[lace-chat] eBay sellers beware

2003-07-07 Thread Jean Nathan
This is only relevant to those of you who sell on eBay. There's a new scam
email (been around for a week or so) purporting to be from eBay Customer
Support, and I've just received one.

The subject is: NOTICE eBay Obligatory Verifying - Invalid User Information

The message starts:

"Dear Ebay user,

We regret to inform you that your home phone number had an error on
Ebay Inc. databases.

We use your phone number for your identification purpose only.
If the requested information is not provided to us then we will regret to
inform you that your account will be suspended from our database until
required information is provided.
* Invalid User Information - Our records show that there are some
with the information that you registered with on our service. Due to this
violation your account will be suspended indefinitely from the site until
information can be provided.* "

There's a link to a web site on which they ask for your name address,
telephone number, social security number, bank name, address, account
number, mother's maiden name, credit card details including the security
number on the back, and passwords - in fact everything except your bra size.

Ebay and Paypal don't ever ask for this information after you've registered
with them If something has changed, you do it yourself through the
appropriate ebay or Paypal page, not in response to an email rom them.
Exposing the headers shows that this particular email originates in Korea.
I've sent mine to eBay.

I've looked at the eBay chatboard, and the writers there seem to think that
addresses of sellers are being obtained by asking the seller a question.
Some say that they know this because they keep a separate address for
answering questions, and this is the address the scam email has been sent
to. The say they only reveal their main address to the winning bidder.

On poor person said they'd fallen for it and sent all his/her details. The
only thing they can do now is close their bank account and credit card
accounts, and open new ones. The scammers will still have their address,
phone number and social security number though.

If you're an eBay seller and get a suspicious email send it to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], with all the headers showing. Whatever you do, don't answer
it and don't give them your details.

There's also another scam/spam email which says the person's offering
laptops at knockdown prices to people he's dealt with some time in the past
before he puts them up for sale on ebay. This is another scam. Don't know
the purpose of it, but it's not a genuine offer. Again from eBay chatboard,
several people have had this email but from a different person and at
various email addresses. I received one of these as well, and didn't realise
it was a scam, but didn't respond as I've only recently bought a laptop.
Could be just a method of establishing live email addresses.

Jean in Poole
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[lace-chat] FLLG October Lace Days

2003-07-07 Thread DREDMAN4
I am really sorry to post to both lists but I need to make a correction to the mailing 
that went out for the Finger Lakes Lace Guild October Lace Day Event.

The address to mail your registration has been changed.  Please mail to:

Kathy Kauffman
734 Oak Street
Winnetka, IL  60093

Again sorry for the double post.

Deborah Redman
Finger Lakes Lace Guild
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[lace-chat] Biggins back.

2003-07-07 Thread WaltonVS
Hi all, we came back from Spain earlier today and are now open for business. 
Hope you all had a good June,

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Re: [lace-chat] Unusual thief

2003-07-07 Thread Louise Hume
 >...but mice? Since when did they like nice shinies?

The indigenous rat in North America is the wood rat, sometimes know as the
Pack Rat. It does collect shiny things, and sometimes exchanges one it is
carrying for a better one it finds.

The skinny tail common rat is an immigrant that came over on the first
ships, and all subsequent ones.
The wood rat is brown, a little larger than an eastern chipmonk and has a
bushy tail.

Louise in Central Virginia
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Re: [lace-chat] garlic festival

2003-07-07 Thread Louise Hume
Clay wrote

>And there is another garlic festival in Virginia .
>...  Virginia wines are also featured, and with the
>admission, adults receive a wine glass which is used for the
>tastings.  I've quite a collection of the glasses now!

This festival is held in a vineyard and winery in my county.  It features
"elephant garlic" also.  We used to demonstrate lace there, but in recent
years it coincided with our NC regional Lace Day.

Louise in Central Virginia
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[lace-chat] Angela's Amazing Mountain Adventure - 1

2003-07-07 Thread A Thompson
This has nothing to do with Lace.  Jeri did ask whether I wore any lace on
my trip. The answer is yes, on my night-dress but since nobody saw it, it
does not count!  However, there are other textiles - embroidery, weaving,
braids to mention only a few.

The tour was fraught with difficulties from the start.  My son had first
visited the remote Kalash valleys in the North west of Pakistan in 1999.  He
stayed only one night in the village, together with other tour companions on
a jeep-trek of the Karakoram mountains.  Being well trained, he managed to
purchase for me a cowrie-shell decorated top head-dress (Kupas) and also the
under beaded head-dress (Shu-shut) together with an embroidered dress, a
woven sash, three bead bracelets and several strings of necklaces. At that
time, photography of the women of the tribe was not allowed.  So he said to
the Chief's son (having paid the asking price in dollars without question)
How will my mother know how the head-dress is worn, can I take a photo of
the back view?  So he was taken into the village to the Chief's house and
allowed to photograph the Chief's wife and sister and the children, back and
front views.

Two years later in 2001, he returned to the valley, this time not as part of
a tour group, but on his own in a Jeep with the Guide, a driver and a cook.
This time he was welcomed and stayed longer in the village, taking many
photographs, not only of the dance festival, but also the village people. He
said he would bring his mother to visit them the following year.  I thought
this a wonderful idea.  However, it was not to be, the Afghan war precluded
all travel in that area, as it is so near to the Afghan border, and special
permission is needed at any time from the Police station in Chittral.

In 2002 we started to make plans for 2003, when my son intended to visit
Afghanistan and I would join him in neighbouring Pakistan.  Once again the
threat of war intervened.  Would Iraq be invaded, would the war prevent us
from going?  Never did anyone listen to and read the world news so avidly.

part 2. What happened next.
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[lace-chat] :) Fwd: A sad funny

2003-07-07 Thread Tamara P. Duvall
I'm keeping the title with which the joke came to me. It came from a 
lady, born and bread upper class Alabama, now in her mid seventies (I 
have some very unususal friends ), so the title, coming from her, is 
a bit more poignant. I can't help hoping though -- surely, in nearly 40 
yrs, things have changed?

From: B.B.
In 1964, a US Navy cruiser put into port in Mobile, Alabama for a 
week's R&R. The first evening, the Captain was more than a little 
surprised to receive the following letter from the wife of a very 
wealthy plantation owner and industrialist:

Dear Captain:

Thursday will be my daughter Susan's debutante ball. I would like you 
to send four well-mannered, handsome, unmarried officers. They should 
arrive at 8p.m. sharp, prepared for an evening of polite Southern 
conversation and dancing with lovely young ladies.

PS: No Jews.

Sure enough, at 8 p.m. on Thursday, the lady followed her butler to 
answer a rap at the door which was opened by the butler. She found in 
dress uniform, four handsome, exquisitely mannered and smiling African 
American naval officers.  Her lower jaw hit the floor, but pulling 
herself together she stammered, "There must be some mistake." "Madam," 
said the first officer, "Captain Cohen doesn't make mistakes."

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland
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