[lace] Re: Pillow Survey

2004-07-17 Thread Clare Settle
It can be a little sobering to do one of these, and discover how many
pillows you really have...

Most of my lace pillows live in a small closet in our guest bedroom.  Some
are on shelves, and some are in their carrying bags, hanging from hooks on a
low rod.  Two stay on stands in or near the living room.  Okay, here's the

1.  Travel pillow with blocks and optional roller
2.  24 Belgian seagrass pillow (which has been my favorite cookie pillow)
3.  20 straw cookie pillow (good, but I'm a little allergic to this one, so
it doesn't get much use)
4.  Cookie pillow that was designed for metal lacemaking that I haven't yet
5.  Small ethafoam block pillow from Biggins
67.  2 student pillows (unused, to be sold)
8.  Block pillow made by a friend, yet to be tried
9.  A Simon Toustou large roller pillow, reserved for lengths, which I
don't often make, but it's an excellent pillow, and a beautiful thing to
10. 16 Simon Toustou cookie pillow - handy for small motifs
11. Most-used block pillow that I purchased years ago from Holly Van Sciver,
that are no longer made (a very sad thing, it is an excellent pillow) - this
is the one that I use most, and travels to Brugge with me when I attend
classes at the Kantcentrum.  It sits in the living room on a handsome lace
stand from Cathy Belleville, and has Binche in process at all times.  I have
extra blocks that have set-aside Binche pieces on them too...
12. A new (and now greatly cherished) Simon Toustou 22 cookie pillow with
drawers, which is sitting on my large lacemaking stand, with a butterfly
from Manuela Beck's Bright and Flighty in process

Whew!  And it's humbling to think that I really only use two of them
actively.  Ah, to have more time to make lace!


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[lace] Re: Pillow survey

2004-07-16 Thread tatman
 I spent the day
 making a  half stitch rose with red passives and a variegated pink
 thread.  It's making the most interesting shaded rose I've ever made.
 I  have only one inch to finish in the morning.  I'm curious to see the
  finished rose.
 Happy lacing,
 Alice in Oregon

And so are we!! G  Hope you share pics of your creation.  Sounds

I guess I didn't mention what type of pillows I have:
*20 cookie(my first one my BL teacher had me make)
*24 cookie(my second one my BL teacher had me make)
*travel pillow I made using the online directions from one of the
*small roller pillow(given to me from an exchange, THANK YOU Alice!)
*block pillow I made for travelling
*small bolster I made
*18 ethafoam given to me

I guess that is 7 instead of 6 as I previously posted ;)  I really enjoy
making pillows and plan on making more to appeal to my PAS(pillow
aquisition syndrome).  And someday I really need to get into making
bobbins for my BAS LOL!
Kinda like my shuttle collection.  You can never have enough pillows
or bobbins ;)

Mark, aka Tatman
Greenville, IL USA

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[lace] Re: Pillow survey

2004-07-16 Thread Motherchaos
I'm still new enough to this to not have that many pillows.  Also, having a
small house tends to force one to keep things down a bit *VBG*.  I have one
20 cookie pillow made by Sally, a bolster pillow filled with mahogany
sawdust that I made my self, and a roller pillow I bought so I could make
trim.  However, when Sally comes up to teach a class again, I fully intend
to get another pillow from her *GRIN*  (Big Hint Sally!)
Ialso only have about 60 pair of bobbins right now, but I'm getting
moreslowly :)
Fairbanks Alaska
Where the Grandparents are visiting from New Mexico, and complaining that it
is HOT!

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[lace] Re: Pillow Survey

2004-07-16 Thread Rhiannon Mann
Am I on the right reply line here? Im so new to this and the handbook does not
want to display for me. I beat Mikki on the lack of pillow front. I have two:
on round straw and one round polystyrene. i keep them both in bags in my
study/craft room. I would like to know why so many people have filled there
pillows with cookies - i would much rather consume them with a glass of cold

Scared new member in dorset


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