[lace] Bayeux books

2003-11-19 Thread Paul and Dona Bushong
Thanks for the quick and full of information, response.  I will look into
purchasing the Nobecourt book.  I do hate to spend quite so much on postage on
a book I can only use for a couple of weeks.  I found earlier, the same
situation while checking into renting books on tape and getting them here as I
enjoy listening while working on lace or spinning yarn.  I had been very
spoiled in being able to get such a wide variety at our local libraries in MD
before moving here.  What I found was that between the postage and rental
costs I would have spent 2/3 the cost of purchasing the book/tape.  The one
remaining library here has about half a dozen "romances" on tape (not my
style) and that's it.  The most current book I pulled off the shelf was
printed in 1967.  The government is so broke that there is not much of a
budget for the library.  Such a shame for the local population.  And such
withdrawal for one who loves to haunt libraries.
I'm currently working on a Bucks Pt. lace called The Bride.  I had started
this last year but between a senior going through her last year of high
school, and then off to college, two other daughters at home and a move to
Guam it got put on the back burner.  Now I've pulled it out and made about a
yard and half of it.  Time to move on.  I have made some Bloemwerk in the
meantime too, but I found the La Dentelle de Bayeux while going through my
shelves this afternoon and have decided that is where I'd like to head for
By the way, Tamara, do you sleep?  I received your message at 4:30 pm on Wed.
afternoon my time.  That's 1:30 am on Wed. morning for you on the East Coast
of the U.S.  I appreciate the quick response but you could have waited until
the morning  
Dona in Asan, Guam

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[lace] Bayeux books

2003-11-18 Thread Paul and Dona Bushong
I'm interested in working on some Bayeux lace.  I'm currently living in Guam
and have no teacher resources here.  I have the book,  Dentelle de Bayeux,
La...Fouriscot, Mick & Salvador, Myl&eagrave;ne... 1999...French... 45p...
Color photographs, diagrams, color-coded technical diagrams, and prickings,
and while the diagrams are good, I'd like to have another source of
instruction to go along with it, preferably in English since it's been awhile
since I've had to use my French.
I am a member of IOLI and I have looked at their resources to borrow.  There
is a book on Bayeaux, Bayeux Lace, Yesterday's Lace for Today... Nobecourt,
Maria-Catherine& Potin, Janine... 1990... English,French... 78p... Progression
from beginning through advanced... 17:4,Sum96-97.
Does anyone know anything about this book?  Would it be a good second source
to work with.  Would it be worth the price of Priority Mail to get it here?
Media mail takes anywhere from 2-3 months to arrive here in Guam.  Are there
any other books/resources that you would recommend?  I'm also not adverse to
purchasing a resource if useful.  Are there any videos on Bayeux?  Any
information/insight would be appreciated.
Dona in Asan, Guam where a monsoon has been blowing through the last few days.

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