Hello All!  May I add my thanks & congratulations to David for the stunning 
photos of his poppy lace!  WOW!!  That said--as charming as the poppies are, I 
am in love with the leaves.  Graceful & almost acanthus-like curves.  Very 
classic & begging to be combined with other motifs if one would choose.  We 
must change your title to David of Ballarat or David de Ballarat!  The PLG 
(Pittsburgh Lace Group) newsletter arrived today & there were all sorts of 
tidbits.  Thank you Robin (obtaining permission) & Noelene (giving permission) 
for sharing the Torchon Tug poem.  I'm sure everyone is nodding & chuckling.  
This is the 30th anniversary year of PLG & I had no clue that Pamela Nottingham 
once taught a workshop there, back in the early days of the group.  Gretchen 
shared a photo of a communion veil that she made in 1994 that has been worn by 
any number of small children in her extended family.  Lace Camp will be devoted 
to all things spidery.  And as we bid farewell to Dorothy wh!
 o is recovering from her stroke, a brief resume of her passions & skills:  
lacemaking, baking, canning, dancing, trumpet & piano lessons, buttonbox 
serenades & providing bed & breakfast accommodations for visiting lace teachers 
& students.  Where would we be without our lacemaking friends on Arachne & 
beyond?  Sincerely, Susan Hottle, Erie, PA USA                        

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