[lace] Lace earrings

2006-09-18 Thread Aliceknit
hello all
There was an article in Needlecraft magazine in the '90's
showing how to make a fan edging, pull the leading edge thread and attach it
to an earring.
I have totally mislaid this magazine. Where could I purchase this or
similar pattern??? I'd like to make 2 as presents.
I've got Cook  Stott books but can't work out how to do it.
Thank you all the helpful info you all send in.
Take care - Alice Wilmshurst (England)

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[lace] RE:Luton museum etc

2006-09-18 Thread Helen Bell
Rosemont House in Exeter 

Duh.  Sorry, I meant Rougemont House.  I think Rosemont House is in

Helen, in Denver

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[lace] Alice, Take a Bow

2006-09-18 Thread Patricia Dowden
And she thought no one would notice!!

Alice in Oregon -- with my wedding edging just tied
off and ends finished, waiting for the linen center. 
Best 'end to beginning' attachment I've ever done.

  **  **  Terrific!  Doesn't it feel good.
   / /\
  / /\ \
  VV  VV


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[lace] Local exhibition

2006-09-18 Thread Miriam

Dear Spiders,

Last week-end we opened at our local small museum an exhibition of 
local artists. For a town of 24.000 having 44 artist show their work 
is quite remarkable. The subject given by the curators was The 
desert. To tell the truth most of us hated this theme as we are 
getting a bit tired of the desert, but for somebody coming from the 
center of the country it sounds very exotic. When I presented my idea 
, it was rejected, it was thought to be too crafty. But the local 
lady who was responsible for the organisation, didn't give in and in 
the end my work was accepted.

I didn't have much time for an elaborate lace piece about the desert. 
I was just about to throw out some used CDs when I came up with an 
idea. (thanks to CD 2000). I took 7 CDs. On each one of them I glued 
a photo taken from my back garden showing the desert.l Barren hills, 
camels, rocks etc. For each of these CDs I made a lace animal living 
in the desert. I'm not big in drawing but with books and pictures and 
lace 2000 I managed to get an eagle, a camel, an oryx and a mouse. I 
then added a spider and its web and two scorpions fighting. It was 
all done in tape lace. no more than 8 bobbins. The result was quite 
impressive, and the feedback I get is  very good. People just stand 
and admire it since it is so different from the paintings and the big 
photos which others submitted. So craft or art the people don't 
really care about the definition as long as they like it and it 
interests them. The exhibition will be open till December which will 
give a lot of people the opportunity to see it and since we are 
heading towards the High Holidays we hope that a lot of visitors to 
our town will also visit the museum.

To all  of you who celebrate New Year this week end a Happy New Year.

in Arad, Israel

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Re: [lace] Local exhibition

2006-09-18 Thread Clay Blackwell
Congratulations, Miriam, on what sounds like a wonderful project!!  Your 
creativity in adapting to the theme to lace - and your ingenuity at 
salvaging junk to make an artistic statement with lace (obviously NOT 
junk!), are definitely indications to me that you aren't just a 

Proud to know you in Virginia, USA


Miriam wrote:

Dear Spiders,

Last week-end we opened at our local small museum an exhibition of 
local artists. For a town of 24.000 having 44 artist show their work 
is quite remarkable. The subject given by the curators was The 
desert. To tell the truth most of us hated this theme as we are 
getting a bit tired of the desert, but for somebody coming from the 
center of the country it sounds very exotic. When I presented my idea 
, it was rejected, it was thought to be too crafty. But the local lady 
who was responsible for the organisation, didn't give in and in the 
end my work was accepted.

I didn't have much time for an elaborate lace piece about the desert. 
I was just about to throw out some used CDs when I came up with an 
idea. (thanks to CD 2000). I took 7 CDs. On each one of them I glued a 
photo taken from my back garden showing the desert.l Barren hills, 
camels, rocks etc. For each of these CDs I made a lace animal living 
in the desert. I'm not big in drawing but with books and pictures and 
lace 2000 I managed to get an eagle, a camel, an oryx and a mouse. I 
then added a spider and its web and two scorpions fighting. It was all 
done in tape lace. no more than 8 bobbins. The result was quite 
impressive, and the feedback I get is  very good. People just stand 
and admire it since it is so different from the paintings and the big 
photos which others submitted. So craft or art the people don't really 
care about the definition as long as they like it and it interests 
them. The exhibition will be open till December which will give a lot 
of people the opportunity to see it and since we are heading towards 
the High Holidays we hope that a lot of visitors to our town will also 
visit the museum.

To all  of you who celebrate New Year this week end a Happy New Year.

in Arad, Israel

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Re: [lace] Local exhibition

2006-09-18 Thread Lynn Scott
Miriam, I do hope you will post photos of your work somewhere for all of us 
to enjoy.  Sounds very creative and a wonderful use of an old handcraft 
married with a new medium.

Lynn in Wollongong, Australia 

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Re: [lace] Local exhibition

2006-09-18 Thread Diane Z
Congrats Miriam on your creativity.  This is an email I'm going to save 
because I never think of doing my local area in tape lace, only projects 
which are too big and above my expertise.  Maybe I'll be able to also do 
something in tape lace.  Thanks so much for the inspiration.

Do you have pictures that we can see?  I would really like that

Diane Zierold
Lubec, Maine

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Re: [lace] Lace earrings

2006-09-18 Thread bevw

Could you use any simple edging, perhaps, with 2 passives at the
footside, and pull them to gather? I should think some of little edge
patterns by Springett would do. Also, there was a pattern by Gil Dye
published in 'Lace' IIRC, and others like it here and there, that was
a half-stitch edge, rolled to make into a rose


There was an article in Needlecraft magazine in the '90's
showing how to make a fan edging, pull the leading edge thread and attach it
to an earring.
I have totally mislaid this magazine. Where could I purchase this or

Bev in Sooke BC (on Vancouver Island, west coast of Canada)
blogging lace at www.looonglace.blogspot.com

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[lace] Luton

2006-09-18 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti

Re Doreen Fudge.

Many Many, Many years ago, when we started lacemaking here in Oz, -( around 
1978 it would be,)  I was told about Luton Museum and Mrs Fudge, so wrote, 
and asked if there were any patterns available to us.
I received a Large package of photocopies of mainly Beds lace, and a lovely 
letter from her to go with it.

I still have the photocopies - well, most of them - I think a few went 
missing when I loaned them to someone!

So I, too, have Very kind thoughts of her, although I never got to meet her.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz

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[lace-chat] AUS Humour

2006-09-18 Thread David in Ballarat
It was April and the Aboriginals in a remote part of northern 
Australia asked their new elder if the coming winter was going to be 
cold or mild. Since he was an elder in a modern community he had 
never been taught the old secrets.

When he looked at the sky he couldn't tell what the winter was going 
to be like. Nevertheless, to be on the safe side, he told his tribe 
that the winter was indeed going to be cold and that the members of 
the tribe should collect firewood to be prepared.

But being a practical leader, after several days he had an idea. He 
walked out to the telephone booth on the highway, called the Bureau 
of  Meteorology and asked,  Is the coming winter in this area going 
to be cold?  The meteorologist responded,   It looks like this 
winter is going to be quite cold.

So the elder went back to his people and told them to collect even 
more wood in order to be prepared. A week later he called the  Bureau 
of Meteorology again. Does it still look like it is going to be a 
very cold winter?  The meteorologist again replied,  Yes, it's 
going to be a very cold winter.

The elder again went back to his community and ordered them to 
collect every scrap of firewood they could find. Two weeks later the 
elder called the Bureau again. Are you absolutely sure that the 
winter is going to be very cold?  he asked.  Absolutely, the man 
replied.  It's looking more and more like it is going to be one of 
the coldest  winters ever.

How can you be so sure? the elder asked. The weatherman replied, 
There are reports that the Aboriginals are  collecting firewood like 
crazy, and that's always a sure sign.

David in Ballarat 

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