On May 14, 2004, at 5:32, Eva Von Der Bey wrote:

Re Loehr's flowers, best thing first:
"Ice flowers" and "Art Noveau PG Flowers" are not the same story!

It is, indeed, a piece of *very good* news; thanks, and please thank her, next time you see her.

(Two weekends a year - the next two are already fixed - is this a "regular
student"? )

It *is*, compared to me :) And, if you're one of her "guinea pigs", testing new patterns, then you have to be in contact with her more than just during the workshops. Not to mention that, obviously, you must be *way* ahead of me in "lacemanship"; I had problems with the "Snowflake Quilt Sampler" the first few days. *Then* she showed us the un-revised version she'd given her students to "digest" -- with about 10 diagrams missing from what *we* had to cope with... The mind boggles... :)

The idea for the PG flowers may have been developed while making the mechlin
patterns, but they are different in style.
They are really brandnew, dated 3/04.

In her usual quest for perfection, she developed some very special ways to
treat the coloured threads (gimp and workers which form the motives),
special beginnings and lots of "magic" with the help of lots of magic
threads. So I doubt these patterns will by available out of class.

Maybe not within the next year or so... But, it seems to me that Loehr follows a "pattern" of sorts: she comes up with a revolutionary idea, tests it (on her German students), then publishes a book. *Then* teaches related classes in the US... So, I'm hoping to see *both* ideas published, eventually, as books.

And I agree with Susan's (Lambiris):

No, no, *please* let's try and persuade U.L. to publish the Art Nouveau
PG flowers--if necessary even in preference to the Mechlin book,
wonderful as *that* would be.

Some of us can't take courses

I'm self-taught, from books, myself; it's only been the last few years, that I've been able to attend classes (or had enough basics to attend classes which interested me). Books are *vital* to people who live in isolation...

I'm not sure though, that I agree with Susan on the "in preference ot Mechlin" bit; I want it to be *in addition to* :)

Tamara P Duvall             http://lorien.emufarm.org/~tpd
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
              Healthy US through The No-CARB Diet:
    no C-heney, no A-shcroft, no R-umsfeld, no B-ush.

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