Muslim 
charity in the U.S. Its efforts were geared towards providing humanitarian aid 
to help the people of Palestine and other countries. In 2001 its offices were 
raided. Three years later, five people associated with the charity were 
indicted. The first trial ended with a hung jury. The second trial ended with 
convictions. The five defendants received sentences that range from 15 to 65 
years in prison.
The Holy Land trial included secret witnesses - the defense never got to find 
out who the witnesses were - the use of hearsay evidence, and the introduction 
of evidence that had nothing to do with the defendants in the case, such as 
showing a video from Palestine of protesters burning an American flag, as a 
means to prejudice the jury.
As lead prosecutor, Barry Jonas played a key role in all this. He is now 
working under Chicago U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, who runs the federal 
grand jury attacking anti-war and international solidarity activists.
The Committee to Stop FBI Repression urges all supporters of peace with justice 
to sign the pledge to take action 
(http://www.stopfbi.net/get-involved/pledge-of-resistance) in the event that 
international solidarity activists are indicted.

In a closely related case, the FBI directed the LA Sheriff to raid the home of 
veteran Chicano leader Carlos Montes. Carlos Montes is now facing trial and 
imprisonment on six felony charges relating back to a student protest that 
happened 42 years ago. See www.StopFBI.net

 follow on Twitter | friend on Facebook | forward to a friend  

Copyright © 2012 Committee to Stop FBI Repression, All rights reserved. 
Thanks for your ongoing interest in the fight against FBI repression of 
anti-war and international solidarity activists! 
Our mailing address is: 

Committee to Stop FBI Repression
PO Box 14183
Minneapolis, MN 55414

Add us to your address book




Info on history of prosecutor in the case against the 24 anti-war and 
international solidarity activists.

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U.S. Attorney’s Office Confirms Investigation Is Ongoing into Anti-war Activists

The Northern Illinois Assistant U.S. Attorney Barry Jonas stated that the 
“investigation is continuing” into the case of the anti-war and international 
solidarity activists hit with FBI raids and grand jury repression. Barry Jonas 
is known for his leading role in prosecuting the leaders of the Holy Land 
Foundation while he was trial attorney for the Department 

[LAAMN] Breaking news from Italy – Berlusconi loses his parliamentary majority

2011-11-08 Thread Cort Greene

 Breaking news from Italy – Berlusconi loses his parliamentary
Written by Fred Weston Tuesday, 08 November 2011

*Berlusconi has lost his majority in the lower house of the Italian
parliament. Although he won a vote on the latest round of austerity
measures included in the budget, he did so with less than half the votes of
the MPs in parliament. The result of the vote was 308 in favour, 1
abstention, but with the majority of MPs not voting. This means the budget
was approved but now Berlusconi stands naked having lost his parliamentary
majority. His days are numbered and the pressure is mounting for him to go.*

[image: Berlusconi, 26 October. Photo: European
26 October. Photo: European CouncilWhat is ironic about the Italian
political situation is that the so-called opposition – mainly the
Democratic Party, a party formed out of a fusion between the bulk of the
old Communist Party and a number of bourgeois parties – did not vote on the
actual budget. This is sending out a clear message to the bourgeois in
Italy and internationally that they are a party that can be trusted to do
the job of implementing unprecedented attacks on the living standards of
Italian workers in the coming period.

They did not vote against, so as not to delay what they see as “necessary”
measures, and also not to bring down Berlusconi today and force immediate
elections. The gentlemen leaders of the Democratic Party thus show to their
masters, the rich and wealthy inside and outside – mainly outside – Italy,
that they are serious “statesmanlike” politicians.

How far the former leaders of the old Communist Party of Italy have
travelled! After first becoming openly Social Democratic they finally
became all-rounded bourgeois politicians. When Stalin adopted the theory of
“socialism in one country” back in the 1920s Trotsky explained that, “It
will be the beginning of the degeneration of the Comintern along the lines
of social patriotism.” (Trotsky, *The Third International After Lenin*,
1928). How true those words ring today!

Now in this hour of need the Italian bourgeoisie can turn to these
“leaders” to step in and attempt to impose severe austerity on the Italian
people, Pier Luigi Bersani, leader of the Democratic Party, addressing the
Italian parliament after the vote and made a personal appeal to Berlusconi
to stand down. “I ask that, now, you finally accept this situation, hand in
your resignation and allow the president to find a solution that will allow
our great country to go forward. We will do our part.” They will do their
part indeed!

What the leaders of the Democratic Party mean by this is that Berlusconi
has proven incapable of carrying out fully and forcefully enough the
austerity measures demanded by the “markets”, i.e. the capitalists, because
he has his own narrow personal interests that stand in conflict with the
interests of the class he is supposed to represent, and therefore the time
has come for him to go.

However, it was not just the opposition that did not take part in the vote.
Even some of his so-called “allies” defected. Berlusconi’s main ally, the
Northern League has asked him to quit. The international money markets are
also sending out a clear message. They no longer have confidence – if there
was any to begin with – that he can deal with the country's debt crisis.
On the brink

All this comes at an extremely critical moment for the Italian economy,
which is on the brink of a major crisis. Italy’s government borrowing rate
is going through the roof. The yield on Italian 10-year bonds today reached
the record level of 6.76%, close to the 7% which saw Portugal and Ireland
having to accept bailouts. This indicates that after Greece now it is
Italy’s turn to be ripped to pieces by the vultures sitting astride the
“markets”. The spread between Italian and German 10-year government bond
yields is now wider than since 1995.

To give an idea of what a Greek scenario developing in Italy would mean for
the European Union and the euro it is sufficient to recall that while the
Greek economy represents a mere 2% of the eurozone's GDP, Italy is the
third biggest economy in the EU behind Germany and France. As Austria's
finance minister recently said, Italy is too big to fail. But it has a
public debt of 1.9 trillion euro, equivalent to 120% of its GDP. This means
that Italy’s debt is too big to be bailed out by the European Union. With
such a huge debt and with the growing lack of confidence in Italy’s ability
to pay, the interest keeps going up and up, further increasing the size of
the debt as each day passes.

Such is the concern about 

[LAAMN] BREAKING NEWS: NATO Massacres of Civilians Aimed at Cleansing the Libyan People's Resistance

2011-08-11 Thread Romi Elnagar
BREAKING NEWS: NATO Massacres of Civilians Aimed at Cleansing the Libyan 
People's Resistance
Photographic Evidence of NATO War Crimes

by  Mahdi Darius  Nazemroaya

Global Research, August 10, 2011




 Global Research, August 10, 2011 – The North Atlantic Treaty 
Organization (NATO) conducted intensive attacks on Libyan civilians in 
the night of August 8 and in the early hours of August 9, 2011 from 
approximately 2:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. EET. 

Civilians in Tripoli and many other cities in Libya were bombed 
indiscriminately by NATO. 

 large number of casualties occurred in the city of Zliten, in the 
district of Misurata. In Zliten, 85 people were killed including 33 
children, 32 women, and 20 men as a result of NATO’s deliberate 
targeting of residential areas and civilian infrastructure. Many of the 
injured civilian victims are in critical condition and near death. 

 has been under constant NATO bombardment for several days. The recent 
NATO attacks started at about 11:30 p.m. EET on August 8, 2011. At least
 7 civilian homes belonging to local farmers were destroyed, killing 
entire families. In all 20 families were the targets of the NATO 

The images below pertain to destroyed farm houses in Majer, near Zliten. 

Destroyed farm house in Majer, near Zliten. Copyright of all photos 
above. Matthew Ozanon 2011

 Roland Lavoie, NATO’s official military spokesperson for Operation 
Unified Protector, confirmed that NATO bombed Zliten at 11:45 p.m. on 
August 8, 2011 and 2:34 a.m. on August 9, 2011. 

In a second 
round of bombing, NATO targeted the same homes once more when local 
residents had arrived to the rescue of those who had been bombed. 

 bodies were recovered from the ruble throughout the day. According to a
 Libyan eyewitness, a pregnant woman was killed with her dead unborn 
child exposed out of her torn body. 

Media Disinformation 

 only members of the international press that reported the damage of the
 bombings in detail were Russia Today (RT), TeleSUR, Chinese Central 
Television (CCTV), and independent journalists. 

CNN was present taking footage, but essentially released nothing and distorted 
the facts.(See photos below) 

Dead civilians in Zliten Hospital. CNN cameraman in background. 
Copyright, Matthew Ozanon 2011

Dead civilians in Zliten Hospital.  CNN camerman filming. Copyright, Matthew 
Ozanon 2011

Many of the journalists from NATO countries also held meetings on how to 
disseminate the news.

 claims categorically that the areas bombed were “legitimate” military 
targets and that there is no evidence of civilian casualties. 

 Lavoie stated that NATO had solid intelligence which confirmed that the
 farm houses were “military bases.” This statement is false and in total
 contradiction with realities on the ground including photographic and 
film evidence (see the photographs below). 

Areas in Zliten and 
Majer (Mager) were bombed by NATO for strategic reasons. The bombing of 
civilian areas is tied to the planning of NATO’s offensive against 

The Libyan clans in these areas have made it clear that
 they would fight the Transitional Council should its forces try to move
 westward against Tripoli from their position in Misurata. NATO 
deliberately bombed these areas “to clear the way” towards Tripoli. 

Thousands of people also came to the funerals of the victims of the NATO 

 Satellite Channel was also bombed by NATO. This was part of NATO’s 
efforts to contain information from coming out of Libya regarding the 
realities of the war. 

NATO is running out of steam and the Transitional Council is near collapse. 

 killing of civilians is intended to force the Libyan population into 
surrendering. The “Responsibility to Protect” is an utter shame. A few 
days earlier NATO left another boatload of migrants and refugees die in 
the Mediterranean Sea. 

HRW has sent a team to Tripoli from its 
head office in New York, which has pushed for a settlement between the 
Benghazi-based Transitional Council and the Libyan government. Although 
independent, Human Rights Watch (HRW) is known to liaise with the U.S. 
State Department. 

A concrete factory and a Libyan cultural 
centre in Al-Khams were also bombed by NATO which has also announced 
that it will attack civilian sites.

Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya reporting from Tripoli is a Research Associate of the 
Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). 


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

[LAAMN] BREAKING NEWS: 'Egypt to permanently open Rafah border crossing'

2011-04-29 Thread Romi Elnagar

'Egypt to permanently open Rafah border crossing'


04/28/2011 22:53

 FM Elaraby tells Al-Jazeera that Gaza crossing could be opened within 7
 to 10 days; steps taken to alleviate suffering of Palestinians.


The Rafah crossing between Egypt and Gaza will open on a permanent 
 within seven to ten days, Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil Elaraby told
 Al-Jazeera during an interview Thursday. 

He said during the interview that steps would be taken in order to alleviate 
the suffering of the Palestinain people. 

'Asian Gaza caravan crosses through Rafah into Gaza'
12 dead as Egyptian police, Beduins clash in Sinai

The opening of the crossing would allow greater freedom of movement for people 
on both sides of the border, as well as goods in and out of Gaza without 
Israeli permission.

In February, a limited number of Palestinians were allowed to cross through the 

The Rafah border was opened for the first time since January 30, 2011 
during riots that erupted throughout Egypt which led to the ousting of 
Hosni Mubarak.  

Egypt has decided to reopen the border and it will allow up to 300 
people from the Gaza Strip to exit each day, Hamas official Ghazi Hamad
 was quoted as saying at the time.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[LAAMN] BREAKING NEWS: Criminal Trial for Costa Mesa Activist

2007-08-01 Thread Duane Roberts


From the August 2007 issue
of The Orange Coast Voice


'Not guilty' verdict could lead to costly
political problems for mayor

OC Voice Editor

The long delayed criminal trial of Costa Mesa resident
and immigrant rights activist Benito Acosta, a.k.a.
Coyotl Tezcatlipoca—a name that references his native
American heritage—is scheduled to start Aug. 15 at the
Harbor Superior Court in Newport Beach. Acosta is
charged with one misdemeanor count each of violating
city codes 2-61(b) and 2-64, which address unlawful
conduct by audience members during city council

The charges of “disrupting” a city council proceeding
stem from a free-for-all that broke out during a
public comments session of the Jan. 3, 2006, Costa
Mesa city council meeting after police, acting on
Mayor Allan Mansoor’s orders to take an early recess,
pulled Acosta away from the speaker’s podium and
pushed him outside the council chambers before his
three minute speaking limit had expired.

If found guilty, Acosta faces a maximum sentence of 6
months in jail and a $1,000 fine on each count. But a
verdict of not guilty for Acosta in his criminal trial
could lead to a politically costly “guilty” verdict on
the civic conduct of both the mayor and the former
Chief of Police John Hensley and an ensuing civil

The rest of this story, printed on the front page, can
be read at www.ocvoice.com or by clicking directly on
the following link:



This message sent out by Duane J. Roberts, Publisher
of The Orange Coast Voice.


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