Hello Spiders,
Like Jill, I mostly "lurk", but having just read 4 months of Arachne
digests I thought I should make a couple of comments. (As Anna mentioned
I have been overseas and don't access anything electronically whilst
away, but I don't suspend my Arachne membership in case I  miss
something of interest). The trip itself had almost no textile component
- I did visit the Great Tapestry of Scotland, which was fabulous
(although the parking ticket I've just received for enjoying it for too
long isn't!) and, as you do when on the other side of the world, I met
Marie Laurie from just up the road here in Oz doing the same thing. I
also called in to the Lace Guild and met Jacquie Tinch who mentioned
that Jill was working the pattern published in "Lace". I have just gone
through all of the lacemaking magazines that arrived in my absence and
Jill, I hope you have realised that you need 12 more pairs than
mentioned in the list of requirements. I prepared and sent the pattern
and all its info while I was travelling in Denmark last year - I had no
access to photocopying and therefore no record of what had been sent,
but thought I may have not counted the pairs correctly; the correct
number of pairs was provided when I sent the story of the pattern to
Susan later, but didn't get transferred onto the original paperwork. 
I maintain a separate file of collected "gee whiz - I'd like to do (or
fiddle with) that some day" patterns and my favourite designers of
Torchon lace are Jane Atkinson, Anne-Marie Clegg and Hubert Van
Hoorebeke. Anne-Marie Verbeke's Binche patterns are another great
favourite and I love Ulrike Voelker's books/patterns/analysis. I'm
totally opposed to ranking designers, though, because everyone is
looking for something different. All of us will tend to neglect those
designers whose patterns are for a lace style we don't personally have
any interest in.
Although after more than 30 years of lacemaking I have finally begun to
see some merit in making samples, I really prefer to work on proper
projects. But, my interest is primarily in the process, testing and
trying new techniques or design ideas, and I seldom have an actual
purpose for the finished project. Pieces for competitions and
proficiency assessments are the ONLY pieces that have their ends
properly sewn in and are appropriately mounted!
Christine J
Date: Sat, 3 May 2014 18:40:34 +0100
From: "Jill Harward" <jill.harw...@btinternet.com>
Subject: [lace] Lace Guild Magazine - Christine Johnson
Dear Spiders,
My Lace Guild magazine arrived yesterday and I was over the moon to see
the pattern and working diagram of Christine Johnson's Medieval Garden
and for which Christine was awarded the John Bull Trophy for 'lace by a
lacemaker who is not a teacher'.
I just had to write to thank Christine, who I think is a member of
Arachne - she will not know me, I am generally a 'Lurker' but I felt
compelled to write to Christine for being so generous in submitting this
pattern to the magazine and the time spent originally working out a
coloured diagram of the technical drawing.  I first saw the photo of the
finished lace on the back of issue Number 151 and just 'drooled' over it
and wished it was a pattern available to us.
Well my wish came true as here it is, looking absolutely beautiful again
in the current issue.  I have been floundering a bit for the past five
or six months due to some sad family circumstances and doing a little
bits on pieces already on the go but none of them seem to pull me in to
get enthusiastic again.  All I keep saying to my friends is that I need
'inspiring' but had no idea what to do, that is until I opened the Lace
Magazine yesterday and Woo Hoo!  I cannot possibly do any justice to
your amazing piece Christine but you have spurred me on and at last I
have found my 'get-up-and-go' and diving into my cupboard for a spare
pillow, bobbins and thread!!  I cannot wait to get started J  I guess
this is also giving advance warning to Jacquie Tinch, our lace tutor
just what I will be turning up with in class - she is probably turning a
nice shade of puce at the thought - only joking Jacquie, she relishes a
That's it and all that is left is to say once again a huge thanks to
Christine for unknowingly lifting my spirits. 

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