Re: [lace] Pricey lace books

2013-11-06 Thread Catherine Barley
Did you know that for a mere $753.00 you can buy Alex Stillwell's 
"Technique of Teneriff" book?  I've been noticing this a lot with Amazon's 
general books too.  Apparently these books are all coming out of Hong 
Kong.  I'm sure any author would love a slice of that kind of price. Are 
there people out there who would actually pay these prices? (I've also 
seen one or two that are over $1000.00)  Is there some way we can complain 
to Amazon about this sort of thing?  Sharon, on Vancouver Island

Good morning Spiders

This email from Sharon has prompted me to look on UK Amazon this morning and 
I see that there are 8 used copies of my book 'Needlelace Designs & 
Techniques' for sale plus a further 5 NEW copies, making the grand total of 
13 copies for sale.  The lowest price is £44.52p and the highest is an 
outrageous £3.000.00p and all on the same page!

I can't for the life of me understand why a seller would be naive enough to 
think anyone would buy a book for £3,000. 00p when the very same book is 
listed at the top of the same page for just £44.52p!  What is the reasoning 
behind all this - I must be missing something and yes please, I would love a 
slice of that kind of price!

This is the very reason that I am currently going through the tedious 
process of trying to get a reasonable quote to re-print my book myself using 
Print On Demand.  Some sacrifices of course will have to be made in that I 
will not be able to have the colour photographs placed throughout the book 
as in the original but hopefully will have 4 double sheets folded, making a 
total of 8 pages which will be placed together, perhaps in the middle of the 

I did actually write to one of these sellers through Amazon (and so did my 
daughter), asking them where they obtained the supposedly NEW copies of my 
book, but needless to say, they did not reply.  The whole purpose in writing 
the book in the first place was to pass on to future generations, the skills 
that I had learned, so that the craft will continue to thrive - certainly 
not to make me a rich woman!  How can anyone wanting to obtain a copy, 
possibly afford these crazy prices and they can't possibly be getting 
customers, so why do it?

B T Batsford were the original publishers of most of these lace titles but 
of course they would have huge print runs done and they were all printed 
abroad - my own was printed in Singapore.  They used to sell through Book 
Clubs who would order hundreds of copies of a book and many of you will have 
been fortunate enough to have bought them at a discounted price.  An author 
would receive mere pennies per copy by way of royalties on a book and they 
would be calculated on the sale price of the book - so far less by way of 
royalties on discounted books sold through a book club, book shop etc.

Catherine Barley
Catherine Barley Needlelace

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Re: [lace] Pricey lace books

2013-11-06 Thread Clay Blackwell
Sharon is correct.  But there is one other thing you need to be aware of...  
Sometimes people list items at outrageous prices just to create the illusion 
that the item is really that valuable.  Then, they will list the item at a very 
*low* "buy it now" price.  Beware!  Before you grab that deal, be sure to look 
at the shipping!  You could easily get a nice book for $10, and then realize 
you've committed to pay $75 for shipping!  Yes, it's possible to back out of 
the deal, but it's a hassle and you may get negative feedback.  Better just to 
be aware...


Clay Blackwell
Lynchburg, VA,  USA

Sent from my iPad

> On Nov 6, 2013, at 12:57 AM, "Sharon Morrison"  
> wrote:
> Just because they ask very high prices does not mean they can get buyers. 

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Re: [lace] Pricey lace books

2013-11-06 Thread Lin Hudren
Clay, you hit it on the head.  Great caution.  Thanks.

Hugs, Lin and the Mali
*I just realized I am so old, I have forgotten I have been there and done

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[lace] sad news

2013-11-06 Thread anneke
Sister Judith passed away this morning.
1,5 month after we celebrated her 100th birthday. A great day that she enjoyed
She told me last week ‘it was good, but it is enough’

We will miss her dearly, but her Lace, Withof, will live on.

Anneke Reijs
in Baexem, in the south-east of The Netherlands

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Re: [lace] sad news

2013-11-06 Thread Jill Hawkins
Thank you, Anneke, for sharing this sad news.  Although I never met her, I know
the influence that Sister Judith has had on the lace world.  My thoughts and
prayers are with her family and all who knew her.

Jill in Milton Keynes, England

> On 06 November 2013 at 14:50 wrote:
> Sister Judith passed away this morning.

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Re: [lace] sad news

2013-11-06 Thread Bev Walker
Thank you for letting us know, Anneke.
Sr. Judith lived a wonderful life, and her legacy of laces and designs is
priceless! May she rest in peace.
Missed, but never forgotten.

On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 6:50 AM,  wrote:

> Sister Judith passed away this morning.
> 1,5 month after we celebrated her 100th birthday. A great day that she
> enjoyed
> immensely.
> She told me last week ‘it was good, but it is enough’

Bev in Shirley BC, near Sooke on beautiful Vancouver Island, west coast of

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Re: [lace] Pricey lace books

2013-11-06 Thread Adele Shaak
Hello everybody:

Catherine wrote:

> This email from Sharon has prompted me to look on UK Amazon this morning and 
> I see that there are 8 used copies of my book 'Needlelace Designs & 
> Techniques' for sale plus a further 5 NEW copies, making the grand total of 
> 13 copies for sale.  The lowest price is £44.52p and the highest is an 
> outrageous £3.000.00p and all on the same page!

You know, the internet is a great thing, and a lot of the sellers on sites like are small independent dealers who are honest and working with new 
technology in the old-fashioned way. But the Internet has opened up a few 
different business models, and I think this is one of them.

I looked up the "5 new copies" and I noticed that one seller is actually in the 
US, and three of the other sellers tell you that the new book will ship from 
the USA. The other one says it is in stock. My dark suspicions are that there 
aren't 5 books at all. I think that somebody somewhere is advertising one book 
for sale, and these business know about it, because their bots troll the 
Internet looking for such things. So, once you've paid the handsome price the 
seller who has won your business goes and buys the book and has it shipped to 
you. They've never owned the book at all; they're just a kind of middleman.

If that's what they're doing, it isn't illegal (unless it's a POD service that 
is going to pirate it) - it's just different from the model of bookselling most 
of us have in our heads. It's also quite possible that they didn't even put up 
the ad - it's possible that your search for the title triggers their computer 
to write the ad and put it up then and there, and no human has had a hand in 
any of it.

For my part, though - give me a lace supplier who actually has put out money to 
buy the book in the first place and will talk about it with me and then package 
it up and mail it to me. I'm old-fashioned. 

West Vancouver, BC
(west coast of Canada)

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Re: [lace] Pricey lace books - Do you read Jeri's memos?

2013-11-06 Thread Jeriames
A subject I regularly write about.  Often!  
There are greedy people everywhere.  All they need is access to the  
internet and a personal computer.  They can be thieves and spammers,  because 
are not being regulated properly.  Please do not buy from  them.
Sometimes respected suppliers get involved in marketing schemes.  This  
year I had an experience with a London museum.   They greatly discounted a 
book, but they loaded on a huge shipping fee  that offset any savings.  I asked 
my Main St. independent book store to get  it.  It cost almost the same as 
direct from London, but profits were  realized in my town (which needs 
economic relief).
Many are out to make money and collect personal information about  you.  By 
having a trusted local shop get books, you don't give away  personal 
information.  That has great value.  I actually pay cash, so  there is even 
protection from ID thieves.
Books would have to come in to a independently-owned shop and be delivered  
or re-shipped to you, but it is worth it.  My bookshop owner negotiates to  
get books from these guys we know nothing about.  She has a U.S. connection 
 for getting most books from England and Australia quickly.  She has  
small-town overhead costs, and if a U.S. book is easily-obtained, passes a  
nice discount on to me.  I've had Barnes & Noble clerks claim  a book less 
than one year old is out-of-print, when it most certainly was  not. 
What you have to realize is that everyone is out to sell you something,  
and IF there is a legal regulation to protect you from scams, it is  too 
complicated to complain.
For standard lace books, search the web sites of the lace suppliers in  
your country or continent. There are quite a few in the U.K. who advertise  in 
The Lace Guild's bulletin.  Barbara Fay in Germany ships  everywhere.  There 
are lace suppliers in Australia, Canada and  the U.S.  They support lace 
guilds in various nations through  paid advertising and participation in large 
lace events.  If a book is not  on their website, you can still contact 
them to look for it for you.  Older  lace makers often sell their libraries to 
lace book suppliers or donate  them to lace guilds.  It is in this way that 
they re-circulate at  reasonable prices.
Sharon, I don't know if you can complain to Amazon.  I do not do  business 
with Amazon, because privacy is so valued that I would  rather pay more (for 
less books) to a supplier who protects my buying  history.
Jeri Ames in Maine USA
Lace and Embroidery Resource Center 
In a message dated 11/5/2013 11:49:31 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

If  you've checked out recently you will notice that some books 
are  going for 
outrageous prices.  Is there some way we can complain  
to Amazon about this sort of thing?  Sharon, on Vancouver Island  

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[lace] more on books

2013-11-06 Thread Rick & Sharon Whiteley
Since I’m on the price of books soapbox I thought I’d bring up another
point.  This past Summer I bought myself a couple of second hand (out of
print) lace books.  I got them at what I considered a reasonable price.  One,
from England, cost £9.99 and the other, from the States was $25.99.  The cost
of the postage was £10.99 and $31.50 respectively.  Is it any wonder that the
postal services everywhere are moaning the blues that people aren’t using
their service as often as in the past?  Anyone not living in an urban location
has little choice but to buy niche books sight unseen.  It is for this reason
that we are grateful for the few reviews posted on Arachne.  It would be nice
if our fellow spiders would consider taking the time to write a review of some
of their favourite old/new lace books ..perhaps when the list is slow?  Sharon
on Vancouver Island

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[lace] Sad News

2013-11-06 Thread janet theaker
I have just had an email from Pam Crouch from The Heartland Lace Guildto say
Lise Thomsen  sadly passed away this morning , I am sure their areMany on
Arachne who knew Lise,Our thoughts Prayers and Blessings are with her
FamilyAnother sad loss for the Lacemaking World.

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Re: [lace] Pricey lace books

2013-11-06 Thread Jenny Brandis
There are some lace book authors who are self funded publishers, meaning they 
have personally outplayed the printing costs. 

I would like to see a list of those books and the authors sale details so when 
I buy their book I buy it direct from them and THEY receive the full sale 

For example, Rosemary Shepherd in Australia has her own website where you can 
order her books directly from her.

Jenny Brandis
Kununurra, Western Australia

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Re: [lace] Pricey lace books

2013-11-06 Thread Clay Blackwell
Excellent idea!  Going beyond that, perhaps a consortium of self-publishers on 
Arachne!  Rhere must be a good website for that!


Sent from my iPad

> On Nov 6, 2013, at 7:08 PM, Jenny Brandis  wrote:
> There are some lace book authors who are self funded publishers, meaning they 
> have personally outplayed the printing costs. 
> I would like to see a list of those books and the authors sale details so 
> when I buy their book I buy it direct from them and THEY receive the full 
> sale price. 
> For example, Rosemary Shepherd in Australia has her own website where you can 
> order her books directly from her.
> Jenny Brandis
> Kununurra, Western Australia
> -
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[lace] Sister Judith

2013-11-06 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
So sad to hear of Sister Judith's passing. Condolences to her family and

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz

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[lace] Xmas exchange

2013-11-06 Thread The Lacebee
Being that it is now 7th November, is the Xmas lace exchange going ahead as I 
thought pairings were to be sent out on 1st November bu.t I've heard nothing.


Kind Regards

Liz Baker

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[lace] Teneriffe book

2013-11-06 Thread alexstillwell
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2013 20:48:41 -0800
From: "Rick & Sharon Whiteley" 
Subject: [lace] Pricey lace books

. I checked out some
lace books.  Did you know that for a mere $753.00 you can buy Alex
Stillwell's "Technique of Teneriff" book

Thank you Sharon.  I wish I was getting this.  This book is available to
download free from the Arizona Free Library. Details of how to find it are on
my website look under the books tab and my
Teneriffe book.

Happy lacemaking


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