Hello all -

Tamara's mention of a hospitality house near the Metropolitan Museum for
those who want to go soak up the goods of the Ratti Center (yes, catching up
on digests here), prompts me to relate an experience. I arrived at the doors
of the Met last week hoping to spend a good part of the afternoon just
wandering about.  But I didn't get in the doors at all since they no longer
allow any luggage in the building.  (Someone could do quite a business
opening a luggage check room in a nearby building -- the hotel across the
street wouldn't accept it either.)

Mind you I had just come from the Asia Society Museum and went on to the
Natural History Museum with an overnight bag on wheels in tow.

>From now on, I will just call before visiting a museum to see if I can check
a suitcase along with a coat.  (The terrorists have won another round,
IMHO.)  If I had been closer to my hotel I would have left it there for the
day, but it wasn't convenient to go back there before getting the train.

On a brighter note, for those in the NYC region, I highly recommend a visit
to the Asia Society Museum - don't miss the orientation area which one can
mistake for a simple seating area near the cafe.  The current exhibit on
Asian games is absolutely wonderful on many levels: evolution of games,
cross cultural comparisons and the objects themselves.  There were several
examples of textile game boards for the game which became Parcheesi (in the
US).  Seen out of context, they would simply look like embroidered cloth,
but seen in the exhibit they were certainly a "map" for game pieces.  And,
while I'm at it, I'll also recommend the museum at the Fashion Institute of
Technology (FIT) at 27th and Broadway -- free and open late several evenings
during the week (to 8:00 pm).  There may not be lace on display but there's
always something interesting.

(in Albany, NY, where we had surprising Thanksgiving thunderstorms

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