Hey, Robin!  I'll lace bomb with you!  Last night I was looking through the
Kaethe and Jules Kliot book "Bobbin Lace: Form by the Twisting of Cords" to
get inspiration for just this kind of thing.  I was  thinking how cool it
would be to have a long rod with heavy twine or rope attached to it (much as
one would start a macrame project) and let lacers weave the cords, free form,
to make a big hanging.
Rebecca in Northern Utah

> With IOLI's conference being near me I so wished I could get some yarn
> bombers or lace people to put stuff up in Salt Lake City, but I can't seem
> to get a group going on it *shrug* I'm betting at some point there will be
> Lace bombers, but for now we sit quietly and work.
> Robin

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