[lace] Re: state fair exhibit

2011-05-04 Thread Trudy Scholten

Although I am mostly a lurker on Arachne, I feel compelled to put in a plug for 
our state fair! The Rocky Mountain Lace Guild many years ago became frustrated 
with the lack of knowledgeable judges for the lace competition at the Colorado 
State Fair, and since then has been providing the judges for this event. Only 
the winning entries are displayed for the public, and they are in locked cases. 
To further decrease the risk of loss, a guild member (other than the judges) 
hand delivers and picks up entries each year. There is also a special ribbon 
with a handmade lace center awarded to one lucky (or rather, skilled) entrant 
each year. 

Oh, and I should also mention that the Colorado State Fair is one of the few in 
the country that allow entries from anywhere! We encourage everyone to consider 
entering - entry fees are low, and this helps us to convince the fair 
organizers that we really do need at least 10 categories of lace! 

There is more information about the lace competition on the guild website at 
The premium book with information about entering will be online after May 30 at 

happy lacemaking! 

Trudy in Colorado 

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Re: [lace] Re state fair exhibit

2011-05-05 Thread lacelady
- Original Message -
>  Since then I always turn in my entries in a frame so that no one 
> can actually touch the lace.

Oregon state fair rules specifically state that entry cannot be framed.

Having a separate Framed Lace category might be a good idea.  I'll have to 
suggest it to the fair.

Alice in Oregon

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[lace] Re state fair exhibit (was Handmade)

2011-05-04 Thread lacelady
- Original Message -
  I am not willing to put 
hundreds of hours of work on display on a table where the public can 
touch (and in the worst case, pilfer?).  I am not convinced that the 
jurors in state fairs know anything about bobbin lace ...

I have to put in a good word on our state fair.  All lace exhibits are in 
locked glass cabinets.  There's no way for a viewer to touch or pilfer.

Our fair also works very hard to get qualified judges in every category.  Our 
local lace makers have no qualms about entering their items in our fair.  In 
the case where someone has a most outstanding item, and it doesn't get the top 
award, it's usually because our fair has a rule that the same person can't win 
the top prize two years in a row.  (We have a fabulous male tatter who usually 
wins every other year.  The other years, he has to settle for a first ribbon.)

On a direct lace note I have finished a lappet/scarf that has been in 
process for several years.  The pattern came from the Prague OIDFA pattern 
booklet, and was worked in black thread.  It think it turned out very well, and 
I look forward to showing it off.

Alice in Oregon ... where we're supposed to have the warmest day of the year, 
so far, and I have some plants to get in the ground.

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[lace] Re: State Fair Exhibit (was Handmade)

2011-05-04 Thread Susan Reishus
Our state fair has had glasses display cases for as long as I can remember, at
least 30 years.  They provide cash prizes and shops who supply for that
particular medium, also up the ante with cash or store gift certificates
(usually around $50, give or take).  I only go rarely, just to see the
needlework (and paintings in another building), and feel that the work is
judged astutely - even more so, over the last decade or two.  

There is a
separate section where they demonstrate how to do the various "crafts" but I
don't remember anyone demonstrating bobbin or needle lace.  It is a nice way
to get people interested and especially children, (who tend to be very
interested when I am doing any form of needlework in public).  More should be
done to expose people to the medium as so many people go through there, often
having no idea how it is done.  Here, the demo section is essentially cordoned
off in a way that there is full view, yet encourages people to show respect in
not touching.    

Susan Reishus 

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[lace] Re: State Fair Exhibit (was Handmade)

2011-05-05 Thread Susan Reishus
There are ways to mount your creation with glass on both sides, which
illustrates so nicely a beautifully done piece.  It is more expensive and not
all framers qualify.
It means nothing if the object is to be submitted
unframed, of course.  

Susan Reishus

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[lace] Re state fair exhibit (was Handmade)

2011-05-05 Thread Janice Blair
The IOLI competition rules allows lace to be framed but without glass or 
in front.  

I remember my very first entry where I did not know that frames were allowed.  
mounted my piece on some matt board but the convention was in a hotel where air 
conditioning was not available in the display room.  That summer was unusually 
humid and my piece started to curl up at the corners, releasing any tension I 
had on the lace as I had only tacked it down around the edge.  Disaster.  Ever 
since then if I make a flat piece I put it in a frame if I can, just to make 
sure it arrives flat and is displayed that way.  The judges can easily remove 
the backing to see how it was mounted if I have covered the back.  I remember a 
piece being disqualified one year because it was mounted between two pieces of 
acrylic and totally enclosed lace is not allowed. 

I have not entered my local county fair as it always seems to coincide with the 
IOLI convention, but the piece I mentioned above did win Best in Show when I 
entered it.  By then it was in a frame.

 Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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Re: [lace] Re state fair exhibit (was Handmade)

2011-05-04 Thread lbuyred
In the North Carolina state fair the lace is not exhibited in glass cases.  It 
is simply placed on a table.  The table is placed out of reach of fair visitors 
and is watched by a fair volunteer.  However that does not prevent damage.  I 
picked up a lace edged hankie for a friend who had won a ribbon.  Someone had 
looped the string from the ribbon through one of the picots and badly distorted 
the lace.  Since then I always turn in my entries in a frame so that no one can 
actually touch the lace.

All that being said I always turn something in.  I want people to know that the 
lace hobby is still alive and well in North Carolina.  I don't want the fair to 
have so few entries that they decide they don't need a lace category anymore.
Liz Redford
Raleigh, NC, USA

 lacel...@frontier.com wrote: 
> I have to put in a good word on our state fair.  All lace exhibits are in 
> locked glass cabinets.  There's no way for a viewer to touch or pilfer.

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Re: [lace] Re state fair exhibit (was Handmade)

2011-05-05 Thread David C COLLYER

Dear Liz,

 Since then I always turn in my entries in a frame so that no one 
can actually touch the lace.

Then if I were judging your lace, I would have to disqualify it, for 
much of my judging is done by viewing the rear of the article.

One show I judge at does indeed have a section for framed pieces and 
that's just fine.

David in Ballarat

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RE: [lace] Re state fair exhibit (was Handmade)

2011-05-05 Thread Lorri Ferguson
In our area we have had a very creative lacer, who over came the 'must see the
back' rule in 2 creative ways:
  1- a butterfly was inserted into one of the acrylic frames molded at an
angle to be free standing,
  2- a Rib & Roll piece was mounted at the very top to a lovely matted
background in a frame (no glass, that would be inserted when she got the
 Both pieces took awards and the  R&R piece received Grand  Champion of all
the Lace items entered (plus a nice check).  Both pieces were easily judged
and easy for the Fair Clerks to handle and display.  Items at this fair are
all displayed behind glass.   Just put on your thinking caps.


> >Dear Liz,
> > Since then I always turn in my entries in a frame so that no one
> > can actually touch the lace.
> Then if I were judging your lace, I would have to disqualify it, for
> much of my judging is done by viewing the rear of the article.
> One show I judge at does indeed have a section for framed pieces and
> that's just fine.
> David in Ballarat

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Re: [lace] Re state fair exhibit (was Handmade)

2011-05-05 Thread Branwyn ni Druaidh
I understand that I may not know what I'm talking about (or view things in a
very different way, because I do that for sure), but I have to wonder:

Re: judges not touching the lace

Are people afraid that the judges are going to be so rough with the lace
that they are going to tear it or destroy it or something?  I'm not talking
about random passersby, here.  I'm talking about the judges.

Most fairs I've been to (which, granted, haven't been in a lot of areas,
only Tulsa, Winston-Salem, NC, and Colorado) have, at the very least,
something keeping the general fairgoer away from the entries (and this is
all entries, breakables, fiber, eatables, etc).  I understand that some
aren't as secure as others (putting up a rope 4' away from the displays
isn't necessarily going to stop a child who's parents aren't paying
attention to them), but they do have something up.

Note:  All of the competitions I've ever been in are SCA (Society for
Creative Anachronism) related.  I have always had the judge pick up and look
at my work (usually they asked permission, but I went into all competitions
I did with the expectation that they would have to pick up my work to look
at the stitches closer).  They also have always treated my work with
respect, handling it the least amount they had to, and NEVER roughly.  Also,
please note that in the SCA region that I'm in, the way a person's work is
judged is with the person sitting right there, giving information and
answering questions about the item(s) they've entered.  Even so, I've also
left my lace on my table (with children running about) and never come back
to a piece that's been tampered with in any way.

So I guess I wonder if there is really such an issue about judges messing up
already finished lace items?


On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 10:11 AM, Lorri Ferguson  wrote:

> In our area we have had a very creative lacer, who over came the 'must see
> the
> back' rule in 2 creative ways:
>  1- a butterfly was inserted into one of the acrylic frames molded at
> an
> angle to be free standing,
>  2- a Rib & Roll piece was mounted at the very top to a lovely matted
> background in a frame (no glass, that would be inserted when she got the
> piece).
>  Both pieces took awards and the  R&R piece received Grand  Champion of all
> the Lace items entered (plus a nice check).  Both pieces were easily judged
> and easy for the Fair Clerks to handle and display.  Items at this fair are
> all displayed behind glass.   Just put on your thinking caps.
> Lorri
> >
> > >Dear Liz,
> >
> > > Since then I always turn in my entries in a frame so that no one
> > > can actually touch the lace.
> >
> > Then if I were judging your lace, I would have to disqualify it, for
> > much of my judging is done by viewing the rear of the article.
> >
> > One show I judge at does indeed have a section for framed pieces and
> > that's just fine.
> >
> > David in Ballarat
> -
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> arachne.modera...@gmail.com. Photo site:
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Per pale argent and purpure, two phoenixes counterchanged sable and argent
each rising from flames proper.

"It is sometimes the most fragile things that have the power to endure and
become sources of strength."
- May Sarton

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"Out of clutter, find Simplicity. From discord, find Harmony. In the middle
of difficulty lies opportunity." - Albert Einstein

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful
than the risk it took to blossom." - Anais Nin

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have
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RE: [lace] Re state fair exhibit (was Handmade)

2011-05-05 Thread Noelene Lafferty
It's not the judges touching the lace that puts me off, it's the "arty"
know-it-all display people who put the items out for display with pins and
sticky tape and the like.  They might be good at window dressing, but
sometimes they know nothing about how to handle fragile items.

Noelene in Cooma

> Re: judges not touching the lace

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Re: [lace] Re: State Fair Exhibit (was Handmade)

2011-05-05 Thread L.Snyder
Our State Fair doesn't want anything under glass because of the 
possibility of breakage. We can mount on poster board but only partially 
so that the back is accessible.

Lauren in Snohomish WA

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Re: [lace] Re state fair exhibit (was Handmade)

2011-05-05 Thread lbuyred
In my particular situation I was told it was one of the judges who had attached 
the ribbon to the lace through a picot and distorted the lace.  So yes, I am 
concerned about letting the judges touch the lace.  Our fair is pretty good 
about preventing fair goers from touching the lace.  And there is an armed 
guard in the building when the fair is not open, although I have a hard time 
imagining someone breaking into the building to steal lace!
Liz Redford
Raleigh NC, USA

 Branwyn ni Druaidh  wrote: 
> Re: judges not touching the lace
> Are people afraid that the judges are going to be so rough with the lace
> that they are going to tear it or destroy it or something?  I'm not talking
> about random passersby, here.  I'm talking about the judges.

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Re: [lace] Re state fair exhibit (was Handmade)

2011-05-05 Thread lbuyred
If you were the judge I would know that my piece was in safe hands and I would 
not worry about framing it!
Liz Redford
Raleigh, NC, USA

 David C COLLYER  wrote: 
> Then if I were judging your lace, I would have to disqualify it, for 
> much of my judging is done by viewing the rear of the article.
> One show I judge at does indeed have a section for framed pieces and 
> that's just fine.
> David in Ballarat

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