Dear Alice,
I do know that the deodorizer, Febreeze© is used by people who clear
houses/rooms where dead people have been for awhile. We had a horrible
dead mouse-odor and could not find the source. We phoned our friendly
mortician who gave us the name of the "cleaning crew" who gave us
Febreeze © as the only good deodorant. It worked! If it works on a
pathological death, would not one think it would work on petrol fumes?
Let us know...
Sorry about the lace.

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

On 7 Aug 2009, at 18:00, Alice Howell wrote:

> I'm very annoyed at my DH. He put a gas can in my car trunk, with
> my lace stuff. It tipped over and spilled on my lace display board,
> as well as on the carpet of my new car.
> Any suggestions? Anyone else dealt with this problem?
> Alice in Oregon

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