Hello to One and All! 
I live in a small town (80 full time residents) in the mountains which is an 
hour from "town", Las Vegas, Nevada. Up here I am the lace guild!  
LOL! There is an all encompassing fiber arts guild in town, but they were more 
interested in weaving and spinning (which I also do) than lace. Traveling an 
hour is no big deal for me.  It all comes down to what people will do for what 
they like. Just like having the money to do the things they like to do and none 
for the not so pleasant things. (Going to the movies vs the dentist.)  
I did live in another small town of 15,000 residents. To them driving 6 miles 
across town was like driving across the country!  I rode my mountain bike 60 to 
100 miles every week. And we lived in the boonies, 6.5 miles outside of town.
Susie Rose

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