I've had a quick search through the obvious places I might find a dolphin or
bobbin pricking, and found the following dolphins:

'Lace' No 78 (blue cover) April 1995 - 'Arion astride the Dolphin' by Freda
'Lace' No 99 July 2000 - two dolphions, one staight, one arched
'100 New Bobbin Lace Patterns' by Yusai Fukuyama - simple outline dolphin
with a leaf for an eye on page 27

I've found no prickings for bobbins so far.

But while looking, I came across a pattern that is of a similar ilk to Miss
Channer's Mat. In 'Lacemaking' (the newsletter of the Lace Society) No 148,
May 2000, there is a floral Bucks Point mat measuring 8 and a half inches
(22 cm) by 6 and a quarter inches (16 cm) which takes 170 pairs of bobbins.
Designed by Emlyn Peacegood, it's described as being "suitable only for the
experienced Bucks worker". So anyone who was a member of The Lace Society in
May 2000 already has a challenging Bucks Point piece.

Jean in Poole

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