[lace-chat] Re: Sparky's health - not lace related

2003-11-03 Thread Thelacebee
Gentle Spiders all,

Thank you for the kind words and advice that you have all sent me regarding 
the furball.

Just to let you know that he had a second seizure on Saturday and what 
appeared to be a petti mal attack on sunday (pupils dialating and contracting, mild 

However, he has been attack free for 36 hours and starting to be more like 
his old self.

We all joke that the list is an oracle of all knowledge but I now, 
personally, believe this to be true.  If anyone has anything further to add then Mum, 
Dad and I would love you to email me directly as all the advice has been 

Thank you very much.


Liz Beecher
I'm http://journals.aol.com/thelacebee/thelacebee";>blogging now - see 
what it's all about

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[lace-chat] :) Fwd: Insane?

2003-11-03 Thread Tamara P. Duvall
I forward, to my older step-grandchildren, some of the weirder URL's 
that sometimes show up on the lace-chat (the colour-test was the most 
recent one). The following came in response from the oldest of them 
(15+). Took me 15 seconds, so I suppose I'm legally insane, too :)

From: V.R.
check out this site, apparently i am legally insane according to 


Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland
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[lace-chat] Right? Left?

2003-11-03 Thread Lynn Carpenter
I confess, I never properly learned my right from my left.  While still in
kindergarten, I realized I had a "double jointed" thumb only on my left
hand, and I learned to "click" that thumb out of joint to tell which hand
was which.  If you give me directions with "left" and "right" in them, and
pay close attention to my hands, to this day you might catch the little
flick of my left thumb that tells me which is which.  ("Left" is the click
thumb, "right" is "the other one.")

For years I kept this secret, figuring everybody else "just knew" right
from left.  Then the subject came up in my origami email list, and it turns
out there are dozens of us, mathematicians, physicists even, who use
various devices to remind them right from left.  Then one day I found this
great quote:

Sigmund Freud (you might have heard of him), writing to a friend:

"I do not know whether it is obvious to other people which is their own or
other's right or left.  In my case, I had to think which was my right; no
organic feeling told me.  To make sure which was my right hand I used
quickly to make a few writing movements."

So I don't feel half so embarrassed about not "really" knowing right from
left any more!

Lynn Carpenter in SW Michigan, USA
alwen at i2k dot com

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[lace-chat] Going Home

2003-11-03 Thread Jenny Rees
The Rees family are going home!

Our house was finished yesterday and formally handed over and we are
starting to move things back in. Our youngest son has his last school exams
on Thursday and we officially move home on Friday.

Thank you to everyone for your support over the last 10 months - both the
'lacechat' and 'lace' have been a lifeline when things have been tough and
given me something to think about away from the trauma here. Your wonderful
gifts that have kept arriving have re-established my lace equipment and now
I intend to really get some quality lace time!

The next big task will be the garden but it will be fun as I can now do
things that we couldn't do before with the trees that we had, but as they
didn't survive I can now redo those gardens properly.

I am very relieved that we haven't heard of any lacemakers badly affected by
the California fires yet

Sorry to cross post this but I wanted to get to everyone who has been there
for us

Thank you

Jenny Rees
Canberra Australia


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[lace-chat] Arachne Birthday List

2003-11-03 Thread tatnlace
Here are the most current birthday entries

November 00 Josie passell [EMAIL PROTECTED] DER England
November 01 Pamela Lloyd [EMAIL PROTECTED] VIC Australia
November 02 Avital Pinnick [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Israel
November 02 Brenda Paternoster [EMAIL PROTECTED] KEN England
November 02 Jean Barrett [EMAIL PROTECTED] CLE England
November 02 Louisa Chadwick [EMAIL PROTECTED] BCO Canada
November 03 Joeanna Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] CT USA
November 05 Jenny Kaufeld [EMAIL PROTECTED] IN USA
November 05 Lori Howe [EMAIL PROTECTED] ME USA
November 06 Cathy Arthur [EMAIL PROTECTED] ONT Canada
November 07 Wendy Strand [EMAIL PROTECTED] CA USA
November 09 Judith Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] OH USA
November 09 Shirley  Meier [EMAIL PROTECTED] VIC Australia
November 12 Martina De Wille [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Germany
November 13 Tim Winstanley [EMAIL PROTECTED] Gauteng South Africa
November 14 Alice Thomson [EMAIL PROTECTED] FL USA
November 14 Ann Koester [EMAIL PROTECTED] MN USA
November 14 Anne de Ocejo [EMAIL PROTECTED] CT USA
November 16 Gerda Van Gasse [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Belgium
November 18 Ann Wild [EMAIL PROTECTED] Bavaria Germany
November 18 Sue Helm [EMAIL PROTECTED] TX USA
November 19 JoAnn Stearns [EMAIL PROTECTED] SD USA
November 19 Terry McGuffin [EMAIL PROTECTED] CA USA
November 20 Sue Ellen Picker [EMAIL PROTECTED] CA USA
November 21 Ann-Marie Lördal [EMAIL PROTECTED] Hälsingland Sweden
November 22 Jill Treeves-Egan [EMAIL PROTECTED] SUR England
November 22 Linda McCrae  [EMAIL PROTECTED] VIC Australia
November 22 Outi Rissanen [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Finland
November 23 Virginia Garner [EMAIL PROTECTED] NT Australia
November 24 Irene Dalzell [EMAIL PROTECTED] MI USA
November 25 Lynne Cumming [EMAIL PROTECTED] HET England
November 27 Mary Blumenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] CA USA
November 30 Anne Baxendell [EMAIL PROTECTED] PA USA
November 30 Kim Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] WAU Australia
Time: 11/3/2003 at 18:06:49

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Fwd: [lace-chat] Left or Right? VERY LONG

2003-11-03 Thread Tamara P. Duvall
I've forwarded some of the left/right bits to Robin (who's not on chat) 
and here's her contribution:

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Panza, Robin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sidedness is something that fascinates me, and I've got some comments 
to add
to the mix.  I'm strongly left-handed and left-footed, but have very 
eye or ear dominance.

1.  I've heard of this right-turn phenomenon before.  It's supposedly 
fine jewelry is generally put to the right as you enter a store at a
cosmetic counter (at least in the US).  Those who bypass the make-up 
themselves in the gold watches, where maybe they'll make an impulse
purchase.  However, that seems to be breaking down--fewer stores seem 
to use
the traditional layout.  If direction of turning is related to 
lefties will go opposite righties.  Personally, I find I go right and 
counterclockwise around objects despite my left-handedness.  If it's 
on training (like which side of the road gets driven on in your 
you'd find a national correlation.  I've even heard it suggested that 
due to the earth's rotation, like water spiralling down the bathtub 
In that case, Ozzies and Africans should do the opposite.  We could 
take a
survey.  Everybody watch yourselves--which way do you turn to get 
around an
obstacle?  Which side is dominant for you?  And what country do you come
from (and which side do they drive on)?

2.  There are apparently three kinds of lefties.  I've read a number of
studies in which they take handedness into account.  The papers all say
that, among righthanders, they found a consistent pattern.  However, 
were three kinds of response from left-handers;  roughly 1/3 did the
opposite, 1/3 did the same, and 1/3 did something equivocal or 
or were inconsistent.  For example, when asked a rhetorical question,
righties looked in the same direction (don't remember which), 1/3 of 
looked the same direction as righties, 1/3 looked the opposite 
and 1/3 looked somewhere altogether different (like up or down) or 
looked a
different direction each question.  Since there are always fewer 
lefties in
a study, there was never statistical significance to the left-handed
responses and the researchers threw up their hands.

3.  In studies of brain sidedness, some lefties have the same 
as righties (e.g., the speech center is on the "normal" side) and some 
specialized brain centers reversed (probably the case for Mikki--her 
is "in backwards").  Some of those with "normal" organization apparently
were oxygen-starved in very late pregnancy or during delivery (from
complications).  The theory is that the starvation prevented the left
hemisphere from taking dominance at birth, so the right hemisphere 
in.  That's three kinds of lefties--backwards brains, oxygen-starved 
and nobody-knows-why brains.  Most papers discussing the causes of
left-handedness refuse to consider the possibility that there are 3 
kinds of lefties, which probably have 3 different causes, and so they 
find a pattern--one will argue it can't be oxygen-starvation, because 
2/3 of
subjects didn't have that problem, another will argue it isn't backwards
brains, because 2/3 of the subjects don't have that, and so forth.

4.  Lefthandedness is not all-or-nothing, even without contrary 
There's what hand you *naturally* use for eating, writing, tools, etc.
(which may or may not get trained out of somebody); which foot you lead 
in walking and jumping, which ear or eye your brain gives priority to 
they are sending conflicting information.  There are also subtle things 
which hand is "on top" when using a broom, or which way your eyes turn 
you ponder something, and so on.  Totally left-dominance in all 
criteria is
apparently rare; most left-handers do at least some tasks the same as
right-handers or ambiguously, and some right-handers do a few things
left-wise.  That makes it even harder to establish cause of handedness.

5.  Another interesting thing is looking at frequency of 
In developed countries of today, it's consistently 10-15 percent.  In
remote, primitive cultures, it's the same.  Looking at artworks going 
through the Middle Ages into ancient Egypt, it's consistently 10-15 
In cultures where handedness is not an issue, it's 10-15%.  In cultures
where lefties are stoned to death, it's 10-15%.  In cultures where 
considered highly honored, blessed by gods, it's 10-15%.  In cultures 
writing is important (since word recognition is on one side of the 
and in cultures with no writing, or with non-linear communication, it's
still 10-15%.  There doesn't seem to be any way to select for or against
lefties, they still make up about 10-15% of humans.  This means there 
not be an underlying genetic cause (despite the fact that handedness 
runs in
families), or the gene

[lace-chat] Re: Fireworks

2003-11-03 Thread Tatdlace
>Fireworks here, in South East London / Surrey have been on >sale ALL YEAR
ROUND.  We are disgusted by the fact that
>every single weekend since June was have had fireworks going >off
Here in Canada, or at least in Ontario, fireworks
are permitted on May 24th and on Dominion Day July 1st.
At all other times it is illegal to set them off. There are exceptions, but
those are by permit only.
The laws relating to pyrotechnics were seriously
tightened up after several children had fingers blown
off, bottoms blown up, (from carrying large firecrackers
called cannons in their back pockets), eyes blinded,
from crackers going off in their faces and some really
nasty injuries that made politicians move to regulate
their usage.
The companies selling the fireworks in the UK
are probably getting their own way now, but as soon
as there is a public uproar about them as a danger
rather than as a nuisance you'll probably get more
politicians on the bandwagon to either ban or
regulate them. Common sense doesn't seem to move
them until a large number of adults, or a small
number of children, are killed or injured. Noise
bothering a whole neighborhood won't do it, money
speaks louder than complaints, but when there are
people killed or maimed something positive will
get done. Sad, but that seems to be what it takes
these days.
Sharon Briggs
in soggy wet Brampton, Ontario.

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Re: [lace-chat] Left or Right?

2003-11-03 Thread Barron
Ruth said
and the moving staircases in the major shops still show signs
which say:  "keep to the left so that others may pass".

am I right in thinking the tube escalators in London have signs saying keep
to the right so others may pass or is my memory faulty (more than possible)

jenny barron

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[lace-chat] accents

2003-11-03 Thread Helene Gannac
>No, Noelene,  Helene G. does not have a french accent - well, only ever so
>slightly by the way she clips certain words.  You would not pick up that she
>was French just by listening to her.  She is a "fair-dinkum aussie" by now
>(Just like me!!)

>And her slide show at Lace Day was very interesting, too!
from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,

Thanks, Liz!!
Actually, most people cannot quite place where I come from. usually they *know*
I'm not English, but they tend to ask whether I come from South Africa? Canada?
Ireland? I have noticed, though, that for the last 10 years, the English
themselves tend to say "Oh, you live in Australia, don't you?"...I'm not sure
whether to take it as a compliment or not...:-)
We did fool one, once. We arrived at a B&B in Berkshire (England)about 10 years
ago. They had been told that one of us was French and the other one Australian.
I came in first, and said "Hi, I'm Helene. Our friends booked a room for us" He
shook my hand, then shook DH's and said "You must be the French one, then"!! I
was very proud of myself!!

Helene, the froggy from Melbourne

http://personals.yahoo.com.au - Yahoo! Personals
New people, new possibilities. FREE for a limited time.

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Re: [lace-chat] orange/hinge

2003-11-03 Thread Maxine D
I can't resist adding my pennys worth.

I write
I cringe!

A Kiwi, who has finally made a contribution to the long running debate ;-)

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[lace-chat] orange/hinge

2003-11-03 Thread Helene Gannac
>Now I'm having nightmares about the poem which might include orange and door 
>hinge - wooe!!!

How about something like this, Liz?

How to squeeze an orange?
Better use a door hinge
"cause the tatting in your pocket
Will not squeeze even a sock(et)

Been reading all the answers to my innocent question. Gee, we do speak with
different accents, don't we? Just imagine what the world would be if writing
were phonetic!!!

Helene, the froggy from Melbourne

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