I also feel it would be a terrible waste and more likely to end up being lost forever not seen by an archiologist. But I am about to make some lace for today for me to wear in the form of a scarf and am wracking my brain to remember the name of the type of coloured lace I am thinking I might use. I saw it on the table sold by a Scottish company at the Poole lace day in 2009 I think. I can see the colours and the spools which held 500 metres per spool but not the type. Very frustrating. It has to be cotton and in colours or else I will continue to use my large spool of white I have which will definately cover the whole item without running short.
Sue T
In foggy Dorset waiting for the sun come out

Lace in a coffin!

I agree I don't want any of my lace or anything in the coffin, it would be

I wish to be cremated and would be very upset if all the love I had put into making my lace were to end up as ashes in an incinerator!

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