In case there are lace makers within reach of New Haven Connecticut who do not
belong to the New England Lace group, I am including below a message members
of the NELG received. It has been approved for sharing by Elena (an Arachne
member, and presenter of this program at Yale) for sharing with Arachne
members. For those of you who have not met her, see the photo on page 39 of
your just-received IOLI Bulletin - with the Flying Mosque on the cover.
Elena says: We are very excited about the event and will be sharing pictures
for those who can't attend. If anyone who is unable to attend my workshop is
interested in taking a class, I will give them the information!
Following is summary of announcement Jeri received from Jill Hawkins of 
NELG, without quotation marks:
I have just been made aware of a workshop that is being offered by the Yale
Center for British Art in New Haven, Connecticut on Friday morning, May
18. During this workshop, participants will have the opportunity to explore
representations of lace in the Center’s collections and observe the process
of making handmade lace.
The museum has invited a lace maker from the Brooklyn Lace Guild to
demonstrate how lace is made; please register on the Center's website. I would
like the public to know that there is a very active lace community in New
England and that travel to NYC is not required if they want to learn.
More information can be found on the Center(s) website: 
Once you have viewed the site above, you will understand why I (Jeri) wrote to
Elena about a book I reviewed in 2013: In fine Style - The Art of Tudor and
Stuart Fashion, by Anna Reynolds. It was ordered by quite a few Arachne
members, and all seemed very pleased with it.  Lace content.
Following my private note to Elena, here is what she replied: 

 Jeri, it's a lovely coincidence that you share Anna Reynolds' book - she is
the current fellow at the Costume Institute and I recently consulted with her
to identify lace in the John Singer Sargeant portraits she is researching. She
gave a fascinating talk that Devon and I attended as well. I have perused her
book but I don't have a copy yet - I will have to add it to my wishlist!
The above is an illustration of how one of you might take over some lace news
reporting, so I can cut back.  To be relevant, news like the above needs to
get to Arachne members in a timely manner.
Jeri Ames in Maine USA
Lace and Embroidery Resource Center 

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