[lace] archive.org and link rot

2014-05-03 Thread jo
Hello spiders

The archive.org is one of the tools and services under development to fight
link rot in (scientific) articles. Link rot is not only about pages and
websites that disappear, but also about pages with changed content. You
might have learnt by now to recover a lost page by pasting its address on
http://archive.org/web/ but it requires some luck. 

In case sooner or later you forget or somehow become unable to maintain
links on your site, you can improve the luck of your future visitors. Try
the above action when you create a link to a valuable page. If the archive
does not has a capture yet, a link is presented to save the URL. If the
capture is outdated, the lower right form allows you to create a new
capture. The techies among us may prefer to prefix the original URL with
http://web.archive.org/*/ respective http://web.archive.org/save/ Much more
is explained at https://archive.org/about/faqs.php#The_Wayback_Machine  and


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[lace] Lace Guild Magazine - Christine Johnson

2014-05-03 Thread Jill Harward
Dear Spiders,


My Lace Guild magazine arrived yesterday and I was over the moon to see the
pattern and working diagram of Christine Johnson's Medieval Garden and for
which Christine was awarded the John Bull Trophy for 'lace by a lacemaker
who is not a teacher'.


I just had to write to thank Christine, who I think is a member of Arachne -
she will not know me, I am generally a 'Lurker' but I felt compelled to
write to Christine for being so generous in submitting this pattern to the
magazine and the time spent originally working out a coloured diagram of the
technical drawing.  I first saw the photo of the finished lace on the back
of issue Number 151 and just 'drooled' over it and wished it was a pattern
available to us.


Well my wish came true as here it is, looking absolutely beautiful again in
the current issue.  I have been floundering a bit for the past five or six
months due to some sad family circumstances and doing a little bits on
pieces already on the go but none of them seem to pull me in to get
enthusiastic again.  All I keep saying to my friends is that I need
'inspiring' but had no idea what to do, that is until I opened the Lace
Magazine yesterday and Woo Hoo!  I cannot possibly do any justice to your
amazing piece Christine but you have spurred me on and at last I have found
my 'get-up-and-go' and diving into my cupboard for a spare pillow, bobbins
and thread!!  I cannot wait to get started J  I guess this is also giving
advance warning to Jacquie Tinch, our lace tutor just what I will be turning
up with in class - she is probably turning a nice shade of puce at the
thought - only joking Jacquie, she relishes a challenge!


That's it and all that is left is to say once again a huge thanks to
Christine for unknowingly lifting my spirits.




In Redhill, Surrey in the UK, where it is a Bank Holiday (Public Holiday)
and the sun is shining - usually Bank Holidays are notoriously a wash-out

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Re: [lace] Lace Guild Magazine - Christine Johnson

2014-05-03 Thread Anna Binnie
Christine is currently on a cruise and may not have email. She is on 
Arachne so she will get your message. In 'real life' Christine is a 
talented and generous lacemaker. She gave a wonderful presentation in 
February on the use of Gimps. The presentation was at a NSW Lace Day. 
She is going to give a lecture on her work on Tonder Lace at the NSW 
October Lace Day and in November will give us a 2 day workshop on gimps.

She acts as 'mentor' to most of us at the Epping Lace group. I wish 
there were more people like her!

As an aside, the NSW Lace Days this year are featuring our local lace 
researchers, we have had Barbara Ballantyne talking on Irish Crochet, 
Rosemary Shepherd on early laces. In June we will have Annette Meldrum 
talking on Boris lace followed by a workshop in August on Boris Lace, 
and Christine in October. We are blessed that some of the best 
researchers are locals!

Anna in Sydney where winter has come!

On 4/05/14 3:40 AM, Jill Harward wrote:

Dear Spiders,

My Lace Guild magazine arrived yesterday and I was over the moon to see the
pattern and working diagram of Christine Johnson's Medieval Garden and for
which Christine was awarded the John Bull Trophy for 'lace by a lacemaker
who is not a teacher'.

I just had to write to thank Christine, who I think is a member of Arachne -
she will not know me, I am generally a 'Lurker' but I felt compelled to
write to Christine for being so generous in submitting this pattern to the
magazine and the time spent originally working out a coloured diagram of the
technical drawing.  I first saw the photo of the finished lace on the back
of issue Number 151 and just 'drooled' over it and wished it was a pattern
available to us.

Well my wish came true as here it is, looking absolutely beautiful again in
the current issue.  I have been floundering a bit for the past five or six
months due to some sad family circumstances and doing a little bits on
pieces already on the go but none of them seem to pull me in to get
enthusiastic again.  All I keep saying to my friends is that I need
'inspiring' but had no idea what to do, that is until I opened the Lace
Magazine yesterday and Woo Hoo!  I cannot possibly do any justice to your
amazing piece Christine but you have spurred me on and at last I have found
my 'get-up-and-go' and diving into my cupboard for a spare pillow, bobbins
and thread!!  I cannot wait to get started J  I guess this is also giving
advance warning to Jacquie Tinch, our lace tutor just what I will be turning
up with in class - she is probably turning a nice shade of puce at the
thought - only joking Jacquie, she relishes a challenge!

That's it and all that is left is to say once again a huge thanks to
Christine for unknowingly lifting my spirits.


In Redhill, Surrey in the UK, where it is a Bank Holiday (Public Holiday)
and the sun is shining - usually Bank Holidays are notoriously a wash-out

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To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the line:
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[lace] New uploads to Arizona (Only read if you have an interest in antique lace bobbins)

2014-05-03 Thread Brian Lemin
Just a note to let you know that my latest flurry of writing and upgrading of
articles to the Arizona site is as follows”:

The Lace Bobbins of East Devon, 22 pages.

This started life as a possible booklet many years ago.  It is time I put it
up for general reading.  I have to say that though it deals with topics
somewhat superficially, it is probably the only general account of East Devon
bobbins that has been published.

A Quick Analysis of Decorations upon 'Pale' Wood Bobbins, 2 pages.

We have never really come to grips with the names of bobbin makers or bobbin
decorators for East Devon bobbins.  It is a topic that I have been struggling
with, and continue to do so *I have an article currently in progress that i
hope will build on what knowledge we have about the topic*.  This article is a
bit *something and nothing*, but I have found in my professional life, that if
someone starts with an idea, or writes something, it is a start and can be
built upon.  This is one of those *starter* thought bubbles.

The Batavia, re-visted, 5 pages.

This was on lace-fairy for some years, so in order to keep all my stuff in one
place I have put it up here.  There is a bit more to say about those bobbins,
but I am a bit stifled at the moment with not getting good communication with
the WA Maritime museum and some copyright problems i have with comparable
bobbins *the Ely finds*.  There is not a lot to say about them but the bobbin
story is not quite finished.

Lemin, Brian. and Smith, D.  A Most Unusual Lace Bobbin from a Surprising
Source, 18 pages

I am delighted that the  “lady behind any successful man” has finally
agreed to have her name as an author on this article.  It is a good story, it
wanders in and out of history, amazing craftsmanship and, as always, come to a
slightly less than a firm conclusion.  None the less, I think we are on to a
reasonable supposition.  Anyway, it is a great bobbin, I wish i owned it!

As I am self proclaimed “righter of wrongs”  For some time I have
concentrated on telling readers about the “other” English lace bobbins,
the “Honiton” bobbins or as I insist the “East Devon” bobbins.

Below are two of my earlier articles on the subject of East Devon that Arizona
hosts for me

East Devon Bobbins, 9 pages

Ghosts and Smugglers of East Devon v2, 3 pages.

Future articles will be about:

Honiton Gimp bobbins   Many of these are beautiful and very old too *Yes i
used the “Honiton” word!  I think it is because I am into the “lace”

Stains used on ED bobbins *Don't get excited about this, it will be very

Possible ID of decorators and turners of ED bobbins  *This will be a

Can i end by saying a thankyou to more than a few of you helped me retrieve
Batavia and who have shown interest and practical help in a few of the above

Just a para of chit chat.

It is Sunday here and Jean and I have been to a quilt show and now i am off,
by myself, to see a film.  I like “off beat” films which in Australia we
call “not on general release”  It means only a few cinemas choose to show
them.  Don't get the wrong idea about the possible topics of such films, (!)
maybe i should call them “Art Films”? eg  I saw Hannah Arendt last week.
Most thought provoking.


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