[lace] Gon Homburg's Week 38 2015 insertion

2016-11-04 Thread Sally Jenkins
Dear Arachnes and Gon,

I have just completed your Insertion Week #38 2015 and I am so happy with
it! I used black Gütermann silk thread, and for the gimp, a
silver-with-a-strand-of-black thread that I picked up at a "free" table
somewhere. The gimp looks almost pewter-colored. The silk thread
practically tensions itself.

I configured it into a bookmark, and used a finish that I found in Rosemary
Shepherd's book *Introduction to Bobbin Lacemaking*, on page 76-78. In this
finish, rather than weaving the thrown-out pairs down the outside of the
bookmark and bundling them at the bottom, the thrown-out pairs become
passives, part of the sewing edge, until they are well anchored, at which
time they are thrown out.

Thank you so much for such a beautiful pattern! I'm already deciding what
color to make it in the next time! I will keep the black one, but the next
one will be a gift for someone special.

Best regards,
Sally Jenkins,
Creswell, Oregon, USA, where I planted tulip bulbs today - another link to
The Netherlands :-)

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[lace] Fold out road maps for lace exhibit

2016-11-04 Thread Susan
Hello All!  Today I am starting a search for some nifty fold out road maps of 
Individual countries--you know, the kind we used before GPS & MapQuest.  As you 
may know, we are fully booked for monthly lace exhibits for next year & one of 
the venues has six (yes 6!) big bulletin boards in addition to three showcases. 
 My initial idea of putting up Michelin maps came to a screeching halt when I 
found out how expensive they are!  Worth every penny, but not in our budget.  I 
do have a well-loved map of France, but would like to fill the other bulletin 
boards with maps of Great Britain/UK, Germany, Spain, Benelux & Scandinavian 
countries.  If you have already traveled there & do not expect to use your road 
map in the future, would you consider donating it to our exhibit?  The maps 
will be hung at a kid friendly height & the tie in will be "find the lace towns 
on the map", sort of like pin the tail on the donkey.  Please contact me off 
list if you can help.  Donated maps will not b!
 e returned as I expect they will be toast after the kids located the towns!  
Many thanks.  Sincerely, Susan Hottle, USA for Lacers of the Lake LOL

Sent from my iPad

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